Fairy Winner

Chapter 1919: Refusal

   Falling into the distance of Longchi, the two women looked up at the prime minister, their expressions nervous.

They didn’t know what was going on inside, but what they saw seemed not so good. The water in the pool was surging back and forth, and the black light flashed from time to time. It was unavoidable that they were worried about Zhou Shu in the pool. Heart comes.

   "Are you okay?"

   Caiying looked up and down Zhou Shu.

   Zhou Shuwen said, "It's okay."

   Caiying continued, "What about the evil soul?"

   "Don't worry, it has been solved."

   Zhou Shu nodded, with a smile on his face, "You must not have thought of what I found in it."

   "My palace doesn't want to know."

   Caiying turned her head, but stared at her secretly, without blinking her eyes.

   Qingque spread out his hands, and said in a desperate manner, "If you say we can't think of it, then I definitely can't think of it."

   Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, "Hehe, it's a plate for crossing immortals."

   Caiying murmured in a low voice, "Duxian Pan, Duxian Pan...Who is that guy?"

Qingque was still smiling, but suddenly stunned, as if thinking of something, his face turned red and white, and he was a little sane, "What, what!? Then... Isn't that the fairy weapon in the rumor? Help people promote to immortals?"

   "Yes, it's Xianqidu Xianpan."

   Zhou Shu nodded and told about the things in the pool, and the two women were stunned.

   "You didn't want it, you rejected Xianli."

   The green bird gradually calmed down, and people who had heard about the fairy before would become demented temporarily.

   "Yes, I also said the reason," Zhou Shu looked at the two women and slowly said, "If you want, you can go down now."

   The two women were startled, not knowing what to say.

   Zhou Shu repeated, "Yes, you can get it if you want it. It is indeed a fairy power, which is very helpful for Shengxian."

Qingque thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, you made it very clear, the contract doesn't sound good at all, and I don't want to be like Yuan, it's ugly, Caiying, you Either?"

   "I don't even want to see my palace! I want to become what I want!"

   Caiying shook his head flatly, "I don't care about what immortal power, as long as you help my palace upgrade the sword quickly, my palace is waiting for death!"

   Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously and laughed.

   He thought they would refuse, but he didn't expect them to use this reason.

   is simple, straightforward, and irrefutable.

   Of course, Zhou Shu also understands that this is actually just an excuse. Compared to Xianli, they trust Zhou Shu by their side more and can also help them promote to Xianli.

   But speaking of it, the immortal power may become the appearance of the grantor. Is it because the immortal power itself has a strong exclusive attribute, or is it a special change in the Xuanhuang world? He didn't know this, and he would have an answer later.

   Zhou Shu smiled, "I'm ready to do it now."

   Caiying quickly brought the sword over, and said eagerly, "Quickly, this palace is waiting for you, don't break it!"

   "Thinking wildly, it can't be bad."

Zhou Shu gently tapped her head and said slowly, "It will take me more than half a month to refine the instrument. Fallen Dragon Pond is fine. There will be no evil thoughts in it. You can go there to practice and collect them by the way. Some, useful later."

   I got the Iron of Underworld God, it's time to advance the green sword, and just use the refining time to settle it down.

   Make every effort to break through the shackles of the Tao.

   "Say it early, I can't wait for this palace!"

   Caiying let out a cheer, and a few flashes swept to the edge of the pool, and went straight in without splashing any water.

   Qing Que followed up with a smile, and it was a rare opportunity to encounter this pool of vitality, not to be missed.

   Advance Flying Sword is a skill that sword repairers must master.

Compared with refining tools, it is simpler. Collect materials that are compatible with flying swords and have similar properties, and then integrate them into flying swords to enhance all aspects of flying swords, thereby raising the ranks. Generally speaking, advancement It will not change the characteristics of the flying sword itself, the magic tricks, etc., but if the level of the sword training device is high enough, it is possible to get new characteristics or magic tricks.

   This is what Zhou Shu is doing.

He has been thinking that the material used to refine the blue sword comes from outside of the sky, which shows that the blue sword itself does not conflict with the outside of the sky, and even has similar attributes. Then, many rare materials of foreign races obtained in battles with foreign races are not useful. The place of martial arts?

   Now that he has the **** of the sea, he is very confident that if his luck is not too bad, he will definitely get a sharper and more terrifying green sword.

   One month passed.

   The blue light soared into the sky, endlessly for half a day.

   After that, the purple cloud curled around, the thunder robbery came down, Zhou Shu didn't move, and the thunder robbery slashed towards the newly released blue sword.

   Dozens of thunder robberies passed.

   The green sword did not move, and the brilliance did not weaken, but it became more prosperous, becoming stronger as the battle became stronger.

  The thunder tribulation retreated, the sky reappeared to see the clear light, and the five-color auspicious clouds fell, among which the purple qi was filled, which is the rarest source purple qi in the Xuanhuang world.

"OK OK!"

   Caiying grabbed Zhou Shu and jumped and jumped, happy.

   Zhou Shu smiled, "Almost all right, you can take a look."


   Caiying waved, the green sword flew in front of her, circled a few times, making a whistling sound, Caiying turned into a green light, and went straight in.

   After only a few breaths, Caiying flew out with a smile on her face, "I can feel it, it's much stronger than before! Hehe, it's also much bigger inside, much more beautiful!"

   Qingque stared at the sword and asked suspiciously, "It seems that the color has changed?"

   Caiying nodded again and again, "Yes, what are those golden and black diamond patterns? They look good, but they don’t look like runes. What's the use?"

   "The golden one is the blood of Emperor Jiang, and the black one is the Yawbone."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I have integrated them into the sword, and the effect is very good. I have added two methods of Blinking Shadow and Wall Breaking. Blinking Shadow can instantly move you to your opponent and stay close to your opponent. The spatial characteristics of the Jiang Clan, and the shadow movement of Xuanhu, you will know if you try them. They are all built-in methods ~ www.ltnovel.com~ without any consumption by you, and they are also very useful."

   The green bird stagnated, "Yingnao...that's the secret method of the Ji family, so will you too."

   "Hehe, I learned a little bit."

   Zhou Shu smiled slightly. He did consult Xuanhu. Although Xuanhu didn't tell him completely, he had said enough to understand.

   Caiying couldn't help nodding her head, looking forward to her face, "I know, I know, what is broken wall?"

   "Break the wall to break the opponent's defense."

   Zhou Shu said slowly, "When used together with the flashing shadow, the power is very powerful. With the sharpness of the current blue sword, I guess that except for the artifact, other magic weapons can not be resisted, and the Tao Tower is also difficult."

   "It's so profitable, do you need a magical tool to stop it?"

   Caiying was startled, Qingque couldn't help taking a breath.

   Zhou Shu nodded, showing a lot of solemnity, "So you must be cautious. When you open the bow without turning back the arrow, you must look at the person when you use this technique. You must remember this point, and use it."


   Caiying nodded vigorously, rarely saying the mantra.

   (PS: thank you book friends 160504073900041 for your support, thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~)



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