Fairy Winner

Chapter 1916: Purification, phantom

It's not that Zhou Shu didn't have confidence in his Shu Zhidao.

To this day, he is absolutely certain that in the Xuanhuang Realm, there will never be a Dao Power stronger than Shu Zhili, and the potential is huge, and sooner or later it will become a Dao Power that shocks the heavens.

But what he has to face now is evil souls and immortal powers, which are all powers higher than the Xuanhuang realm itself, and they do not have many restrictions like the heavens and the catastrophe. They can be used without scruples, even if Shu Zhili No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to match them before leaving the Xuanhuang Realm.

You can try, but you must think of a safe method, unless...

While he was thinking, his heart throbbed inexplicably, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand trembled suddenly.

"Are you here again?"

Zhou Shu was shocked.

This was Xuanyuanjian's signal of recognition, and this was the third time he felt it.

Xuanyuan Sword allows him to control the power of the law of life and death, even if it only has a few breaths, then the evil soul and immortal power are not considered opponents.

The law, put in all the heavens and all realms, is far higher than the Xuanhuang realm, even the fairy realm must abide by the law.

Confidence greatly increased.

Zhou Shu stroked the sword in his hand and smiled slightly, "You have also sensed the breath of the evil soul, and can't wait to destroy it, right?"

The trembling of the sword body became more obvious, and the sound of dragon chants gradually came from the sea of ​​knowledge, seeming to be in harmony with him.

Zhou Shu was even more happy. Obviously, after countless battles side by side, Xuanyuanjian and him became more and more tacit. Even if he didn't regard him as the master, he was still a trusted companion in front of him. Of course Zhou Shu wouldn't mind.

"I'm going."

Zhou Shu said calmly.

The Demon Refining Pot was slightly nervous, "I have thought of a good solution, is it okay?"


Zhou Shu nodded and walked slowly towards the cave.

With each step, the greater the obstacle, the more soul thoughts of the evil soul, like a spider web seaweed, layer by layer, and the light on the Xuanyuan sword becomes more and more condensed, and each time it shines, the approaching soul thought is completely Ablation.

Perceiving all this, the evil soul in the cave couldn't help but stunned.

Even if it is Xianli, he can contend, but this sword can make the soul mind disappear completely?

"Is this? Xuanyuanjian?"

In the brilliance, the soul thought disappeared little by little, and the memories of being a cultivator who had been buried by evil thoughts and other evil thoughts gradually came up, making his whole body tremble.

He thought of the name of the sword, the sword that made the cultivator crazily pursued was what he wanted the most, but now it is his greatest enemy. Suddenly, he felt sad, and he even didn’t want to live. The idea of ​​going down.

"Kill that person, grab it!"

The memory disappeared instantly, and the consciousness was once again dominated by evil thoughts, completely dominated.

The evil soul was agitated and opened its teeth and claws.

The soul thought around Zhou Shu became more intense. It was the soul thought in the pool, all of which were summoned by the evil souls and attacked Zhou Shu together.

"It came just right."

Zhou Shu was not in a hurry, but had a hint of joy.

He felt it, or Xuanyuan Sword made him feel that the power transmitted from the sword was almost endless.

Unlike the demon refining pot so weak, Xuanyuanjian has always been a complete artifact, much stronger than the refining pot, many times stronger, and during this period of time, Xuanyuanjian has absorbed countless vitality and death, among them The power of the law of life and death has also reached an unimaginable level, and now, Xuanyuanjian trusted him and gave him all this. With these powers, what can he worry about?

It happens to be able to purify all the evil spirits in the water.

He slowed down, holding the sword calmly, welcoming the endless soul thoughts from the sky.

Every trace of soul thought can affect the cultivators, gradually devouring their will, turning them into immortal corpses, not as good as death, but in front of Xuanyuan Sword, in front of the real law of life and death, they are unbearable. hit.

The light is not bright, it can only shine up to a radius of ten meters, but as long as it gets close to this range, the soul will immediately disappear.

No trace is left.

The evil soul is still going on, of course he will not give up. He perceives that Zhou Shu is the biggest threat to his survival, and must do everything to eliminate Zhou Shu.

The attack of the soul mind lasted a full quarter of an hour.

Looking at it, the surrounding area was clear and white, and there was no more soul thought floating. The entire pool of water was purified by the power of Xuanyuan Sword's law.

The current Fallen Dragon Pond is just a collection of pure vitality origin.

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, his eyes turned to the cave entrance not far away.

Compared with the clear white outside, there is still a black hole-like pitch black, deep and not bottomed, but still shimmering.

The immortal power in the immortal plate is still exerting its strength.

Zhou Shu looked solemn.

Compared to Evil Soul, he might be more concerned about Immortal Power.

After all, as long as a trace of fairy power can cause him to be injured, it will take some time to recover, and the fairy power here is not a little bit, not to mention the celestial crossing plate, just entangled around the evil soul, than the outside That trace is a hundred times a thousand times longer.

If you are accidentally caught, you will not escape unless you become a fairy.

As for the Evil Soul, he is also confident that he will not be disturbed. Compared with the Heart Demon, the Evil Soul is only an evil way, even in the realm of great power, but with Zhou Shu’s understanding and understanding of the Heart Dao, even without Xuanyuan Sword, he will not suffer. influences.

The evil soul was hidden in a corner, motionless, waiting for Zhou Shu to come down before launching a thunderous blow.

But he probably doesn't know ~www.ltnovel.com~ He can see Zhou Shu, Zhou Shu can also see him, his every move can't hide Zhou Shu's eighth sense.

The eighth sense gained by forgetting the flesh and giving up life and death in the Secret Realm of Huaguo Mountain is one of the foundations for Zhou Shu to get out of the Xuanhuang world. Its importance is just not as good as Zhou Shu’s own Tao, not losing to Zhou Shu’s own talent, and Two artifacts.

Perceiving the evil soul's movement, Zhou Shu suddenly jumped up and fell into the cave.

Fast as lightning.

After entering the cave, Zhou Shu did not rush to the evil soul, but went to get the immortal plate for the first time.

"Haha, knowing that I'm inside, don't come to find me, but immediately grab the treasure, people, that's so greedy!"

The evil soul burst into ecstasy and flew up suddenly.

There is no sound, no trace, no trace, but a huge and unparalleled power, gathering all the evil spirits of evil thoughts, and the surrounding immortal power, suddenly rushing behind Zhou Shu at an unimaginable speed.


Xianli was like an impenetrable knife, rushing forward, and the evil soul turned into smoke. Only when Xianli broke through Zhou Shu, he immediately swallowed Zhou Shu.

No matter how powerful a monk, even if it is powerful, he can never stop this mortal blow.

"Get that sword, I can get out of here!"

The evil soul laughed wildly, thinking about what to do after going out and how to mess with the people.

It's a pity that he rushed for nothing.

Zhou Shu in front of him suddenly disappeared, and what rushed into the cave was only a phantom, a phantom full of life and soul that made the evil soul unable to distinguish the true from the false.

Before he could think about what was going on, he could already feel the sword light behind him, the all-encompassing power from Xuanyuanjian.

Oh no.

This is probably the last thought of Evil Soul.

If he has one.

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