Fairy Winner

Chapter 1929: Omen

"Thank you sister."

Yangmei took the Naxujie, and looked all of them with smiles on their faces, "They are all useful materials, and there are many spiritual things!"

"I got it from Wushuang City, and keep it if it works for you."

Qingque smiled and nodded, turning to Zhou Shu, slightly condensed, "Shu, it's almost time? It's been several months, just wait..."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, understanding her meaning.

Time is really running out. In two years, the third batch of alien races is coming, and it is very likely that demons will appear at that time.

For the Xuanhuang Realm, the Demon Race is a real disaster. The blood of the Demon Race can contaminate every corner they reach, and it is difficult to recover for hundreds of years and thousands of years.

This is a life and death crisis in Dongsheng Prefecture. At that time, all immortal cultivators will stand up to resist the demons, and Zhou Shu and the Heyin School will never ignore it. It is difficult to have peaceful days like Lingyucheng now.

Moreover, Yangmei looks good, it just looks.

Zhou Shu knows very well that every day, the vitality of her bayberry is declining. The original source is lacking, and it is almost nothing. When the vitality is decayed, it is difficult to regenerate. The lifespan is decreasing day by day. Big damage.

"I'll go and have a look at Bian Xue."

Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "But no matter what, we will leave in three days, and the affairs of the lotus school are almost handled, we won't wait."

Qingque nodded lightly, "Well, you go, I am here waiting for your news."

Zhou Shu walked out quickly, turned around and saw the two smiling women Yanyan, who was extremely happy, and laughed unconsciously, his face gradually became solemn.

Such a comfortable day will be difficult to see in the future, and it will be difficult to reproduce in the Xuanhuang world.

In the face of catastrophes, no human being can stay out of the matter. The cultivator of immortality is even more so. Although he has a powerful force, he also has a greater responsibility. As a cultivator of immortality, he can only work hard to solve all disasters and cut everything. Obstacles, until they enter the world of immortality and reach the peak, it is possible for human beings to continue to develop, and immortal cultivators have more comfortable and leisure time.

For the future, everyone must work harder and give everything.

Bian Xue did not live by the phoenix tree, because the cultivation method cannot be too close to the crowd, Zhou Shu complied with her request and asked her to find a quiet valley by herself, which can be said to be the quietest place in the Sifang Cave. Except Zhou Shu, few people will go.

Passing through a boundless desert, a small wooden house appeared in front of him.

Before reaching the door, Bian Xue had already walked out, seeming to know Zhou Shu was coming.

This made Zhou Shu a little surprised. It was not easy to feel his breath, but it was quickly relieved. That was the reason for the calculation method.

"Brother Shu..."

Bian Xue spoke, her expression extremely solemn.

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "Xue, did you figure out something?"

"The little girl didn't expect it to be like this..."

Bian Xue shook her head, her eyes were full of bitterness, "Before there was only a vague feeling, but these days, that feeling is getting clearer and clearer. It is like a nightmare that entangles the little girl every day... Brother Shu, can you not help? Go to the Secret Realm of Chaos..."

"You know I must go."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said warmly, "Sister Xue, what have you estimated, why do you call it a nightmare?"

Bian Xue hesitated for a while, "The little girl doesn't know. The little girl can only say that the hexagram shown in the bone chips is definitely a sign of great evil. Brother Shu, your journey will be very difficult and difficult. When you encounter the biggest difficulty you have never encountered, even if it is Brother Shu, you may not be able to get through it successfully."

"If it's just nine deaths, you wouldn't be like this."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, and said slowly, "Did you calculate the date of my death, or have you seen me die?"

Bian Xue's figure was shocked, as if she could not stand still, Zhou Shu quickly took a few steps to support her.

Watching her, Zhou Shu still smiled, "Tell me, how did I die?"

"Senior Brother Shu, you still have your mind..."

Bian Xue's body was soft, seemingly weak, and said weakly, "How do you know that my little sister has calculated this?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "There are not many things that can make you so solemn, and, you know, it’s impossible to stop me from nine deaths. Come on, Xuemei, it’s okay. I want to know, I’m here. What kind of difficulties will you encounter in the secret realm, and how will you lose?"

Bian Xue trembled in her arms, seemingly unable to speak.

Zhou Shuwen said, "It's okay, just talk."

Bian Xue calmed down and said slowly, "The specific little girl can't see clearly, Brother Shu, your fate is still covered, the little girl can only see some fragments of information... It was a blood red, suddenly appeared. In front of you, it is like a bottomless abyss... and Brother Shu, your body is splitting and dispersing bit by bit, like flying snowflakes... swallowed by the abyss, nothing is left..."

"Blood red, split, swallow."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I see, thank you Xuemei."

Even if he trusts Bian Xue's calculation method, he is sure that when it falls on him, the result will be different.

The way of calculation comes from the most profound law, the law of destiny. Only human beings who are the spirits of all things can glimpse the beauty of the law of destiny, and can also use it in such a way, except for the mysterious yellow world and the fairy world. No such Tao exists anywhere.

If the law of destiny is a great way, then the way of calculation is just one of the little tricks.

The calculation method can only calculate the fate of human beings and immortals. The fate of other races cannot be obtained. Those can only be obtained by understanding the law of fate and mastering a deeper application.

Zhou Shu thinks it will be different because of his different status. He is not a human in the Xuanhuang world, nor is it a fairy in the fairy world. He may not necessarily follow the rules of the road of calculation. The road of calculation is useful to Zhou Shu, but it may not be completely accurate. .

Moreover, in his view, the future can also be changed.

Even if this trip seemed dead and lifeless, the blood-colored abyss suddenly appeared in front of him, it was not impossible for him to avoid or resist, because he believed in himself and Shu Zhi more than fate.

This is the root of his obsession with cultivating immortals.

Bian Xue whispered, "Senior Brother Shu, are you still going?"

These days, she had been calculating Zhou Shu, and she had seen that clip for a long time, but she had been reluctant to tell Zhou Shu, she just didn't want Zhou Shu to take the risk, until Zhou Shu found it, she had to speak.

Zhou Shu nodded, "I must go."

Looking at him, Bian Xue looked firm and said every word, "Okay! That little girl will go with you, maybe on the way, the little girl can figure out something~www.ltnovel.com~Help Brother Shu avoid the crisis , Even if it doesn’t work, the little girl will die with you."

"No way."

Zhou Shu didn't even think about it, so he refused, "I plan to go alone this time. Qingque can't come, and neither can you."

Since we have counted the crisis, we can't ignore it, and we must make some changes. Any little bit may affect the future under calculation.

Bian Xue's expression stagnated.

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Also, don't tell anyone about this matter."

(Ps: Thank you Hangzhou Langzi for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)


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