Fairy Winner

Chapter 1901: Shen Tian, ​​the city

What does Zhou Shu know.

Humans are indeed the most difficult race to persuade. If it is not for tangible benefits, it is difficult to be impressed. Moreover, even when it is on the brink of desperation, there is no basis for peer-to-peer transactions, and they want to get more. Humanity is in this way.

He didn't expect that the original trouble would be easily solved, and the lucky beast could bring good luck.

Being able to communicate with any race is strong enough to be more useful after leaving the Xuanhuang Realm.

Zhou Shu walked to Qingque and said warmly, "You have too much demon energy and blood, it is difficult to eliminate it without demon crystals."

Qingque whispered, "There are too many demons, so I didn't pay attention to it for a while."

Zhou Shu is very serious, "You must be careful of the devil qi and blood, and fight against the devil clan. This is the most important point. You must remember it in the future. It is better not to fight than to fight blindly. It is not necessary. Come here. Point, I will help you get rid of the evil blood."


The blue bird approached with his head down, like a child being trained.

"Don't do this, you don't have much fight with the demons, you will know later."

The black magic crystal was close to the body, the devil blood and the devil qi were sucked in a little bit, and the pale complexion of the blue bird gradually returned to ruddy. She looked at Zhou Shu, her eyes blinking, she didn't know what she was thinking. what.

After checking it carefully, Zhou Shu nodded in satisfaction, buried the magic crystal deeply, and the two quickly left.

About a month later, the two came to the portal of the next heaven.

Shen Tian.

The eighth floor of the Secret Realm of Guixu was a place that Zhou Shu had never been to.

Looking at Qingque, Zhou Shu appeared a bit solemn, "This layer..."

"I'm going."

Before Zhou Shu could finish speaking, Qingque resolutely said, "Don't even want to drive me, it's all here, no matter how dangerous it is, we must go."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Follow me, be careful."

When they walked through the gate and saw the scene in front of them, both of them were a little stunned.

It is a huge city, at a glance, endless, magnificent and mysterious formations, endless bunkers, cascading streets, gorgeous and exquisite palaces, towering towers...this city is completely usable To describe it as magnificent, the Lingyu City that Zhou Shu hoped might be like this.

But compared with the real city, it is too quiet here, and it seems that no one exists.

"What is this place……"

Qingque stagnated, "Did we come in the wrong way?"

Here, it really didn't look like a secret realm, and it was completely different from the secret realm she had been to.

"Let's take a look."

Zhou Shu also had a hint of doubt, and flew into the city with Qingque.

It seems to be very close, but in reality it is far away, almost thousands of miles away before reaching the city.

Qingque pointed forward and whispered, "Someone!"

On a square in the city, two monks were fighting fiercely, extremely focused, you punched me and kicked, and they did not back down, it was a life and death fight.

Unexpectedly, there were others in this secret realm, and both of them stopped.

Blue Sparrow seemed thoughtful, "The tricks they used look familiar..."

"It's a long-lost body refining technique. The golden wind leg technique comes from the Jindingmen." Zhou Shu looked solemn. "If you read it correctly, the old man on the left is the master Qianfa Taoist of the Jindingmen."

"Thousand-fat Taoist?"

Qingque was taken aback, glanced again, and nodded unconsciously, "His long hair is 3,000, and the roots are as golden. It really is him. I have also heard of this person more than 10,000 years ago. A physical practitioner, who realized early, is extremely strong, and there is no place in his body that cannot be used as a magic weapon, especially the hair, each of which is comparable to a seventh-order flying sword, and there is a rumor that one hair destroys a sect."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, it's him. He later established the Golden Gate, recruited physical training, and dominated the party. At that time, people said that Beiluzhou had another large gate that could fight against the Chongyang Palace, but the good times did not last long. After decades, he disappeared strangely, and the Golden Roof Gate was abandoned and gradually annihilated."

"Unexpectedly he is here."

Qingque gave birth to many doubts, "When did he come in and return to the ruins? Has he been trapped in it for more than 10,000 years? How can he live for more than 10,000 years, but he is still the Eightfold Crossing Realm... …"

"More than ten thousand years, it's still early."

Zhou Shu pointed to the monk on the right and slowly said, "Do you know who he is?"

Qingque glanced at it a few times, "It doesn't seem to have any special features, but his costume is very strange, like a man Xiu from Shiwan Dashan?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "You guessed it, Humok, you should have heard this name, right?"

"Humok, Humok..."

Qingque murmured a few times, and suddenly stopped, "Is that the man who broke into Emei?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Yes, more than 20,000 years ago, Humok rushed to Emei alone, sank 13 consecutive islands, went straight to the center of Emei, and defeated thousands of Emei monks all the way. Under the siege of the Star Lord Emei and the three elders, he was seriously injured and fled. It is said that Emei almost used the artifact."

Qingque looked at Houmoke in the distance, with a look of surprise, "This rumor, I thought it was a story. I didn't expect this person to be there. It's too powerful. I almost rushed into Emei alone. On the Golden Summit Island."

Zhou Shu expressed emotion, "At that time Emei was not powerful, but the star master was already a monk of the Nine Heavens. It was not easy for him to escape from death. Later, Emei went to Shiwan Dashan to seek revenge~www.ltnovel.com~ and returned without success. , I didn't expect him to be in the secret realm of Guixu."

"Twenty thousand years ago..."

Qingque turned her head to look at Zhou Shu, with more confusion in her eyes, "These two people haven't been promoted to immortality, and the realm has stayed still. Isn't it time to die? Why are they still here, is this too strange?"

Zhou Shu looked condensed, "I don't know either."


The two fighting each other suddenly separated and cast their eyes here together.

"Jie Jie haha!"

Staring at Zhou Shu and Qingque, Humoke suddenly slapped his chest and laughed wildly. The wild patterns on his body trembled, and the red light kept shining.

"Someone is coming, it's not easy!"

The Taoist Qianfa gave his head slightly and said politely, "Two Taoists, good!"


Qingque was waiting to respond, but saw a flash of golden light, Qianfa Taoist rushed over, the castration was like lightning, and he arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye.

The messy hair on the top of his head was completely erected, and it was caged all over, looking like a hedgehog. The sharp thorns gleamed with a cold luster, which made people feel embarrassed.


Unexpectedly, it attacked suddenly, and Qingque couldn't help letting out an exclamation and backed away.

A sword light drew near, hitting the Taoist Qianfa, and patted him out flatly, dozens of hairs were broken and slipped down.

On the other side, Humok was knocked into the air by Zhou Shu before he rushed to Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shuwen said, "You stand behind me."


Qingque retreated behind her, puzzled, "They...what are they doing? Just fight without saying anything?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Do you still think they are monks? They are not, not even people."

"Ah, it's not human anymore?"

Qingque was startled, looking at the two men, his mind suddenly became heavy. 8)

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