Fairy Winner

Chapter 1922: Fake thunder

Depression is just a moment, a flash of thought. &1t;/

Soon, Caiying returned to normal, looking at Heavenly Tribulation Avenue, clenching his fists, full of fighting spirit written on his face. &1t;/

"My palace will not be afraid of you!"&1t;/

"I can't die anyway..."&1t;/

Set her mind, she rushed to Jie Lei again, but this time, she was a lot more cautious. There was only one opportunity, and she couldn't waste it. &1t;/

I don't know how long it took. &1t;/

After dozens of robbery thunders fell together, Caiying could no longer resist, and was knocked away again. &1t;/

When she woke up, she was already on the eighth heaven, and in front of her was the gate of the ninth heaven. She wanted to go in, but she soon discovered that there was an invisible wall at the door, and she couldn't get through anyway. &1t;/

She tried several times to no avail. &1t;/

"Don't try, it won't work."&1t;/

There was a voice in her ear, Caiying turned around and looked, only to find that the blue bird was here, and she couldn't help but be surprised, "Qing, are you out too?"&1t;/


Qingque nodded and smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect the Eighth Heavenly Tribulation to be so powerful. I tried it three times and failed."&1t;/

Caiying laughed, somewhat proud, "Hehe, my palace has rushed to the ninth stage."&1t;/

Qingque smiled slightly and didn't care, "Well, you are a little better than me."&1t;/

"Not anymore. Actually, the palace is hiding in the sword, hehe."&1t;/

Caiying put her smile away, as if she felt something, "If there is no newly-advanced Blue Nightmare Sword, it is estimated that the seventh stage of this palace will be very sad, **** it, this palace thought it could be promoted now... Who knows the gap? It's so big, the ninth main palace has no way to fight it, and it's gone as soon as it gets there."&1t;/

Qingque felt the same way, "Compared with before, Heavenly Tribulation has indeed been greatly strengthened, especially after the eighth stage, alas... But fortunately, I have tried it, otherwise I really have the idea to overcome the Tribulation, but now it is completely No, we still need to work hard to practice."&1t;/

"Cultivation may not be possible." &1t;/

Caiying shook her head, showing a rare dignity, "My palace finds it difficult to make further progress, unless I can comprehend deeper kendo, or the rules of Zhou said, but my palace has no clue at all, and I don't understand it at all. How to realize..."&1t;/

Qingque nodded slightly, did not speak any more, fell into thought. &1t;/

Isn't she feeling like this? Facing a bottleneck, it is difficult to go further. &1t;/

As a cultivator, it’s so difficult to break through your own upper limit. Countless cultivators are trapped. They can only watch their own death, or struggle to overcome the catastrophe, but the result is often the same, and they can only send Hope that Yu Tianda's chance will appear and save them. &1t;/

The atmosphere was somewhat depressed, but it didn't last long. &1t;/

Caiying clenched his fists, seeming to mutter to herself, "Don't be afraid or not, if there is Zhou, this palace will definitely succeed! What the law is, what the sword is, you can definitely understand!"&1t;/

Qingque stared at her and nodded unconsciously. &1t;/

Yes, unlike those monks, they have Zhou Shu. This is the biggest and best opportunity. &1t;/

While speaking, a white light suddenly flew over, looking at the direction, it was from the gate of the ninth heaven. &1t;/

"No, Zhou you came out too?"&1t;/

Caiying looked astonished, Qingque also felt incredible, Zhou Shu was defeated by the calamity inside, this is impossible. &1t;/

The white light quickly disappeared, Zhou Shu appeared with a serious expression, and said in a deep voice, "You go in first."&1t;/

Caiying stagnated, "Where to go in?"&1t;/

Zhou Shu waved his hand slightly, and a portal appeared in front of the two of them. It was the entrance to the cave of the square ring. Since it is the cave, it can naturally accommodate immortal cultivators. &1t;/

