Fairy Winner

Chapter 1914: Cave, evil spirit

Fallen Dragon Pond is not big, even if you can't see the direction, you can easily find the center.

Seven dragon head statues appeared in front of them.

It is lifelike, like a living thing, but the more vivid it is, the more humiliating it is. The dragon's head is lowered, looking in the middle, there is no look in his eyes, and he has completely succumbed.

Hearing Zhou Shu's depiction, Xiangru said slowly, "There should be no statues of the Dijiang clan in the middle, right?"

"No more."

Zhou Shu nodded, "More than that, there is no vitality in the dragon head, and the formation is completely destroyed."

"It should be so."

Xiangru sighed slightly, the loneliness in his eyes quickly dissipated, "Weird, there is no vitality and spiritual qi, that is, there is no spiritual vein, why is there so many kinds of qi originating in this pool of water?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "They didn't come from here."

Xiangru asked suspiciously, "Where did it come from? Is there any other spiritual vein here?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Come from the monk."

Xiangru's expression was slightly startled, "Those monks who have become corpse refiners?"

"Those monks have nothing but one or two magic weapons. This is too unreasonable. They are all famous monks in the world. How can they not bring anything? Lingshi Yuanshi pill, etc., are useful to monks. All the things that came here, were melted by the evil soul, and became part of the pool water, and then used this pool water to continue to lure other monks to make the pool water more and more dense, until now."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Originally it was a guess, but after spending so long in the pool, I can be sure that the original energy of vitality, although vigorous, is not pure, it is slowly integrated, not natural. generate."

Xiangru sighed, "No wonder there are so many evil spirits in the pool."


Zhou Shu thought for a while, "There seems to be a cave in the middle of the dragon head statue. Did you arrange it?"

Correspondingly, "It should be, if the Emperor Heart Stone is still there, it should be placed inside."

Zhou Shu walked slowly inside, and stopped before reaching the entrance of the cave, his expression gradually becoming solemn.

The evil soul aura at the entrance of the cave is extremely strong, I am afraid it is several times that of the pool water outside, like a thick dark fog, it seems that the evil soul is mostly inside, but something strange is that in the suffocating fog, there is A little cyan gleam appeared and flickered from time to time, and what was even more strange was that whenever the cyan light was on, the evil spirit aura would weaken a lot, as if suppressed by the cyan light.

"Emperor Heart Stone, that is the Emperor Heart Stone!"

I described the situation to Xiangru. Xiangru immediately became excited and shouted repeatedly.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Emperor Heart Stone may have the effect of restraining evil souls, but it is not certain that it must be."

Xiangru settled down and said slowly, "I am too excited. It is indeed unlikely to be. After so many years, even if the human immortal cultivator did not take away the damage, the owner of the secret realm would take it away, but no matter what, then Something must be a treasure, and it is precisely it that suppresses the evil soul and prevents the evil soul from coming out."

"I think so."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "No wonder the evil soul only emits soul thoughts to affect the monks, because it can't come out at all."

"What are you going to do?"

Xiangru thought for a while, "Is it still going to go down? Since the evil soul is trapped, then there seems to be no need to take risks?"

"Although I'm trapped, my soul is still harming people, and, don't you really want me to go down, what if it is really an imperial heart stone?" Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "You must go down, but you have to plan. a bit."

Xiangru was silent, his thoughts were all expected by Zhou Shu, and it was useless to cover up.

Originally, he was completely open to it, but after knowing that the Emperor Heart Stone was down, he suddenly had other ideas. In fact, most people are like this. Without hope, all thoughts are naturally empty. It doesn't matter, but with Hope, it's different.

Zhou Shu stood at the entrance of the cave and carefully observed.

Divine consciousness is useless, but the eighth sense is OK. Although the use of the eighth sense in this place where there are so many souls is very expensive, and it is the kind of consumption that the demon pot can’t make up, it must be done without seeing the situation clearly. , Unable to start.

The cave is not big, with a radius of less than one hundred feet.

It was full of evil soul thoughts inside, and it took a while to find the body of the evil soul.

The moment Zhou Shu saw the evil soul, Zhou Shu was a little stunned.

It was a dark red shadow, darker than the last time I saw it. The shape of the shadow was an old man, exactly the same as the old men I had seen before, Yuan Xi's appearance.

"Is it really Yuan Xi, who has become an evil soul without being promoted? Those old men are his clones?"

This idea appeared quickly and quickly dissipated.

It seemed that Zhou Shu was spying, and the old man grinned and smiled strangely. Zhou Shu couldn't help but feel slightly shocked.

After that smile, all kinds of evil thoughts rushed toward him, seeming to be able to penetrate Zhou Shu's body at any time.

Zhou Shu lowered his mind, the golden light flashed on the Xuanyuan sword, and the power of the law increased a bit, blocking all these evil thoughts outside.

A test with each other gave Zhou Shu a basic understanding of the evil soul.

Then he was relieved.

This evil soul is stronger than the evil soul transformed by the real person of Ciyang, but not much stronger, and not as powerful as ~www.ltnovel.com~ The evil soul of the real person of Ciyang was born not long ago, this is at least tens of thousands of years, it should be Far more, but the result is not like this, indicating that this evil soul has indeed been suppressed, growing slowly, and unable to fully exert its strength.

For Zhou Shu, it was a big plus.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the evil soul did this deliberately to show weakness and attract Zhou Shu to enter.

In addition, Zhou Shu also perceives a different breath from the evil soul. That breath is the strange power that hurt him before, which is the power of guessing. This is very strange. The evil soul has not been promoted. How do you get the power and control the power?

After a short contact, the doubts did not decrease, but increased.

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, turned his eyes away, and looked at the cyan gleam.

It was a small jade plate with unknown material. It was octagonal, about three inches in square, and less than one inch thick. The front of the jade plate was sealed with many runes. The runes felt familiar, but Zhou Shu was sure that it was definitely the first I saw it once, and on the reverse side of the jade plate was painted a monk who was floating like an immortal, with a faint light flowing on his body, every time it flows, the jade plate will burst out with light, driving away the surrounding evil spirits.

"This one……"

Thinking of something, Zhou Shu stared at the jade plate and didn't move it away for a while, actually ignoring the massive consumption of the eighth sense.

"Duxian Pan, this is Duxian Pan!"

A name suddenly appeared in Zhou Shu's Zhihai, as calm as him, his mind trembled, like a drum, and it took a long time to stop.

The Immortal Crossing Pan is not a magic weapon of the Xuanhuang Realm, but a thing of the Immortal Realm. It was specially passed to the Xuanhuang Realm by the immortals of the Fairy Realm.

Unexpectedly, a fairy weapon was discovered.

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