Fairy Winner

Chapter 1932: Help 1

Caiying asked, "Zhou, where are we going now?"


Zhou Shu pointed, still thinking about the problem.

It was all unplanned accidents, but with excellent results.

For Zhou Shu, who has always been steady and step-by-step, this is a great revelation. In many cases, planning is not necessary, but careful consideration is required. Changes in time may not be a good thing.

"It's so lively below!"

After flying for several hours, Caiying shouted, "Hey, we seem to have been here before?"

Zhou Shu Ning looked at it, as if thoughtful, "Here, I've been here."

"A lot of aliens, they are still very powerful ones."

Caiying turned her head and blinked her eyes and said, "But... why did they fight on their own? Then we don't have to worry about it?"

Zhou Shu looked at it for a while, then said slowly, "Help the Blood Flower God Sect."

The island below was the seat of the Blood Flower God Sect established by the Saint Utan. Zhou Shu came once and warned the Saint not to have trouble.

I didn't care about it. Not only was this matter out of plan, it was an internal struggle between different races. It was just happy to see it happen, but at this time Zhou Shu had the idea of ​​taking advantage of the trend, and perhaps the accident brought him back. Since there is an accident, the accident will continue.

"The palace will go down!"

Caiying nodded, turned into a streamer, and rushed down.

In mid-air, a bright glow shone straight down onto the island.

The sun shines everywhere, covering the entire island within a few breaths, and a little cyan brilliance in the sun shines, and it will inevitably bring a scream wherever it goes.


"what's the situation?"

"Has anyone come to help us? It looks like a monk?"

The Yinkui tribe on the island was surprised.

"This seems to be Zhou Shu's sword."

The goddess Utan in the temple was slightly stagnant, and she quickly recognized Caiying's origins, and her mouth showed a smile unconsciously, "How could he be here and help us the Yinkui tribe? Could it be..."

"Yinkui clan witch, die!"

While he was thinking about it, the gate of the palace suddenly burst, and a tall, alien powerhouse broke in.

His body was five feet long, his head touched the roof of the hall, his body was six arms long, and his arms were covered with ancient patterns, and each hand held a different weapon, glaring at the saint Youtan, with fierce gleam in his eyes.

The sage Youtan stopped slightly, and smiled, "It turns out to be a distinguished guest of the Heitian clan. I didn't expect you to come to the Xuanhuang Realm too, disrespectful and disrespectful."

"Stop talking nonsense, you can come as a witch, can Laozi Protoss come?"

Heitian took a step forward, and the hall suddenly trembled, the pillars slanted, and the rubble fell like rain.

"Why is it so fierce?"

Saint Utan sat still, and said faintly, "I don't seem to have provoke you Black Heavens, why do you want to come to my Blood Flower God to teach trouble?"

"Blood Flower God Cult, Bah!"

Heitian clan shouted, "You are also worthy of the word'God' in a corner of your world? If you deal with humans in peace, Lao Tzu doesn't care about you, but you just provoke those alien races who kill humans. This is what provokes us. !"

The eyes of the Saint Youtan gradually became cold, she shook her head, and smiled disdainfully, "Hehe, you Heitian clan claiming to be a protoss, you have always been your own way, but I also respect you a little bit. I did not expect that when I reached the Xuanhuang world, I became someone else’s dog. If Da Hei Tian God knows that his younger generation is like this, don't know what expression it will be? Hehe, it's really funny."

"you wanna die!"

The Heitian clan's complexion changed suddenly, and his body burst into shape. The six sharp weapons in his hand circled in a circle, completely surrounding the saint woman by dozens of feet.

The golden light was shining, the blades crossed, and the saint was caught in the middle, seemingly nowhere to escape.

"Although you are a little capable, this saint is not in the eyes!"

The saint Youtan screamed, and her camouflage light suddenly appeared on her body, blooming like a flower, blocking the attacks of all kinds of weapons, and the overflowing light continued to shoot towards the Hei Tian Clan.

The power of Utambula was actually used from the beginning.

But how could the Heitian clan look like his peers, with a sneer, his body suddenly blackened, annihilating the light.

Speaking of speaking, the status of the Heitian tribe and the Dijiang tribe in the heavens and all realms are almost the same. They were once known as the existence of the gods. Although the **** gods are not from the gods of the Xuanhuang realm, they are continuously spread through the Zen gate in the realm of cultivation It is also very famous, not worse than the Dijiang Clan.

In this invasion of the Xuanhuang Realm, the Dijiang Clan reached an agreement with the adults in advance, which made the Hetian Clan a step late and failed to become a more powerful messenger. This made the Hetian Clan angry and involuntarily different from the Dijiang Clan. , The Heitian Clan even wanted to be the masters of the Xuanhuang Realm. Therefore, they took the initiative to accept the brand and came to the Xuanhuang Realm. They were nominally obedient to the Dijiang Clan, but they also had great autonomy.

This time the attack on the Blood Flower God Sect was decided by the Hei Tian Clan.

The two fought into a group, fierce and extraordinary, and the hall suffered, and it collapsed completely within a few seconds.

The saint Utan feels distressed, and the offensive is a bit fierce, but her strength is not as good as that of the black sky tribe, and Utanbula can't wield strength, and she is worried about the fate of the tribe, and she has scruples, at most she can only fight. Stalemate.

After a while, the two were still fighting, and only the saint became tired.

"Take him three inches below his ribs, there is his weakness."

A voice came over, and the Saintess of Youtan was slightly startled, staring, but saw Zhou Shu standing not far away with a calm expression, and around him were his own people, most of them standing in good order. Of the alien race, there is no one to see.

"Damn you!"

A black giant axe suddenly flew out of the hands of the Heitian Clan and smashed towards Zhou Shu.

Du Qikuai, even the sound of the wind could not be heard, and it was already in front of Zhou Shu.

The giant axe was still an inch from Zhou Shu, but suddenly stopped.

A bright cloud fell on the axe, and as the light dimmed, the giant axe shattered inch by inch and turned into a pile of residue.


Caiying appeared from Zhou Shu with a look of contempt, "I don't need Zhou to take action against you!"

The Heitian clan's complexion sank and saw the current situation.

Obviously, the foreign army that came to attack the Blood Flower God Cult has been wiped out. He is the only one left. The Yinkui tribe has almost no casualties. The standing cultivator is extremely powerful and can see his own at a glance. Weakness ~www.ltnovel.com~ seems to be stronger than myself.

Unconsciously, retreat.

Once the intent to retreat is born, the intent to fight immediately decays. You must know that the Great Black Sky God was also called the God of War at the beginning, and even the intent to fight is gone. How to continue fighting?

The saints of Utan will never miss the opportunity, the flowers of Utan are in full bloom, and they all bloom in the most vulnerable places of the Heitian tribe.


He shouted, "Witch, do you know what you are doing!"

Saint Youtan smiled, and the offensive remained unabated, "I'm thinking of a way to kill you, what else can I do?"


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