Fairy Winner

Chapter 1924: Can't say


As soon as that Jielong fell, Zhou Shu's Dao Pagoda shrank by more than half.

Daota was able to protect Zhou Shu’s body, and the rest was annihilated in the thunder light, but it was only an instant. When Jielong wanted to take a step closer, Daota immediately returned to its original state, and the subsequent attack will follow. Keep it out.

Zhou Shu's mouth twitched unconsciously, a little surprised.

Even if I had prepared for it, I didn’t expect that the power of the robbery thunder just now was too great. If the weaker thunder thunder was ten, then this one would be eight hundred, and the power has increased by nearly a hundred times. Attentive, really unpredictable.

If it weren't for Zhou Shu, I'm afraid it wouldn't be enough for any other monks.

The robbery is still going on, but Zhou Shu is gradually relieved. The previous speculation is correct. The power of the robbery is concentrated in the last round. If there is a stronger robbery afterwards, it is Tiandao insisting to violate the rules. .

Such things should not happen.

Under the plane tree.

With a worried look on Caiying, he kept kicking the stones under his feet, hitting the demon refining pot several times. Dangling back and forth, like a tumbler.

The demon refining pot shrank, "I said Caiying..."

Before he finished speaking, Caiying glared back, "Call me Lord Palace Master!"


The Demon Refining Pot was also not angry, because he knew who was more trusted by Zhou Shu, and he was more educated by Zhou Shu, and his past bad deeds made him somewhat unable to lift his head, "Master Palace, don’t worry. So far, the cave sky is very stable, which shows that Zhou Shu has not been hurt at all. From the time point of view, the catastrophe is almost over. It is just a false alarm."

"It sounds good, what a false alarm, you knew it at that time?"

Caiying is not polite, "I'm returning the artifact. I can't help at all. I take the initiative to tell Zhou to hide, not ashamed!"

The Demon Refining Pot pretended to be calm and said, "It's not that I don't want to help, it's just that I can't help now. Besides, Heaven and I have always had an antagonism. If this affects Zhou Shu's crossing the robbery, it will be a disservice."

"It just didn't help anyway."

Caiying turned her head, "Who asked you to do so many bad things before? You can't use it when you need it."

Qingque smiled slightly, "Don’t be grudges anymore. Actually, the demon pot is right. Dongtian is on him. It’s okay at the moment, which means that he’s okay. We’ll just wait. As for the demon pot. In the past, I didn’t understand it, but now that you have recognized Zhou Shu as the master, don’t be the same as before. It’s really not good if this happens again."

Caiying nodded again and again, "That is, as the master's magic weapon, the master must protect it, so it's so shameless."

"Aren't you..."

The Demon Refining Kettle's heart was stagnant, but there was no exit, and he just nodded and said, "This is natural, I will resolutely follow Zhou Shu in the future, and I will never be the same as before."

"It's about the same."

Caiying turned her head, and there was some brilliance in her eyes, "By the way, what did you say before, what kind of gods did you say, then tell us, what kind of guy is he? Why do you always target Zhou?"

Thinking of something, the Demon Refining Pot was shocked and shook the body of the pot, "I can't say it."

Caiying leaned closer, lowered her voice, "Hehe, don't worry, there is nothing I can't say, are you afraid that we will reveal the secret?"

Qingque unconsciously approached a few steps, staring at the demon refining pot, eyes full of expectation.

As a cultivator, who doesn't want to know the information about the way of heaven that controls the destiny of all cultivators. The more you understand, the more confident you will be when you cross the catastrophe.

"No way."

The Demon Refining Pot quickly replied, with a firm attitude this time.

Caiying snorted, "Stingy!"

Qingque nodded, did not say much, a little disappointed.

The demon refining pot secretly said, "I can't say it, but you can't listen to it. This is already considered a secret secret. It is a secret secret. No one can bear the consequences. Neither can I, **** memory, why at this time..."

In the eighth day, the Demon Refining Pot first absorbed thousands of corpses, and then received half of the water from the Fallen Dragon Pond. The recovery effort was too great. The sleepy past began to wake up, and some memories before being destroyed were slow. Slowly emerged.

For him, Tiandao Pu Lao is a disaster that cannot be avoided, but the later he faces the Tiandao, the better.

The two of them had a pot, and while thinking, a portal suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Come out."

Zhou Shu's voice came from inside, gentle and calm, as before.

"You're all right, great!"

Caiying screamed, the little unhappiness before disappeared instantly, and she went straight out of the door, but she was not the fastest yet, the blue bird on the side took the lead and stood in front of Zhou Shu first.

Looking at Zhou Shu, Qingque smiled, "Congratulations, you have reached the eighth level of Crossing Tribulation Realm. That day Tribulation is not in the way, right?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Thank you, the original purple gas here is pretty good, you try to collect it as much as possible."

"The palace is welcome!"

Caiying got into the sword and lay under the colorful rainbow, full of comfort.

"Here... It's..."

Qingque looked around and was frightened. Hundreds of miles around Zhou Shu were completely destroyed. It could be said that the world was completely changed. The mountains were gone. There were many big pits out of thin air, and the Fallen Dragon City in the distance was also affected. After the destruction, the small half of the wall fell down, revealing a lot of spiritual energy.

She looked at Zhou Shu and shook her head without her own words, "Thanks to you, we changed. I really don't know how."

"Use it well, we'll talk about it later."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "These are not ordinary origin purple qi, if you miss it, don't blame me."

It is indeed unusual. The Tribulation is so fierce, and the rewards it brings must also be generous. This is a rule restriction and will remain unchanged forever. Even the way of heaven cannot be omitted or attenuated. These original purple qi are directly extracted from the source of the Xuanhuang world. Yes, to feel and absorb them, there will be a feeling of being completely integrated with the Xuanhuang Realm, and this feeling is often only found in the Mahayana realm.

It is certainly a great opportunity to get it in advance.

Caiying is an elf from heaven and earth, she had perceived it early, so she didn't even say anything and started immediately.

In order to achieve her goal-to become stronger and advance and retreat with her master, she will never waste a little bit.

Qingque nodded, sat down, absorbed and practiced intently.

"You go too. You shouldn't feel this kind of taste for a long time."

Zhou Shu glanced at the Demon Refining Pot~www.ltnovel.com~ and pushed it down as if understanding it, and pushed it under the rainbow.


The demon refining pot nodded, with a lot of emotion. It was nurtured from such purple qi, and it has the ability to acquire these purple qi at any time, but after being destroyed, he hasn't felt it for a long time. .

"and also."

Zhou Shu looked at the demon refining pot and said with deep meaning, "There are some things that can't be said, you are doing it right."

The Demon Refining Pot was startled, and could only nod his head.

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