Fairy Winner

Chapter 1927: very excited

The Hall of Heyin School.

"Brother Po, he went into retreat as soon as he came back, and didn't say a few words."

While looking at Yu Jian, Hao Siyun complained in a low voice, "I haven't come out for so long after retreating, and I don't look at how tired my sister is, so many things to be busy every day, huh, leave everything to my sister, and do it myself. ."

Hao Ruoyan smiled faintly, "Sister, don't be angry, Master Shu has her own things to do, which is much more important than what we do. Besides, I'm not very busy. I just happen to be practicing the official way and make progress every day."

"You're still cultivating, obviously you are all overwhelmed."

Hao Siyun frowned, "Lingyu City is so big now, countless cultivators come here every day, they can't drive them away, they can't neglect them, things happen in the city every day, and the troubles are so annoying. Many disciples complain. , Why don't we drive them all away, what do you think, sister?"

Hao Ruoyan glared at her, "Nonsense, right now is a good time for our lottery school to fly, and as many people as they come will have to accept them. These people are in trouble now, but in the future they will be our help and the hope of Dongsheng State in the future. The purpose set by Master Shu cannot be violated."

Hao Siyun snorted, "Anyway, you just don't agree. Then we will move and leave the city to them. We don't want to be here anymore. Every day we are noisy, come to us for anything, and we will not be able to cultivate."

"I also thought about this."

Hao Ruoyan seemed to think, "The current lotus sect is not suitable for cultivation, but it can't be moved away. After all, this is our foundation. We built it so hard. How can we just let it go?"

Hao Siyun stretched out his hands, "This is not okay, that's not okay, then I'll do things for you."

Hao Ruoyan looked at her and smiled unconsciously, "Sister is the best."

Now Lingyu City has indeed encountered a lot of trouble.

Although it has been expanded several times, Lingyu City is not much bigger than it is due to its spiritual veins. It is now less than five hundred miles around. Of course, it can’t accommodate immortal cultivators and mortals coming from all directions. For the disciple, the cultivation sites were occupied by newcomers and were repeatedly compressed. Although there are many vitality pillars supporting, the cultivation environment is ultimately poor, and there are conflicts every day.

When a foreign race is attacking a city, it is still possible to share the same hatred, but once peace is achieved, all the problems will arise.

In fact, this is the only way to become a major sect.

The skyrocketing prestige, and the current strongest strength to resist foreign races, naturally attracted countless immortal cultivators to come and defect, which inevitably caused many problems.

If the Heyin school has deep enough foundation, it is not difficult to solve these problems, and if it is solved, it will be able to reach the sky in one step, but the Heyin school has no background, how can it not hinder the self-exhibition of the Heyin school disciples and gradually integrate with other cultivators It became a big trouble to make the Dutch school prosper.

Just as Hao Siyun said, even Hao Ruoyan, who understands the Tao and the official way, is very utterly burnt, after all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Tired day and night, wasting a lot.

Standing up and looking into the distance, Hao Ruoyan sighed unconsciously.

A familiar voice appeared in the ear, "Tired?"

"Master Shu."

Hao Ruoyan was shocked, seeing Zhou Shu, his eyes lit up, and his fatigue disappeared.

"stop looking."

Looking at her eyes, Zhou Shu felt a lot of warmth in his heart, stepped forward and took her hand, warmly said, "Come with me, like clouds, and you too."

"Come on."

It was an unhappy voice, but the body was very happy. He ran over and grabbed his sister's hand tightly.

Walk slowly.

Hao Siyun twittered, Hao Ruoyan whispered, Zhou Shu smiled slightly.

Not long after, I came to Shenxing Peak.

This is the place where the Heyin Sect is most heavily guarded. Even when it is open to the outside world, no other cultivators can come.


Hao Siyun opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise, "When did it change, is it completely different?"

The Shenxing Peak in front of him was shrouded in layers of clouds and mist, with a vague sense of mystery, making it impossible to see inside.

"It was obviously not like this yesterday..."

Hao Ruoyan was also a little puzzled, but after reaching out to perceive her divine consciousness, she became even more puzzled, as she could not perceive anything.

"Let's go."

Zhou Shu didn't explain. He smiled and walked into the peak. Through the clouds and mist, a small path of sheep's intestines appeared, still hidden by the clouds and mist.

After walking for a few miles, it suddenly became clear.

An uncultivated vast world appeared in front of him, the picturesque country, lush forests, and a towering tree in the middle. Its spiritual energy was steaming like fog. It was many times better than the Heyinpai.

The two women looked dull, is this the lotus pie they are there every day? I don't know there is such a place.

"how about it?"

Zhou Shu looked at them and smiled.

"What about?"

Hao Siyun said blankly, "This...Where is this? You put a teleportation array on Shenxing Peak and sent us here?"

Hao Ruoyan seemed to realize something, "It's not like...Is this the result of your retreat, Master Shu?"

"haha, yes."

Zhou Shu nodded, looking forward to thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and slowly said, "This is not elsewhere, it is in Lingyu City. I have decided that from today, our lotus sect will move here, and disciples will practice in it in the future. As for the spiritual mountains and rivers outside and the entire Lingyu City, they are all left to the new residents."

The two women froze there, still not knowing what was going on.

But only for a while, Hao Siyun jumped up and shouted with excitement, "Brother, is what you said is true? It's much better here than outside!"

"Of course, this is our new home."

Zhou Shu nodded earnestly, "Moreover, only the Heyin faction can come in. No one will bother you. I thought about it. The Heyin faction and the residents of Lingyucheng will always have problems sooner or later. It is better to separate as soon as possible and manage them separately. Okay, don’t you say, Ruoyan?"

"Of course what Master Shu said is right, it's the best way, Ruo Yan has been thinking about it all the time."

Hao Ruoyan nodded slightly, her eyes filled with confusion, "But... such a good spiritual vein, such a vast world, really belongs to us? Master Shu, how did you do it? Suddenly appeared in Heyin. Perry?"

Hao Siyun grabbed Zhou Shu's hand and shook it a few times, "Yes, yeah, Senior Brother Shu, please tell me."

Zhou Shuslow explained~www.ltnovel.com~This is my new cave..."

This square of heaven and earth, of course, is the space in the square ring of the magic treasure of the cave.

Zhou Shu consulted the elders of Shushan Cihang through Wushuang City, and after a long calculation, he finally transformed it into such a spiritual cave.

Instead of carrying it, it is better to place it in a martial art to form an exclusive cave.

In fact, the Lingqiao of the Shu Mountain, the Guiyuan Cave of Cihang, and other wonders are all built using the magical treasures handed down from ancient times. This is the foundation of the big sect, and now Zhou Shu has done the same thing. , So that the Heyin school has its own cave.

With this cave sky, not only can it solve many existing troubles, but also make the Hollywood group more united and stronger.


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