Fairy Winner

Chapter 1925: Happy

Zhou Shu could hear the words in the cave.

This doesn't mean that Zhou Shu didn't focus on answering the catastrophe. He didn't pay attention at the time, but those words are in the sea of ​​knowledge, and you can listen to them when you are free.

He avoided talking about Pulao, refining the demon pot, he knew what it meant.

Talking about the way of heaven in the Xuanhuang world is a taboo, and it will lead to revenge from the way of heaven. If those words reveal too many secrets, it may even lead to the bottomless revenge of the way of heaven. For Pu Lao, this situation is almost doomed. It will be born. In the face of such a crisis, Zhou Shu, who possesses Xuanyuan Sword and Chuangdao's name, may still be able to resist one or two, but for Caiying and Qingque, that is an impossible task.

In Zhou Shu's view, there is probably such a part in the memory of the refining demon pot awakening.

If the demon refining pot had said to them at that time, Zhou Shu would probably abandon the demon refining pot and let it deal with the way of heaven.

Why didn’t the Demon Refining Pot know that he was on the verge of life and death, so he was more loyal to Zhou Shu, and had to be loyal, because it understood that the only people who can take it out of the Xuanhuang Realm and escape the heavens are Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu also sat down, closed his eyes and lowered his eyebrows.

Unlike them, he doesn't need to absorb much original purple energy, he just needs to feel it.

When you reach the Tribulation Crossing Realm, each time you cross the Tribulation, the level of improvement is not much, but the strength is greatly increased. This is because each time you experience the Tribulation, you have a deeper understanding of the origin of the heavens and the earth, and are closer to the origin of the world. Able to make better use of the power of the source, the power of the source, etc.

After passing through the ten heavenly calamities and reaching the Mahayana state, the monk can be said to have fully understood the origin of heaven and earth.

Being able to integrate with the Xuanhuang Realm and using the power of the Xuanhuang Realm as one wishes, of course, is limited and cannot be compared with the complete control of the Heavenly Dao. However, born in the Xuanhuang Realm and has always grown up on the Xuanhuang Realm, the monks have a strong understanding of the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm. Comprehension will be higher than that of Heavenly Dao, which is also an important reason why Mahayana cultivators can stalemate with Heavenly Dao.

Here I want to mention a few words, the heavenly path of each realm is not held by immortals from that realm.

For example, the Xuanhuang Realm will not allow immortals to bear the doctrine of the heavens. One is to avoid favoritism, to indulge the cultivators, to weaken the control methods such as the catastrophe or natural disasters, so that a large number of human cultivators become immortals, and the other is to worry. After the human immortals have the right to control a realm, will they attribute the Xuanhuang realm to their own? No longer just use the Xuanhuang Realm for cultivation, but try to refine and turn the Xuanhuang Realm into a realm that belongs to him alone.

These two behaviors are never allowed by the fairy world.

There has been a bad example before. After a cactus in a certain big realm controls the realm of its origin, it uses its understanding of the realm to forcibly extract the origin of the realm, making that big realm a dead realm and countless creatures. As a result, he died, but he himself leapt to the realm of Da Luotian.

This matter caused a great sensation in the fairy world and other worlds. Since then, the fairy world has set this rule.

Here, we have to mention Pu Lao who is a dragon.

Pu Lao is a dragon clan, but it is definitely not a dragon clan who was born in the Xuanhuang world, but a dragon clan who was born in the dragon world, so it is not a violation of the rules.

However, the Dragon Clan once dominated the Xuanhuang Realm, and they certainly know a lot about the Xuanhuang Realm. It may only be under the humans. Moreover, the Dragons and humans have enmity, and they cannot solve the enmity. He will be the way of heaven. Zhou Shu Can't understand.

But the fairy world did just that.

There must be many reasons for this. It is impossible for Zhou Shu to know and do not need to think about it. However, after leaving the Xuanhuang Realm, Zhou Shu will try to find the answer and regard this as one of the most important things. .

Regardless of the reason, Zhou Shu felt that Pu Lao was not suitable to be the **** of the Xuanhuang world, but it would take a long time to change the situation.


Zhou Shu, who has reached the eighth level of the tribulation realm, has a better understanding of the origin of the heavens and the earth, and can use the power of the origin of the original force better. In addition, his Shu Zhi Dao has also made some progress, because of the Shu Zhi Dao. Including the use of Yuanli and so on, such as various methods and so on, they improve, Shu Zhidao can also benefit.

Zhou Shu has always believed that Shu Zhidao can stand at the top, because of this special attribute, no matter what aspect of progress is made, Shu Zhidao can follow the progress, but it is not harmless. Everything has its pros and cons. The big drawback lies in it, but Zhou Shu used his talent to try his best to temporarily avoid the drawbacks.

Maybe one day, this shortcoming will burst out, but Zhou Shu tried not to give it a chance.

When he reaches a certain state, he will definitely do the most comprehensive sorting out of Shu Zhidao, completely eliminating the drawbacks in Tao. Now the drawbacks exist because he has not enough knowledge and has not yet jumped out of the Xuanhuang world. As knowledge grows, it will get better and better.

The blessing after the catastrophe lasted a full thirty-six hours.

It's long, but it's also necessary and should be.

In the tribulation that Zhou Shu had just passed through, one of the tribulation thunders might be the strongest one in tens of thousands of years. For this reason, Heavenly Dao had to make enough compensation.

Several people felt the change almost at the same time, and opened their eyes together, with regrets in their eyes.

It's a pity that if this continues, it would be great.

"So comfortable, so comfortable!"

Caiying yelled and jumped with excitement, "My palace is so happy! I thought it was impossible to make progress, hehe, it's different now! If my palace goes through the catastrophe again, it will definitely not fail, for sure No! I really want to go again!"

Twitter, jumping and jumping.

Like a child, she always wants to share joy and sorrow with others. She has always been the most true expression of emotions. Oh, no, she was originally a pure child. This is what Zhou Shu has always protected and cherished.

"I have the same idea."

Qingque nodded lightly, with longing in her eyes, "If we go there again, the chances may be much greater."

Being able to directly communicate with the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm, perceiving and drawing strength, this kind of opportunity, the benefit obtained from it, is that the blue bird also has to let go of its reserve.

The Demon Refining Pot turned to Zhou Shu and said solemnly, "Thank you for allowing me to relive this feeling."

Compared to Caiying and Qingque, his harvest may be the most.

It’s not about power~www.ltnovel.com~ It doesn’t get much power from those sources, but those purple auras give him the feeling of being born, which is very important to his recovery. The previous two refinements, plus With the current purple energy, the demon refining pot has recovered two and a half.

The current state of the Demon Refining Pot is not much worse than Zhou Shu.

Of course, the Demon Refining Pot had no means of attack and could not pose a threat to Zhou Shu, and it was even more impossible to affect his mind.

"There will be more in the future."

Zhou Shu smiled and waved his hand. He could see the progress of the Demon Refining Pot's recovery clearly through the demon refining world. The current situation made him very satisfied. In the future, he can rely more on the Demon Refining Pot.

As for Caiying and Qingque's progress, he is more happy in it, and he should be the most happy one.


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