Fairy Winner

Chapter 1933: Goodbye

The Heitian tribe glared at Saint Youtan, "You want to kill me?!"

Saint Utan smiled faintly, "If you don't kill you, are you waiting for you to kill me?"

"I finally understand!"

The Heitian tribe clenched their fists and said, "No wonder you will establish a religious religion specifically to deal with foreign races. It turns out that you have colluded with human immortal cultivators!"

"What if you understand?"

Saint Utan smiled slightly and pointed at Zhou Shu not far away. Her smile was even brighter and moving, "Well, I just collude with humans, and I have a close collusion. Envy, but people don’t want you, but you can how is it?"

The Black Sky Clan roared, "Do you know the consequences if you do this? Not only you are unlucky, but also the Anemone Realm you are in!"

Saint Youtan shook her head and said with disdain, "Then you will destroy the Yinkui Realm. I don't care, it would be better to destroy it earlier."

"you you"

The Heitian clan was speechless for a while, and his whole body was red.

In the argument of words, how could the Hei Tian Clan be a sharp-toothed saint opponent. He wanted to scold him a few words and disrupt the offensive of the saint Youtan and took the opportunity to escape, but didn't want to have any effect. Instead, he was so angry that he became angry.

The saint Youtan talked and smiled, but her movements did not stop at all. A Youtan flower suddenly bloomed on the Heitian Clan.

There is a very strong Utambula power in the flower, which is the explosion that has been accumulated for a long time.


There was a muffled sound.

The Heitian clan's figure was tilted, and a hole suddenly appeared in the body, which was actually penetrated.

The Great Dark Sky God is known for his incomparably strong body, invincible across the heavens, worthy of the name of the God of War, and his descendants have also obtained similar talents. Although not as strong as the Great Dark Sky God, it is much stronger than most races, even if It is difficult for immortal implements to seriously injure them, the human immortal cultivator's body of tribulation cannot be compared with it, but relatively speaking, three inches below the ribs is their weakest place, one of the weaknesses of the Heitian clan.

The power of Utambula is definitely one of the strongest powers in the Xuanhuang world.

The Heitian clan made a horrible cry, and his body was unsteady, and his mind was even more frightened. This was the first time he was injured after he came to the Xuanhuang Realm.

But it was the last time.

With the gap, the power of Utampa immediately took advantage of the trend, and the blossoms of Utampa flowers bloomed in the body of the Heitian tribe for the first time. Every time they opened, it was an explosion, which brought huge damage to the Heitian tribe. It is he who is like a King Kong can not stand it.

But a dozen breaths, the pain reached its extreme, and before the power of the branding had time to explode, he was completely pampered, and there was no sound.


"The saint has won!"

"If you attack our Blood Flower God Sect, you must learn a lesson! See if you dare to come next time!"

The Yinkui tribe cheered and were excited, but the saint Eutan remained calm, her eyes fixed on the body of the Heitian tribe.

In a short while, a small flower slowly bloomed from the wound, and it bloomed bigger and bigger, very bright and colorful.

Saint Utan walked over quickly, reached out her hand to pick the flower in her hand, looked at it treasuredly, with a smile on her face.

This flower is naturally the power of the dark anemone transformed from the flesh and blood essence of the Heitian tribe. It took a lot of her energy, but it was definitely meaningful. Both the quantity and the quality were much better than those she had collected before.

Turning to Zhou Shu, she bowed down and looked solemnly, "Thank you, Sect Master Zhou for your help."

Zhou Shu silently watched her finish this, his expression gradually sinking, "There are still many alien corpses on the island, and the saints can also collect them to obtain more the power of the anemone you want. Don't waste the opportunity, but you If one day uses the cultivator of immortality, I will never let you go."


Saint Utan completely put away her arrogance, and said sincerely, "Today I have received the great favor of the suzerain. I should obey the suzerain's instructions."

Zhou Shuslow nodded, "You remember this sentence."


Youtan Saint Yan smiled, staring at Zhou Shu, her eyes flickering, and her eyes were moving, "Sect Master can rest assured, in fact, I am no longer interested in human beings, except for the Sect Master."

Zhou Shu didn't even look at her, and raised his hand indifferently, "Farewell."

"Suzerain wait a minute."

The saint Youtan showed a trace of anxiety, and said quickly, "The Sect Master helped me, and also helped so many people of my tribe. If the Sect Master left like this, wouldn’t it make people laugh, saying that I don’t know the Saint Youtan too much? Etiquette? Although I am not a member of the Xuanhuang Realm, I still know what to do."

"Yes, do we still have to thank the Sovereign!"

"Without the sovereign, we may all be dead."..

"And that sword"

"Yeah, yeah, that sword is really powerful. It killed a lot of alien races, and I didn't even see it clearly."

The Yinkui clansmen followed in succession, with a sincere expression.

Caiying also nodded happily, seeming to respond to everyone.

However, Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, as she was about to say something more, Saint Youtan suddenly sighed slightly, grieving and grieving, "Could it be that the Sect Master hates me for waiting? Alas, if this is the case, I can only blame me for doing things that I shouldn't have done. , Annoyed the suzerain"

"OK OK."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "I know you have a sharp tongue, so I don't need to say it anymore, just tell me, how can you thank me?"

The sage Utan smiled, soft and charming, "The lord saves us from the water and fire. If there is no lord, I don’t know what to do. I am afraid that it will be a waste of hard work for the lord. Whatever the lord wants, as long as we Yes, there is nothing not to give."

The voice became smaller and smaller, and it became more charming.

Zhou Shu frowned slightly, "Don't use those tricks that you have done, and your effort is wasted."

He knew what the saint was doing.

Regarding Meidao, there is no one in the realm of Xiu Xian better than Cheng Tianlan, and Cheng Tianlan does not take advantage of Zhou Shu here. Perhaps Yin Kui Ce is stronger than the Meidao of Xuanhuang World, and the saint’s appearance is even better. But again, it had no effect on Zhou Shu.

When I was thinking of quietness, there was no water in the water, and nothing could interfere, at least in the Xuanhuang world.

Seeing Zhou Shu's look, the saint hurriedly said, "Don't worry about the lord, I don't have a trace of harm, but I don't know what to do."

"If you want to hurt me, I won't say either."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "You don’t have to do this, I know you want to thank me, but you have no foundation in the Xuanhuang Realm, and there is nothing you can take out. Besides, I don’t want you to take things from the Xuanhuang Realm to thank you. Me, those shouldn't be yours."

Saint Utan nodded her head again and again, very grateful, "The suzerain is right, UU reading www.uukanshu.com I am afraid that there is no suzerain."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Remember, if you meet it elsewhere in the future, it will not be too late for you to thank you."

"Other places?"

The holy goddess's color is slightly condensed, "The lord means but me"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I'll talk about it later, if you do a good job, I can't continue to help you and say goodbye."

Without saying anything, with Caiying, Zhou Shu rose into the sky and disappeared without a trace.

Saint Utan stood there quietly, as if thinking of something, a lot of smiles appeared in the corners of her mouth unconsciously, "I understand"


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