Fairy Winner

Chapter 1920: Charge, all day long

Qingque stared at Qingyan Sword, seemingly thoughtful, "Such might be considered a magic weapon of heaven, right?"

"Not counting."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said with a smile, "You have also seen that after crossing the Tribulation, Heaven did not give it enough origin. It can only be called the best, and it has not reached the level of the magic weapon of Heaven. Therefore, those two self-contained methods The trick is very limited in its use."

"Breaking Heaven."

Caiying waved his sword and cursed a few words unconsciously.

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Hehe, it's up to him now, let's wait until the Mahayana realm."

Excellent materials, excellent slabs, the blessing of the power of the sun, and the refining method and process that will never fail. The result should be a magic weapon of heaven, but it is not. It seems that heaven has given Zhou Shu again Shunzi, but Zhou Shu doesn't care, what should be there will be, and what is lost will be returned.

Speaking of it, Zhou Shu is not far from crossing the robbery.

In fact, it is not far away, the ability has already been achieved, but the time to cross the catastrophe has not yet arrived.

Qingque whispered, "Go to the next heaven?"

Zhou Shu nodded, only looking at Fallen Dragon Pond, seemingly thoughtful.

"My palace can't bear it too!"

Caiying followed Zhou Shu’s eyes and continued to say, “It’s very comfortable to practice in it, and progress is fast. Or, shall we take away all of this pool of water? Use your universe bag, put it all in, go back and use it slowly ."

"So much, you have to take it home?"

Qingque smiled unconsciously, and then said, "We'll just take some, and we'll take them all. It's too greedy, it's not in harmony with the way of heaven, and it's not good for cultivation."

"It doesn't matter."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "This pool of water was originally used by evil spirits to harm people. If I didn't purify them, it would be impossible to use them for cultivation. It can be regarded as our gain. However, these vital energy is not naturally formed. It is formed by melting many magical treasures and spiritual objects, and it is mixed with the breath of many monks. It can be cultivated for a short time in it. If you use them for a long time, you don’t know what will happen. It’s better to be cautious. ."


Caiying nodded her head, not pretending to understand.

Qingque sighed unconsciously, "That would be a pity."

"I have my own use."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly and walked towards Fallen Dragon Pond.

Standing above the pool water, he slowly said, "If you take half of the pool water for dozens of miles, you should be able to recover a lot. Is it enough to compensate you?"

"Enough is enough, thank you!"

A very excited voice came from the demon refining world.

This pool of water was transformed by the efforts of thousands of high-ranking cultivators, and it was only a lot more than what he got outside the demon refining pot, and it was what he had always wanted, but he didn't feel embarrassed to speak, but didn't expect Zhou Shu to take the initiative to give it to him.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "It's best to create a few spirit springs in the world of demon refining, so that you can raise demon in the future."

The demon refining pot agreed, "Of course, I will make good use of the qi of such a diverse source of energy. Just wait and see. After three or five months, the demon refining world will completely change its appearance, and I will have to trouble you. Collect the demon."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, with a hint of envy, or yearning.

The demon refining pot completely controls the demon refining world, can refine a new world, create spiritual veins, create mountains, rocks, waters, and trees. It can be said to be born out of nothing. This method is he envied, but he can only envy it. Before this step, he still It's far, far away.

Dongtian is not a realm, and he can only build rather than create out of thin air.

White mist suddenly emerged, spreading along the water surface, and within a short time, it covered the entire Fallen Dragon Pond. The water quickly faded. With visibility, less than a quarter of an hour, a full pool of water, just Half a pond is left.


sp; The green bird and Caiying on the side looked a little sluggish.

Caiying blinked, "Hey, didn't you say no?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "I don't want it, but the Demon Refining Pot wants it."

Caiying curled her lips, "It's cheaper for him again this time, it's a reward from my palace, huh."

She has always been dissatisfied with the refining demon pot.

Qingque showed a slight dignity, "The demon refining pot is almost restored, right?"

Qingque was the first to know the secret of refining the demon pot, and it made her firm in her determination to follow Zhou Shu.

"It's still early, but it can already help me a lot."

Zhou Shu waved his hand and smiled, "Let's go, let's go to the ninth day."

"Yeah," Qingque nodded, with persistence in her eyes, "I hope this time, I won't become a burden."

Caiying raised her hands, "This palace is the same, I will never be underestimated by you again!"

The ninth day, all day long.

It is also the last heaven of Guixu Secret Realm.

With Shen Tian's experience, the three of them were very cautious, glanced at each other, held hands, and walked into the door together.

The light flashed, Zhou Shu's expression stagnated.

The Qingque and Caiying who had been next to him were all gone, and they were alone.

Spreading the divine consciousness, there was no gain, and the eighth sense was released. The result was also a glance. Obviously, they were far away from themselves, at least tens of thousands of miles away.

Forced to be separated by the secret realm.

It seems that the master of the secret realm wants them to face this heavy test on their own, but this also seems to show that this level of test will not be too dangerous, because the basic principle of the monk to refine the secret realm is that the sky is inexhaustible. The road of human beings must not be a dead place. If many people gather together, the secret realm is often difficult and dangerous. Forcing separation, there must be weak ones. For the weak to consider, the difficulty will not be too great, and the danger is also less.

Soon, Zhou Shu put aside his worries and focused on the situation before him.

There is a wide road in front of you.

Outside the avenue, there is a gray mist, there is no trace of vitality or spiritual energy, and the spiritual sense cannot pass through, and the sky is densely covered with electric lights, or blue or white or purple, which seems to fall at any time.

This scene is familiar.

Zhou Shu thought for a while, took a step forward and stood on the edge of the avenue.

His mind was shocked, and a voice came over clearly, that voice was a little familiar, it was the voice of the old Bai Xiao.

"Heavenly Tribulation Avenue, do what you can, but you can't return to the Three Tribulations."

The voice disappeared quickly, Zhou Shu looked calm, and said slowly, "Is it true?"

A few words are easy to understand, it is to assist the cultivator, let the incoming cultivator face one after another, test their abilities, and do what they can.

Zhou Shu thought this would be the case, but when he was really sure, he was still a little disappointed.

This level of mystery ~www.ltnovel.com~ is definitely of great benefit to other practitioners. Before going through the real catastrophe, you can test it here to determine how many catastrophes you can survive. If you go through the real tribulation, you can go through the tribulation, and you don’t have to force it when you can’t, so as to avoid unnecessary fall.

You know, there are countless immortal cultivators who rushed to face the catastrophe because they didn't know their own strength, and they lost their lives. For them, this secret realm can be described as a great contribution.

But for Zhou Shu, this is not the case.

Even with the tenth tribulation, Zhou Shu now has the confidence to live. He doesn't want to test, and what he wants more is the treasure that can help Yangmei recover.

(Ps: Thank you zhainiuniu for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)


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