Fairy Winner

Chapter 1915: Fairy, balance

Withdrawing his perception, Zhou Shu fell into his thoughts.

He began to understand why the Guixu Secret Realm was called the Ascension Secret Realm, because there was a Duxian Pan here.

Immortal crossing plate is a very special kind of immortal tool refined by immortal world immortals. It has no attack or defensive effect, but it can help immortal cultivators obtain immortal power. It can be regarded as a kind of medium that can connect the immortal world and the mysterious yellow world. Pass it down to help the immortal cultivators of later generations cross the robbery and rise to the immortal.

With the immortal crossing plate, immortal cultivators can obtain immortal power from immortals in the immortal world, greatly enhancing themselves, and the strong can even directly use immortal power to block the robbery, thereby promoting immortality, but this immortal power is not free. After the immortal cultivator uses the immortal power to ascend to the immortal smoothly, he must feed back the immortal power he obtained from the immortal world to the immortal cultivator, so that the next immortal cultivator who obtains the immortal disk will continue to obtain immortal power before he completes his own. mission.

The immortal power to be fed back must be as much as the one obtained, but the transfer of power from the immortal realm to the Xuanhuang realm is extremely costly and may take many years to complete.

In other words, the use of the immortal plate to promote the immortal will be restricted for a long time, and the strength of the immortal world cannot be strengthened, and the debt of the immortal plate must be paid.

Of course, this is something after the promotion.

As far as the Xuanhuang Realm is concerned, as long as it is passed on and over again, more immortal cultivators in the Xuanhuang Realm will gain the power of it.

The Immortal Crossing Pan, as its name suggests, as long as it exists, it can continuously help the cultivator to cross the robbery and rise to the immortal.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the Guixu Secret Realm is called the Ascending Immortal Secret Realm. However, for tens of thousands of years, no one has been ascending to the Immortal. Obviously, Guixu has not completed the mission of ascending the Immortal, and the name of the Ascending Immortal Secret Realm has gradually Disappeared, few people mentioned it.

When there were still many connections between the fairy world and the Xuanhuang world, immortal crossing plates appeared in large numbers, helping many cultivators to realize their dreams of ascending to immortality.

However, after the Tongtian Tower was built and destroyed, the immortal plate was extremely rare. In the ancient times, the relationship between the immortal world and the Xuanhuang world seemed to be getting worse and worse, and there was almost no information about the immortal plate in human classics. Records, and there is no more immortal plate in the Xuanhuang world.

Unexpectedly, this Guixu secret realm still retains one.

This immortal plate was mostly left by the old man Baixiao.

It helped many destined people who passed through the secret realm to obtain the immortal power and successfully promote the immortal, and then put their own celestial power on the plate to help the next person, thus having the name of the rising fairy.

Crossing the Immortal Pan continued to continue repeatedly, until the last person to obtain immortal power from it appeared.

It should be Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi obtained the immortal power in the secret realm of Guixu, and used the immortal power to break through the strengthened tribulation, and successfully ascended to the immortal. After that, he returned the immortal power obtained from his practice and placed it in the immortal crossing plate. A destined person appears.

It's just that Yuan Xi didn't expect that the next destined person did not get his wish.

He obtained part of the immortal power left by Yuan Xi, and then changed into an evil soul.

——Xu's fight in the secret realm was too fierce, countless evil thoughts and resentments all gathered on him, making him go violently and become stronger, and obtained the immortal plate, but it also made him want to rise to the immortal but turned into evil soul.

Evil soul and immortal power are completely unrelated, and even restrained from each other, forming the situation Zhou Shu is seeing now.

The evil soul was suppressed by the immortal force in the immortal plate and could not leave. At the same time, the evil soul who had received the immortal force understood some of the mystery of the immortal force, and was able to control some of the immortal force so that he would not be affected by the immortal force. Extinguishing the two that shouldn't be compatible, there is a wonderful balance.

Under the influence of Xianli, the evil soul became Yuan Xi's appearance.

He constantly exudes his soul thoughts, attracting immortal cultivators who have entered the secret realm. If he wants to use them to strengthen himself and break the suppression of immortal power, there will be the Fallen Dragon Pond outside, and the thousands of cultivators who refine corpses, and those six He paid special attention to the refining of the corpses of Nine Heavens, so he gave them a trace of celestial power, and this celestial power made them look like Yuan Xi.

It’s not that you will become the master of the fairy power when you get the power, but the evil soul and those refined corpses have no body of their own. They can only passively accept it, and are constantly affected by the power of the fairy. change.

At the moment I saw Duxianpan, many doubts were answered.

In the world of refining demon.

Xiangru paced back and forth, a little anxious, seeing Zhou Shu appearing, he immediately greeted him, his face glowing.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's not the imperial heart stone."


Xiangru pretended to smile calmly, only feeling very bitter in his heart, "I don't think it is. After so long, where can I stay, I think too much, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Do you know Duxian Pan?"

Xiangru thought for a while and shook his head, "It sounds like something of your human beings."

"There may be no immortal cultivators at that time."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, turned to the sky and said, "Do you know?"

A big face gradually appeared in the air.

The big face is the demon refining pot. In this demon refining world, the demon refining pot is the world, which can be manifested in any image.

He slowly said, "Of course you know, but don’t tell me that there is a fairy plate in it, which suppresses the evil spirits inside, right? I don’t believe it. I have never heard of a fairy plate in 20,000 years. The news of the immortal world was completely destroyed. Even the tribulation of the immortal world has been doing tricks~www.ltnovel.com~ will still leave the immortal crossing plate? If there is still the immortal crossing plate in this world, then it has been by the major forces of the mysterious yellow world It's crazy, that's what anyone wants, and it's the most convenient and best way to rise to an immortal."

The Demon Refining Pot said so much, but Zhou Shu only said, "You are right."


The face was shocked, and he immediately piled up a lot of joy, "That's great! It can suppress the evil soul, it means that there are immortal powers in it. If you can get those immortal powers, you will have no obstacles to rising to the immortal, and nothing can stop you. ."

Zhou Shu smiled lightly, "It's the same without Xianli."

He wants Xianli, but he doesn't want to carry the burden of Duxianpan. It is not a good idea to pay old debts in the fairy world.

For people whose goal is to ascend to immortality, the immortal plate is the ultimate treasure, but for him, it is not the case and will affect the future.

"You don't want me to..."

Resisting without saying this sentence, the Demon Refining Pot said loudly, "Zhou Shu, no matter what, this opportunity must not be missed. Go on quickly, destroy the evil soul, and get the immortal plate."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I want to go down, but I have to think about it."

"You are worried..."

The demon refining pot's complexion stagnated, and he became heavy, "Yes, it is necessary to consider more."

Originally, Zhou Shu's opponent was only an evil soul, or a weak and suppressed evil soul, but now it seems that the opponent may still have immortal power.

The immortal plate and the evil soul have been together for tens of thousands of years, and the two have reached a certain special balance. The evil soul has even been able to use some of the immortal power, and Zhou Shu cannot determine its danger. Facing the evil soul with immortal power, Even Zhou Shu would be very difficult.

(PS: Thank you for your continued support for those who live a bad life rather than die, and thank the book friends who have subscribed and voted for the collection~~)

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