Fairy Winner

Chapter 1921: Robbery, order

   On the wide avenue, thunder is like a shower, falling constantly, reflecting the sky and the earth.

   Zhou Shu walked in the middle of the avenue, wearing a tower, steady pace, calm expression, solemn eyes, as if thinking about something.

   The robbery here is very similar to the robbery, but it is not the real robbery.

Heavenly Tribulation is transformed by the power of the heaven and earth's origin controlled by the Heavenly Dao. It is pure and vigorous. It is one of the strongest forces in the Xuanhuang Realm. It implies the will of the Heavenly Dao and is restricted by the original rules of the Xuanhuang Realm. Facing such a tribulation, In addition to their own strength, the immortal cultivator must have a determination to go beyond the mysterious yellow realm and get rid of the original control. The so-called "jump out of the three realms and not in the five elements", if there is no such determination, no matter how strong he is, he will fall into the heavens. under.

   The robbery here does not have the will of heaven and the origin limit, but this does not mean that it is weaker than the real robbery.

   In fact, in Zhou Shu's view, the two are comparable, and the robbery here is more valuable than the robbery.

   The original limitation of the heavenly calamity and the will of the heavens are not something Zhou Shu can learn, but here it is.

The Jie Lei here has a very obvious power of law, not one, at least four powers of law, there are five elements, there are good and evil, life and death, and there is also a kind of Zhou Shu that is not clear and has never been in contact. The power of that law, although the weakest, is only a trace, but it brings more pressure than other laws. This seems to be able to show that its essence is still above the five elements, good and evil, life and death. It should be a more It is the law of profoundness.

   Zhou Shu is comprehending carefully, and gradually he has a sense of truth.

   This kind of power of law has an obvious feature. When Zhou Shu reaches a certain defensive strength, it will not appear again.

In terms of numbers, the power of that law is 99.99... infinitely close to one hundred. If Zhou Shu’s Tao Pagoda is less than one hundred, it will always be suppressed by the power of that law. It is possible to get rid of it. No matter what magic tricks or other magic weapons are used, it will have no effect. Although it has only a trace, it can only suppress Zhou Shu's breath and collapse at any time.

   And when Zhou Shu increased the strength of the Dao Pagoda to one hundred, the power of the law that brought huge pressure would suddenly disappear, no longer causing Zhou Shu a little obstacle.

   Zhou Shu has gone a long way, and there are no one hundred and eighty thunder tribulations, and it is the same every time.

The force of the law forced Zhou Shu to continuously increase his strength, otherwise the Taoist Tower would be destroyed and destroyed, and there was no possibility of resisting it, because it was an overwhelming advantage, extreme and unchangeable, just like the face of an extremely strong person. For the extremely weak, the extremely weak cannot defeat the extremely strong no matter what means, unless they raise themselves to the same or even higher level as the strong.

   It is clear that the gap is only zero, zero, zero, or even less, but it is completely impossible if it is worse.

Because Zhou Shu walks freely in the robbery, he can upgrade his Dao Pagoda at any time, and he has gone through one after another. Only then can he feel the difference in the power of this law. It is difficult to perceive the difference when other people are changed. Will not find the existence of this power of law.

   "So strict..."

   Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "It seems to be a bit similar to the rumored power of order."

The law of order is one of the highest laws that prevail in the ten thousand worlds, and it is also the basis for the existence of the heavens and the ten thousand worlds. It is the emergence of the law of order that makes the heavens and the ten thousand worlds get rid of the state of chaos, and now all the developments of the ten thousand worlds are the same. Depends on order.

   A realm can have no good and evil, no five elements or even life and death, but there can be no order, except for those realms that are still in a state of chaos.

  The law of order is irresistible. There are no conditions to talk about. If the requirements are not met, they will be eliminated.

The law derives power, and so does the power of order. There is a clear distinction between strength and weakness. When you do not reach a certain level, you are not worthy to join it. You don’t even have the qualifications to fight. When the power of order appears, you can be wiped out completely.

From a certain perspective, the power of order is arrogant and unreasonable. Everyone will think that even if the strength is not strong, they can use other means to deal with, strive for balance, and even defeat the strong with the weak. The cultivators hope this, but in reality The above limitation is the most reasonable. As long as the strength is different, no matter what you do, it is impossible to change this, unless you meet the requirements of order.

"For the strong, learning the power of order can be said to be excellent. Compare yourself with the poor in the back. It is absolutely impossible for the weak to capsize, but for the weak, facing such an opponent, there is no possibility of victory. , Only despair."

   Zhou Shu seems to have realized, "With such power in it, we must find a way to understand more. This is a rare opportunity."

Zhou Shu didn’t know why the suspected power of order appeared here. According to the truth, the old Baixiao in the Mahayana realm should not be enough to do such a thing. Perhaps he realized countless ways and got it accidentally. But in any case, Zhou Shu will not miss the opportunity.

  If it is determined that it is the power of the law of order, it is of course a great opportunity to encounter it at this time.

The law of order is a high-level law that is difficult for the immortals in the fairy world to come into contact with. Naturally, it is difficult to have the opportunity to feel it. In general, when you meet a strong person who masters the power of order, you have little chance of surviving. How to feel pitiful.

   Zhou Shu walked step by step, feeling step by step, thirsty for knowledge.

  In other places, it was another scene~www.ltnovel.com~ Caiying stood in front of the avenue with an annoyed look on her face, and the sword in her hand was also hanging down, looking lifeless.

She probably knew that this was the place to help her understand Heavenly Tribulation, but she was too greedy and rushed in the first few miles easily, thinking that it would be easy to follow, with the pride of "nothing but this". He rushed into more than ten miles in one breath, but the sudden robbery was not something she could resist. The defense was broken by the thunder thunder, and the whole body was covered by thunder thunder...

When    woke up again, he was already standing at the door.

   Although there is no damage, the process is still very uncomfortable. The body seems to be completely cracked, and it is almost like a real body and bones.

   Caiying, who was dissatisfied, didn't think much, and bumped her head in.

   Of course, the result is still the same. She won't know that she has already rushed to the Ninth Heaven Tribulation. With her ability, it is impossible to pass it. If this were not a test, she would have really fallen.

   At this time, she finally calmed down, also because the voice of Elder Bai Xiao rang in her ears.

   This is the last chance. If she fails again, she will be expelled from the ninth day and can only stay on the eighth day.

   "It turns out that Hongu is so bad..."

   Looking at Heavenly Tribulation Avenue, Caiying shook her head unconsciously, as if she had no idea to continue.


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