Fairy Winner

Chapter 1896: Temple, sentiment

"Xuanhu, are you really not going?"

"I want to go, but it is more important to guard Lingyu City and Penglai Island. I don't want to leave for too long, and Ji's side..."

"I understand, Lingyucheng will trouble you, Bai Long, what are your plans?"

"I'll stay, too, Dongsheng Prefecture is in danger, and foreigners must beware."

"Okay, just be careful, let me know if you have anything."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded without saying much, and left the hall directly.

Outside the hall, the blue bird who had been waiting for a while walked closer and smiled slightly, "I said, they won't go."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "I just feel a pity."

Qingque shook his head, "In their opinion, it's not a pity, because they don't want to take unnecessary risks. Actually, they think about it. The Tongtian Pagodas are already there. Just wait with peace of mind. When the time comes, you can rise to immortals. I’m going to risk my life."

"That's not all, they are not people who eat and wait to die."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "They are all descendants of a great family, carrying a very heavy responsibility. This affects them and prevents them from taking risks... Speaking of which, do you care about Qingque? Go to the ruins, Going to the Secret Realm of Chaos is indeed a matter of a lifetime."

Qingque looked at Zhou Shu with a deep look, "I still care a little."

Looking at her, Zhou Shu was slightly solemn, "What do you care about, talk about it."

Qing Que turned around and turned into a streamer to escape, "Don't say so much, you may not be able to help, let's go, we don't have much time."

Zhou Shu smiled knowingly, and after that, the two headed to the East China Sea.

According to the information given by Xiangru, the third batch of alien invasions will be three to five years later. Because of the familiarity with the first two batches of aliens and the collapse of alien leaders, the pressure on Lingyu City will be very small during this period. Not only can take care of Lingyu City, but also send a large number of disciples to help defend the entire Dongsheng Prefecture, and Zhou Shu can spare time to find a way to restore the bayberry.

In addition, Zhao Yueru went to Nanzhanzhou to help Mount Shu, while Zhu Dashan went to Xihezhou to eliminate demons and demons to deal with foreign races, while visiting three major Buddhist temples, hoping to get more experience from the three major Buddhist temples. Essence, temper yourself. After all, meditation is always one of the strongest in physical cultivation. Li Aojian and Yangmei stayed in Lingyu City.

The two walked extremely fast, and with the assistance of the teleportation formation, it didn't take long for them to reach the five-colored forest of the mackerel clan.

"Benefactor, long time no see."

Jiao Ling greeted her with a gentle smile, as elegant as ever.

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Jiaoling, are you okay? Along the way, I saw some alien races. Does it affect you? If you are missing anything, please let me know."

"Don't worry, benefactor."

Jiao Ling smiled slightly and said warmly, "I have been helped by benefactors all these years, and we are no longer bullied cowards, even if there is no fear of foreign aggression."

"Yes, in fact, we have defeated three batches of alien races! I didn't expect that we can also be so strong!"

The elder next to him nodded his head with pride. Before, they were squeezed casually, no matter if they were a foreign race or a sea race, as long as they came, they would definitely obey, but now it is completely different.

Jiao Ling looked at Zhou Shu very sincerely, "There is also the credit of the benefactor. Without the tricks and magic weapons taught by the benefactor, it is difficult for us to do it."

"It's more on your own."

Zhou Shu shook his head and pointed to Qingque. "Jiaoling, this is Qingque. He is the elder of our lotus school. We are here this time because we want to go to Haiyan. If possible, we also want to visit the temple again. ."

"Of course there is no problem, the door of the temple is always open for the benefactor."

Jiao Ling smiled and nodded, "Sea Eye is also here, we have been waiting, and can take the benefactor to go anytime."

"Thank you very much, then."

Zhou Shu arched his hand, and took out a Naxu ring from his sleeve. "There are some magic tricks, magic weapons and pill. There is a Tsing Yi formula that I think is very suitable for you to practice. You might as well give it a try. Specially refined, after improvement, it is suitable for your Shark race."

After taking Naxu Jie, Jiao Ling grinned, "Every time the benefactor comes, Jiao Ling is a little embarrassed."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "You help me more, these are nothing."

The sharks helped Zhou Shu not only guard the sea eye and the temple of stars. Among the sea tribes, the shark tribes are very special. With the protection of stars, they can explore the deep seabed and discover them in hidden places. Over the years, the Heyin Sect has obtained many rare resources from the Shuren. The Tongtian Pagoda can be built, and there is a lot of credit for the Shuren.

Entering the Temple of Stars, once again fascinated by the stars.

The green bird was stunned, "As expected of the temple, the stars here... are so beautiful."

"It's hard to think that there is such a wonderful realm in the Profound Yellow Realm, and none of the six major sects," Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "but what you want to pay attention to should be the stars of the clouds, ghosts and stars."


The blue bird nodded vigorously.

In addition to going back to the market, this is an important reason for her to follow Zhou Shu.

She knows very well that Yun Guixing is the origin of the Soul Dao~www.ltnovel.com~ The soul cultivation of the Xuanhuang Realm was born because of this, but Yun Guixing has not been illuminated into the Xuanhuang Realm for tens of thousands of years, and can understand the Yungui from close range. Stars and lights, to understand its origin, is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

She can't miss it.

She turned around and glanced at Zhou Shu, full of admiration, "How trusted are you if you can completely entrust such a place to you, not only on the human side, but even the Monster Race and Sea Race."

Zhou Shu smiled, did not speak, he was completely immersed in these stars.

This is the fourth time he has come to the Temple of Stars, but he will never be too much, because there are too many stars and too many Taoisms here, and he can have a different understanding every time he comes, he will seize every bit of time, Wholeheartedly feel, absorb and integrate, and expand your own comfort.

He had a faint feeling that his Shu Zhi Dao might have reached a breakthrough time again.

If this shackle can be broken, it means that the time for Shu Zhidao to be made public.

At that moment, for himself, it was a greater achievement than Tongtian Tower and guarding Lingyu City.

Looking at Zhou Shu who was focused, Qingque put away her throbbing mind, walked to the clouds, ghosts and stars, trying to figure it out.

It looks like dozens of days and nights.

Qingque opened her eyes slowly, as if the fog had been driven away, her eyes were clear, her face was filled with joy, she couldn't help shouting, "So it is! I know, I understand!"

Zhou Shu walked to her, nodded gently, and said softly and calmly, "You understand, it's good."

He wakes up a few days earlier than Qingque, but he still hasn't understood that the shackles he wants to break through are too big and thick, it's not a temporary thing, he can't be impatient, and he can't get trapped inside. It's time to leave.

"Thank you, Zhou Shu."

Qingque stared at Zhou Shu, seemingly unable to help it, stretched out his hand to hug it, and did not let go for a while. 8)

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