Fairy Winner

Chapter 1931: 1 string of accidents

In the air, flying boat.

The degree is neither fast nor slow.

In no hurry, Zhou Shu planned to think about some problems during this period of time, which would be regarded as a retreat while walking.

He doesn’t know anything about the chaos secret realm. It’s difficult to try to deduce it. The information about the chaotic secret realm is pitiful, and most of them are repetitive words, such as "the so-called chaos, boundless senseless ignorance", etc. It’s hard to say that it’s a real experience. It may not be as useful as Bian Xue’s calculations. However, no matter how little information is, this kind of preparatory work must be done. It can be deduced for thousands of situations, even if only one is useful. There is value in being vigilant in the secret realm.

Doing these extremely complicated things made his Sea of ​​Consciousness extremely busy, and from time to time he felt that his consciousness had been consumed too much, and he needed to replenish his soul fluid.

This feeling has not passed for a long, long time.

"Where is it?"

From time to time, Zhou Shu would ask a few words.

"North...south of Beiluzhou."

Caiying hesitated for a while, and soon became firm again, "Don't worry, Beiluzhou's main palace has followed you many times, and I will definitely not get lost! Isn't it the North Sea of ​​Ming, my palace promises to take you there."


Zhou Shu didn't care, "Are there any aliens below?"

Caiying shook her head with a look of complacency, "Zhou, this palace said you don’t care about this, close your door! It’s on this palace, you don’t need to waste your Yuanli puppet, this palace can do it, no matter what You can't escape Liu Xia in this palace if you meet so many foreign races."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and continued to work on his own affairs.

He didn't have much energy to manage, so he just let Caiying wave it.

If it hadn't been for the predictions given by Bian Xue in advance, Zhou Shu might not be so careful.

But in the final analysis, there is still too little knowledge. When it comes to unknown things like chaos, the past lives and the present are not helpful. There is no experience at all. The countless lives spent in reincarnation are also inexperienced. You can only rely on constant guessing and repetition. The deduction of the game will store a lot of information so that it can be used in time.

In this way, time passes by day by day.

"Huh, why..."

Caiying looked down, as if she felt something was wrong, she couldn't help but slowed down, "Did you go in the wrong direction? I remember Zhou always went in this direction. Why are the mountains below all different? Would you like to ask? "

Turning his head unconsciously, Zhou Shu behind him was still thinking intently without noticing at all.

"Forget it, I've already praised Haikou, I can't slap my face."

Caiying shook her head thoughtfully, and encouraged herself, "It must be here, there is nothing wrong with it, and it will be here soon."

Confidence is a good thing, but not necessarily right.

The elves of heaven and earth mostly use the perception of other things to discern the direction, but in this air, where can she perceive anything, besides, she doesn't like to remember things, and she doesn't remember the way she has walked. How can she go right.

Many more days passed.

"Haha, I finally saw the sea, and my palace is going in the right direction!"

Excitedly waved his arms, but was stunned again soon, "Remember that there are a lot of ice floes in the sea, and icebergs can be seen. Why is there nothing here and the color is so dark?"

With doubts, I moved forward for a while, the color of the sea became darker and darker, but I didn't see the iceberg I wanted to see.

"Go the wrong way?"

Zhou Shu suddenly raised his head and looked at her with a smile.

Caiying hurriedly shook her head, "Where is it? You wait, right away, you can get to the North Sea of ​​Mind!"

"If you fly further down, you will reach the far sea of ​​the Black Sea."

Zhou Shu glanced, seemingly thoughtful, "Caiying, this time, it seems that we are not going to Beihai Dragon Palace?"

"My palace is right..."

Caiying covered her red face, "You are the one who made a mistake."

"Is it?"

Zhou Shu laughed suddenly and happily, "Hahaha, hahaha."

Caiying was shocked. She hadn't seen Zhou Shu so abnormal. She was at a loss. He hesitated for a while before saying, "Woo, I'm sorry, it took your time."

Zhou Shu smiled and waved, "It's okay."

At this time, he was in a good mood, not because he had any understanding of the chaos secret realm, but Shu Zhidao finally made a breakthrough.

In the process of continuously deducing the chaotic mystery, Zhou Shu also gave birth to a trace of boredom, tired and bored, which has not been for a long time. In order to get rid of this emotion, he temporarily gave up long hours of tedious work and changed After thinking about it, try to think about some problems of Shu Zhidao.

I don't know that this change is surprisingly effective.

Fantastic ideas continue to emerge, and the floods blow up, such as slashing the mess, and many problems have been solved. You must know that those problems have been entangled with Zhou Shu for a long time, years, and decades, but in these few days, Almost all have been answered.

The shackles that had been entangled with him were broken, and the threshold of Shu Zhi Dao was further lowered. It was lowered a lot, and the foundation can be started to practice. There is no longer any restriction on practicing other Dao first. A new Shu Xin Sutra is already available. The sea of ​​knowledge takes shape.

From the Nascent Infant Realm to the Golden Core Condensing Vein Realm, to the present foundation-building realm, one step at a time, the hardship and hard work in it, in the Xuanhuang Realm, no one except Zhou Shu can To understanding.

Of course, the improvement of his own strength is also extremely obvious. I originally thought that it would be difficult for Shu Zhidao to improve in the Xuanhuang Realm, but did not want to have such a result.

How can I not be happy.

Caiying, who understood it, also rejoiced, "Hehe, it's not in vain at all, Zhou, then don't blame this palace for going the wrong way."

"No wonder, if you get to the North Sea of ​​Mind ahead of schedule, and I haven't figured out the problem of Shuzhi Dao."

Zhou Shu appeared a bit solemn, "Then entering the secret realm, I am afraid that there will be a lot more danger, but now," a trace of pride appeared on his face, "the result must be much better."

Caiying pointed at herself triumphantly, "Then you are not grateful to this palace?"

"Thank you."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and saluted quite solemnly.


You will not be punished if you make a mistake, and you will be praised and thanked. Caiying is more proud and smiles from ear to ear, "My palace is a nobleman, and I went the wrong way, but it brought good luck."

Seeing the joy of joy, Zhou Shu's heart was slightly shaken.

Right now ~www.ltnovel.com~ Isn't it what you want to change the future?

The current situation is definitely not something that can be calculated by the method of calculation. After using the profit to follow him with the flash, after knowing his decision, he chose to take Caiying to the secret realm. Caiying lost his way on the road, but made a breakthrough. Shackles, Shu Zhidao's progress, and his own strength enhancement are all unpredictable accidents, and his fate has been affected by this.

He used various methods to influence the future under calculation, but the influence came too unexpected.

At this moment, he has a peculiar feeling.

Can't tell what it is, but vaguely, it is inseparable from fate.

(Ps: Thank you angc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~)


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