Fairy Winner

Chapter 1926: Too excited

After dozens of days.

Outside Lingyu City, in a valley, a fierce battle is going on.

It was an alien powerhouse and a white-clothed woman. The woman had only the post-transition stage cultivation base, and her strength was far inferior to the alien powerhouse, but the two had been fighting for several hours, regardless of the outcome.

The strong alien screamed with anger, because he found that no matter what moves he used to attack the woman in white, he would be avoided by the woman in advance. He did useless work, wasted a lot of energy, and was attacked several times by the woman. Although the injury was not deep, but it was gradually weakening, obviously strength far above the opponent, but there is no way, really very angry.

The woman's expression was focused, from left to right, she was able to do her job well, with fine sweat dripping from her forehead.

After all, the strength gap between the two is still too big.

Suddenly, the foreign race expert shouted violently, his stature increased several times, and a giant axe in his hand smashed down randomly.

No longer pay attention to what kind of moves, and no matter what kind of tactics, it is just to fight indiscriminately, but this method has received miraculous results. The woman is in danger one after another, frowning unconsciously, thinking about countermeasures.

It didn't take long for the woman to think of an idea, but she still avoided all the attacks of the strong aliens, and she did not touch her body.

The foreign powerhouse was so helpless that he yelled a few times, retiring in his heart, and fleeing back.

Without flying a few steps, the brand on his body shined, and the whole person turned into a black fire, and the woman rushed away.

The woman even retreated quickly, no matter how the black fire hit, she couldn't touch her a little bit, and finally burned completely and disappeared without a trace.

The woman breathed a sigh of relief, and fell down and couldn't help breathing.

"Good job!"

A man and a woman suddenly appeared, fell by her side, looked at the woman with a smile.


The woman was startled, but soon, the surprise turned into a huge joy. She greeted her with a few steps, looked at the man with affection, and almost rushed forward, "Brother Shu, you, why are you here? ?"

The men and women are of course Zhou Shu and Qingque who have just returned.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and said warmly, "I am returning to the city, and I feel your breath, so I came over to take a look, Xuemei, you are really good."

"Yes, even the strong of foreign races are defeated by you, and you have turned into a god..."

Qingque nodded unconsciously, her eyes full of admiration, "I think I can't do it, Cihangzong is worthy of a famous sect, there is a natural wizard like Yangmei, and a genius like you."

"The guardian sister is absurd."

Bian Xue raised her hand in salute, saying neither humble nor overbearing, "I was lucky to win, but the younger sister is also gradually exhausting. Fortunately, he has no patience. Otherwise, I don't know who will kill you. Compared to your sister, the younger sister is far behind you."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "This is not Wushuang City, everyone is a family, there is nothing to be polite, Xuemei, have you just arrived in Lingyu City?"

"Little sister got it."

Bian Xue nodded, her eyes full of affection when she looked at Zhou Shu, "Well, I just arrived these two days. I saw my brother is not there and went out for a walk. I didn't expect to meet a foreign race. Now Dongsheng Prefecture is full of raging foreign races. The suffering of the living beings because of this is really untold... alas."

She sighed slightly, her brows furrowed, as if thoughtful.

Still the sentimental person, Zhou Shu looked at her with pity, "Don't worry, each of us immortal cultivators is working hard to get rid of them, and Dongshengzhou will return to its original appearance sooner or later."

"Little sister understands that with Senior Brother Shu, the foreign race will not be rampant for a few days."

Bian Xue nodded and smiled faintly, "Don't care about the little girl, just think about it, Brother Shu, are you calling the little girl here this time, is there something important? The little girl saw it in Wushuang City. The news will come right away."

Qingque glanced at Zhou Shu and smiled, "I'm leaving now, Shu, see you in the city."

Zhou Shu nodded, watched Qingque leave, and slowly said, "I was a little worried, but after seeing you, there will be no problem. Have you enlightened you?"

Bian Xue nodded and shook her head again, feeling a little dazed, "The little girl doesn't know, like, and not like, I feel the difference from the past, but I don't know where it is different, but the master said that I can already be a teacher. , The rest of the effort can only be comprehended by the little girl."

"The way of calculation is too profound. It cannot be explained by words. It is the most wonderful way in the world of cultivating immortals."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I see you fighting against that strong alien, taking advantage of the enemy's opportunities everywhere. Even if you encounter sudden danger, you can react quickly and make the best response. You can do this, your calculation The way should be regarded as entering the room. Immortal Master Miaodi can’t be wrong. It’s up to you whether you can go further."

"The little girl will definitely work hard!"

Bian Xue nodded vigorously and leaned on Zhou Shu quietly, pressing it tightly.

Although she is independent, she has always relied on Zhou Shu. In front of Zhou Shu, she was an extremely weak woman, even though she had been exercising in Ci Hangzong for many years.

Zhou Shu hugged her, and took out the 28-year-old bone chips that he had obtained before, "Sister Xue, I want you to come here to give you this."


Bian Xue leaned in Zhou Shu's arms, with a satisfied expression, looking at the bone chips one by one. After only seeing two of them, she jumped up, her eyes widened and her mouth couldn't close, "This...this... Isn’t this a bone chip, a twenty-eight sacred bone chip made of sacred beasts and sacred beasts? A relic from ancient times?"

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Yes, this harvest is right for you."

"This...this is..."

Bian Xue was a little bit incoherent with excitement, her face flushed like a flower, and her hands waved up and down, "Why... God, there are only three masters, you, you, you have a whole set here! Twenty-eight There are a lot of them, it's just a miracle, how could the Profound Yellow Realm still have this? Hurry up, tell me, how did you get them?"

"Returning to the market is really rare, and I didn't expect to see this."

Looking at her excited, Zhou Shu also felt a lot of satisfaction in her heart.

"It's Guixu, no wonder, but still... I still can't believe it..."

Bian Xue was so excited that he couldn't hold on to herself, she couldn't help but shook her head, looking at the bone chips in her hand, "With them, my little girl's calculation method must be...definitely..."

Suffered too much stimulation for a while, speech and behavior were out of my control.

"Surely the more wonderful the immortal master, the more profound all the cultivators in the yellow world."

Zhou Shu took a step and hugged her~www.ltnovel.com~, hugged her tightly, helping her to calm her emotions, "Snow Girl, I believe you, you will be able to do it."


The excitement finally turned into tears, and Bian Xue sobbed softly, unable to herself, and it took a long time to calm down.

Zhou Shu can fully understand that for a cultivator who cultivates the method of calculation, this bone chip is a real sacred object. There is no treasure to compare. With this set of bone chips, coupled with Bian Xue’s unique talent, she will definitely Become the first person in the Xuanhuang world to calculate.

There can be no accidents.

(Ps: Thank you angc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~)


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