Fairy Winner

Chapter 1902: Fear, Lien Chan

How can it be possible to cross the tribulation for 20,000 years?

The two seem to be normal on the outside, but they are completely different inside. Their muscles, bones and flesh are like wood and stone, and there is no sign of life at all. They are not so much humans as they are corpses. More importantly, Zhou Shu feels a touch of familiarity from them. Breath.

That breath has only been felt once on Kunlun Mountain, but it is impossible to forget.

The breath of evil souls.

Before thinking about it, Qianfa Taoist and Humok attacked again.

The same is true for the mad dog, every move is a life-threatening move, regardless of everything, just wanting to put Zhou Shu to death.

Both of them were masters of body repair in the past, and now with their bodies like refining corpses, they are really stronger than King Kong. In the opponents Zhou Shu met, only those of the Emperor Clan could compare with them.

But in the face of these two people, Zhou Shu was not eager to kill them, but resisted one by one and tried his best to deal with them.

Both of them used techniques that had long since been lost in the world of cultivating immortals, and they should see if it was good for them. Of course, Zhou Shu also wanted to learn from them about the situation of the Eighth Heaven of Return.

The blue bird behind him was anxious.

As if every breath, Zhou Shu was in fatal danger, but she could not help.

She tried to help, but the two of them had no soul at all. What filled their minds was a cloud of unknown chaos. Once they were infected with this cloud of chaos, they were immediately swallowed. Will follow her mind to fight back, try to invade her and occupy her mind.

If it were not for her to give up early, I am afraid it would be affected.

"What kind of monster is it?"

She trembled in her heart. She had never encountered such a situation before, thinking to herself that if she came here alone, the consequences would be disastrous.

Unknowingly, hundreds of breaths have been fought.

As if he understood something, Zhou Shu's sword power became fierce, and the law of Xuanyuan Sword became more powerful.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two swords in succession, Taoist Qianfa and Humok fell one after another.

The body was divided into several pieces, even if it was refining the corpse, it couldn't move.

At this time, a wisp of gray mist came out of the two of them. As soon as it appeared, it disappeared, and there was no opportunity for observation.

"Is that their soul?"

Qingque whispered, still a little frightened, "I just sensed that this mass of things is actually more terrifying than their bodies."

Zhou Shu showed a lot of solemnity, "Yes, that is an evil soul."

"Evil soul?"

The blue bird's figure was shocked, and his face turned pale.

It's really afraid. Evil souls are the nemesis of soul repair. Before they become powerful, there is no way to resist them. If they encounter them, they will die and it is impossible to escape.

Zhou Shu glanced at her and said warmly, "I can't say it's all, it's probably a trace of Evil Soul's soul thought, I think it was this trace of soul thought that affected these two people and made them look like this."

After a fight, he could see clearly.

The lives of these two people have long since disappeared, and the souls no longer exist. The cause of death is due to the evil souls. The soul thoughts of the evil souls swallowed their souls and dominated their bodies, turning them into the living dead as they are now. The dead still retain some memories of the past, but they will not communicate with anyone. The only purpose of existence is to continue to devour other people. For this, they will fight with each other non-stop, and when they see Zhou Shu and Qingque, I can't wait to rush over.

Qingque whispered, "That evil soul... is still here?"

"I'm afraid it's still there."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly and smiled bitterly, "Once an evil soul is born, it will not self-destruct, it will continue to absorb the souls of others, grow evil thoughts, and only grow stronger and stronger until it is killed."


Qing Que nodded sluggishly, her eyes were a little dazed, completely unlike her.

It's not that she was frightened, the evil soul was originally the thing that Soul Cultivation feared the most, not one of them.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "You don't have to worry, you will be behind me, nothing will happen, but you have to remember, don't take action against them again, it would be dangerous if you did that just now."

Qingque's expression stagnated, "They? Are they already dead?"

"How come there are only two of them."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, and said slowly, "In the past tens of thousands of years, countless high-ranking monks have disappeared, and even the sect does not know their whereabouts. Now it seems that most of them had something wrong while exploring Guixu. The evil soul on the first floor is probably the culprit."

He was still thinking that there should be many monks who have been to the secret realm of Guixu, but why does the outside world have little information on the inside of Guixu?

Especially on the last few floors, there is hardly any mention of the many wonderful gates and the location of the demons, which he discovered personally. Now it seems that this is the reason. After the high-ranking monks passed the seventh floor, They all wanted to enter the last two levels to explore, but on the eighth level, they encountered the biggest disaster.

However, he didn't think it was the evil soul deliberately left behind by the old man Bai Xiao, the creator of the ruins, because he had no reason to do so.

——From those wonderful doors, it can be seen that the old man Bai Xiao definitely wants to help the monks. Moreover, he has also seen the phantom of the old man Bai Xiao, he can still see whether the old man is upright.

It is more likely that there are many treasures in this great city. The monks fight to fight for ~www.ltnovel.com~ to fight to death, evil thoughts, grievances, greed, etc., all gathered together, die and survive, and finally created Evil soul.


Qingque unconsciously covered her mouth, because she had already seen something she didn't want to see.

In a palace in the distance, four figures suddenly appeared in front of the gate, all monks of seven or eight layers.

There are men and women, the men are handsome, and the women are like gods, with a slightly hollow look in their eyes, only a fierce light flashes.

"Oh, fresh meat!"

"Finally someone is here again, haha!"

I found Zhou Shu and Qingque, a few people screamed or laughed wildly, and rushed straight forward, like electricity.

Zhou Shu didn't speak, and quickly greeted him.

The Qingque behind him couldn't help shouting, "Be careful, they... They seem to be the Four Immortals of Xiaoyao!"

More than 7,000 years ago, Shushan had four disciples, young talents, outstanding qualifications, one after another on the Lingqiao inheritance, early realization, Xiuxian Road can be said to be blessed, the road is smooth, Shushan also regarded them as hope, and focused on training. I hope that one or two of them can rise to immortality.

After the four of them cultivated to the seventh level of the Crossing Tribulation Realm, they went out of the mountain to practice, and they went out of the mountains to practice justice, and they were called the Four Immortals of Xiaoyao by the cultivating world.

The four of them are in love with brothers and sisters, and they have very good relationships.

"The Four Immortals of the Happy Mountain of Shu, I know, just to have insight."

Zhou Shu didn't care about continuous fighting at all, instead he had a lot of fighting spirit in his heart.

He often sees the deeds of the Xiaoyao Four Immortals in ancient books. It is somewhat admired and has a certain influence on his cultivation of immortals. Now that there is a mobile phone meeting, of course he will not miss it.

It's a pity that the four of them are no longer humans when they are fighting under such circumstances.

Who is that evil soul, and where is it? 8)

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