"Be careful."&1t;/

Qingque nodded and walked in without hesitation. &1t;/

Caiying was still hesitating, not knowing what she had given birth, but was pulled in by the blue bird, the door was closed immediately and disappeared without a trace. &1t;/

"Why, what did you give birth?" &1t;/

There was an unseen wonder in front of her eyes, as well as the sacred tree parasol tree, but Caiying didn't have any thoughts to see, and she kept asking. &1t;/

Qingque's face was very serious, "Heaven's calamity is here, and that day's calamity is definitely not something we can resist now."&1t;/

Caiying stayed in a daze, "Heavenly Tribulation, there is a Heavenly Tribulation after it comes out?"&1t;/

Yes, it is the catastrophe. &1t;/

Qingque looked right, the sky in the secret realm completely changed the moment Zhou Shu appeared. &1t;/

Purple clouds cover the sky, tens of thousands of miles of mystery are completely shrouded in thick clouds and fog, the thick electric light appears from time to time in the clouds, and it may fall at any time. This is not a catastrophe, what else can it be? &1t;/

Zhou Shu is also a little confused. &1t;/

At that time, he was comprehending Jie Lei on the Heavenly Tribulation Avenue. Seeing that he was not far from the end, he was inexplicably palpitated. &1t;/

Immediately, he felt something was wrong, his body qi and blood was surging, and Yuan Li felt out of control, spreading around. He had this feeling many times. There was no doubt that this was a sign of the imminent tribulation. &1t;/

"The fake robbery brought the real catastrophe?"&1t;/

Zhou Shu was puzzled, or he unintentionally used all his strength and forgot to suppress the cultivation base, or what the gods did. In short, this is the fact, he has to face it, and he has no time to think about it. &1t;/

The real tribulation came, and the secret realm could not be stopped, only to pass him out. &1t;/

Looking at the sky above his head, Zhou Shu looked more solemn. &1t;/

That can't be regarded as a thunder. The hundreds of electric lights cruising can clearly distinguish the appearance and form, the fierce posture, the solemn face, the must be distinct, and the scales are visible. It is not a thunder light, it is clearly just one. Only shaped dragon. &1t;/

Tiandao Pu Lao is a dragon, Zhou Shu had thought of it a long time ago, but this time it was fully verified. &1t;/

As a heavenly path, after a few heavy thunders are lowered, there will be a trace of his own will to strengthen the power of thunder, but that will cannot be too much, and it is impossible to show its own specific characteristics, and now the thunder is completely It looks like a dragon, that is to say, the will of heaven in this robbery is far beyond what was in the robbery before, and even reached the state of manifesting itself. This is no longer like a test of robbery, more like a one Kind of sanctions. &1t;/

"It's him, it's Pu Lao, I feel his breath, I remember it!!"&1t;/

The demon refining pot beside him exclaimed. &1t;/

With the gradual recovery of the Demon Refining Pot, the sleeping memory gradually showed signs of awakening in this robbery. &1t;/

Zhou Shu said slowly, "You have played against him like this, right?"&1t;/

"Yes, but it is not a dragon-shaped thunder, but a stronger will. It has already manifested the body, and it looks like a monk. I will always remember that appearance."&1t;/

The business of refining the demon pot was rushed, and there was even a trace of unstoppable fear. &1t;/

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "He probably didn't come at you this time, but you'd better avoid it."&1t;/

"Okay~www.ltnovel.com~ I'm afraid I can't stop these robbers."&1t;/

The demon refining pot nodded repeatedly, as if relieved, and whispered, "But you have to be careful. I think this robbery is much stronger than the normal eighth heavenly robbery, and much stronger than what you encountered in the secret realm. Those cannot be used as a reference. ……"&1t;/

"I know."&1t;/

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, and then put the demon refining pot into the cave. &1t;/

Just as he opened the demon refining pot, Jie Lei had fallen down. &1t;/

Seven consecutive times, one after another, the entire secret realm power was shrouded in electric light, and the continuous sound of rock-shattering shock made everything around him quiet. ...&1t;/


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