Fairy Winner

Chapter 1930: Where to go

"My palace is going!"

Not long after leaving the wooden house, Caiying's voice suddenly rang in her ears.

Zhou Shu looked stagnant. He didn't bring the Blue Nightmare Sword when he came here. How did Caiying follow? Only soon he understood, and smiled, "Just learned, you used it to deal with me?"

Caiying suddenly appeared, and she used the flashing shadow, the new skill that Caiying had just learned.

Of course, the sword spirit can learn the magic tricks that come with the sword.


Caiying also laughed, and circled Zhou Shu, "Who told you to practice the Azure Nightmare Sword so hard... This can't be blamed on this palace."

Zhou Shu looked at Caiying and said in a deep voice, "This time it is very dangerous, a hundred times more dangerous than the Secret Realm of Guixu, you..."

"If you don't listen, you can't leave this palace this time."

Caiying paused, and shook his head extremely resolutely, "My palace will advance and retreat with you, and death will be together, and my palace has carefully thought about it. The chaotic mystery is the appearance of the world's first birth, and it is the place where the source of the world is most concentrated. For a heaven and earth elves like this palace, what exactly complements each other, maybe this palace is the best to play there, anyway... it will never be like encountering evil souls."

Zhou Shu was startled slightly, and said slowly, "Unexpectedly, you would also consider these things. There is some truth to what I said."

Caiying frowned and stared, "You look down on this palace again! Anyway, I must follow you this time, so what if there is danger? Always avoid danger, always be protected, so what kind of immortal cultivation?"

Seeing her expression, Zhou Shu was slightly thoughtful.

Caiying also said, how can you grow without going through hardships? Even his own sword spirit needs such an opportunity, always saying that he wants to treat the sword spirit as a companion of life and death, but he protects it and holds it in the palm of his hand. This is really unreasonable.


Zhou Shu finally nodded.


Caiying was full of joy, danced, flew close to Zhou Shu's ear, and whispered, "But we have to go quickly, or other people will come, then it will be troublesome. In the plane tree, the palace heard several people Said to come together."

"Nonsense, others are not like you."

Zhou Shu shook his head, but speeded up his pace and quietly escaped from the secret realm.

Leaving this time, the mood is different from the past, with a faint heaviness.

Bian Xue and Twenty-Eight Su Gu Chou can't lie, the view of the abyss is still in the sea of ​​knowledge, and the green grassland seems to be covered with a layer of fog.

Looking at Lingyucheng, Zhou Shu turned and left without looking back.

Plane Tree House.

Qingque and Yangmei have been waiting for three hours.

Qingque was a little puzzled, "Strange, why isn't he coming back?"

Yang Mei looked out the window with a faint smile, "He won't be back, I can feel that he is no longer here."

"Huh? Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

Qingque looked surprised and even more angry, "Did he go by himself? He said he would be with me."

They had decided to go to the Secret Realm of Chaos a long time ago. It has been said that for hundreds of years, and now that Zhou Shu has violated the agreement, even Qingque will inevitably be angry.

Yang Mei turned around and said softly, "Sister Qingque, don't blame him, I think something must have happened, otherwise he won't leave alone."

While speaking, the power of compassion was born, as gentle and gentle as a spring breeze, blowing on the blue bird, the blue bird gradually settled, but the doubt in his heart could not be eliminated, "What happened..."

Yang Mei said calmly, "I don't know, but he must have his reason for doing that, and it must be the best choice he can make."

Qingque stared at Yangmei and shook her head unconsciously, "Maybe you are right."

Yangmei stopped talking, looking out the window, with a gentle smile on her lips.

Outside Lingyu city.

One man with one sword is galloping northward.

Caiying doubted, "Where are we going to find?"

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "The Sea of ​​North Ming, we have been there."

"The North Sea of ​​Mind?"

Caiying blinked, "Ah, isn't it the place where the Destroying Demon Pot Crossing Tribulation? We were besieged by the five elves?

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Yes, I don't think you remember it."

"Of course I remember, this palace also helped you fish up many treasures!"

Caiying was inviting credit, and counted her fingers at once, "Mysterious Turtle Beast, Fire Qi Beast, what else is coming... By the way, you said that there was an ancient giant beast sleeping near the burial pit that day, so I don’t want to disturb you. , Is that what you are talking about?"

"If it's right, the nine achievements are."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, with some surprises, "I really didn't expect, Caiying, you are so smart now."

"I look down on this palace again."

Caiying knocked Zhou Shu, but his face was proud of the spring breeze, "But I still don't understand why it is there?"

"Is such that……"

Zhou Shusang explained that it is rare to see such a studious acquaintance, and certainly not to miss the opportunity of education.

The city lord said that the place of chaos will only appear in the ground below a thousand miles.

Most places in the Xuanhuang World are full of lava underneath the ground five hundred miles. There can be no places like secrets, but there are two places, even if they are thousands of miles deep, they are always land without lava. exist.

Those two places are the northernmost sea of ​​Netherworld, and the southernmost Antarctic continent.

Therefore, the place of chaos can only be in these two places.

In the North Sea of ​​Mind that Zhou Shu had visited before, there was another huge celestial grave.

The celestial burial pit is the place where the gods and animals, who are born with spirituality, find themselves before they die.

Celestial burial pits are rare in the Xuanhuang realm, because they must be close to good spiritual veins, so that their spirit and physical body can return to the origin of the heavens and the earth together, which fits the way of heaven and earth movement, but there should not be too much vitality and aura to avoid the remains. Be invaded by other monsters and humans.

Such a place is very difficult to find. The heavenly burial pits found in the Xuanhuang Realm are mostly deep mountains and rivers with no spiritual veins.

In a place like the North Sea of ​​Underworld, apart from the boundless icy air, there are almost no spiritual veins. Heavenly burial pits shouldn’t have appeared, and in the North Sea of ​​Underworld, only monsters and strange beasts that like ice can live in it. There, even if there is a heavenly burial pit, there should be such monsters and strange beasts in the pit, but that day, there appeared the corpse of a strange beast like the Huoqi Beast that did not like the cold.

There was even one or more giant beasts stung nearby.

All this shows ~www.ltnovel.com~ The burial pit was very special that day.

The explanation Zhou Shu could think of was that there was a subtle chaotic air leaking out of the burial pit that day.

The alien beasts were attracted by the aura of chaos, and then they gradually gathered here to die, and finally formed a sky burial pit. Although the aura of chaos is not a spiritual vein, it is regarded as the mother of spiritual veins. In other words, there is an irresistible temptation or force.

If the guess is correct, there is real chaos there, then the location of the chaos can be determined.

The Secret Realm of Chaos is probably just below the sky burial pit.

Therefore, when the city lord gave the prompt, Zhou Shu came back to think of the answer quickly.


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