Fairy Winner

Chapter 1934: Tiankeng


Caiying pointed to the front and shouted excitedly.

On the surface of the sea, there are large tracts of ice floes, and icebergs come oncoming, as if they will hit them at any time.

"It's here."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly with a relaxed expression.

The last time I went to the North Sea of ​​Underworld, it was to change the destiny of the Demon Refining Pot. This time it was for myself, but there was nothing to be nervous about. Even if his thoughts all day long had no effect, he still knew nothing about Chaos, but the car arrived. There must be a way in front of the mountain, and it is not too late to solve problems when they come out.

Accidents do not necessarily bring bad results.


There was a loud noise.

Not far away, a huge iceberg tens of miles away suddenly split and slid into the sea in two halves.

Caiying was shocked, "What's the matter, Zhou?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "In fact, it is common for icebergs to melt. Don't worry, I can't see anything underneath."

Caiying seemed to realize something, "Oh, I thought there were some monsters, hey, such a big iceberg, if you say nothing, it will disappear."

Didn't fly far.

There was another loud noise.

Another iceberg split before the two of them, slipped and disappeared into the water.

Caiying stagnated, "Ah, there is no one."


Zhou Shu nodded lightly, but there was a hint of doubt in his heart. It is common for icebergs to melt, but it is a bit strange in succession. He just let go of his spiritual sense to investigate, but he couldn't find any changes.

Bang, bang, bang!

The same thing is still alive, even more frequently.

Almost every few hundred miles, you can see several icebergs disappear in front of you.

Even Zhou Shu frowned, which was obviously abnormal.

Is it a change in ocean currents, or something else?

After thinking about it, Caiying exclaimed again, "What a big fish, so many!"

Not far away, a large group of whales swam quickly.

Whale beasts are common monsters in the North Sea of ​​Netherworld. There are many types, most of them around the fifth and sixth ranks. They are huge, and the largest can reach forty to fifty miles long. They float on the sea like a hill, but whales do not live in groups. It is really rare that there are such a large group of hundreds of them.

The direction is towards them, but it doesn't look like an attack, it's more like running away.

Zhou Shu led Feizhou to fly higher.

The group of whales and beasts quickly passed under the flying boat, without noticing them in a hurry.

Caiying tilted her head, "It looks like something is chasing them?"

Zhou Shu seemed to hesitate a bit, "I can't see it, but you must be careful. This situation is very strange."

The farther you go, the more such sights you see.

The iceberg collapsed and disappeared, fish schools hurriedly fled, large and small vortexes appeared on the sea surface, the flow was extremely fast, and the whole sea surface seemed to be boiling.

Zhou Shu's complexion gradually darkened. He knew very well that the sea of ​​the North Ming was the calmest and most windless sea, like now, it was almost unheard of.

As he flew deeper and deeper, there were fewer icebergs and the sea gradually calmed down, but Zhou Shu's heart became more confused.

She seemed to notice something, Caiying whispered, "Should we be there?"


Zhou Shu nodded.

With regard to distance, he never made a mistake. Normally, they should have stepped on the ice now.

In the middle of the North Sea of ​​Underworld, there is a vast and boundless ice field. The celestial burial pit and chaos secret realm they are looking for should also be in and under the ice field, but until now, Zhou Shu has not seen the edge of the ice field, that is, Say—the ice sheet has been submerged by sea water.

Let go of the consciousness, and quickly verified this idea.

The original ice sheet was hundreds of feet below the sea.

It seems that the melting of a large number of icebergs has caused the sea level to rise and the ice sheet to be submerged, causing many fish and beasts to migrate. However, the change is not formed over time-there is no sign of it a hundred years ago, but it was born suddenly. It's very strange.

What caused such a big change in Beimingzhihaisheng?

The divine consciousness stayed on the submerged ice sheet, and soon it became clear that many cracks, large and small, appeared on the ice sheet, some tens of meters wide, and some even more than a dozen miles wide.

The crack stretched all the way into the depths of the ice sheet.

The flying boat continued to move forward. After thousands of miles, the huge ice sheet finally appeared in front of him.

It was very different from the past, the ice surface was not even at all, and dozens of huge cracks stood on the ice surface, like torn wounds.

"How did it become like this?"

Caiying was stunned, curiously asked, "Could it be that who got through the catastrophe?"

"Passing the robbery?"

Zhou Shu looked slightly stagnant.

He hadn't thought about this, but it was indeed possible.

But if it is really a tragedy, it is too terrible. This is just the edge, not the center of the tragedy. The edge can cause such damage and cause the entire North Ming Sea to rise. Such a number of disasters may not end with the tenth heaven.

Who can lead such a big catastrophe?

Was it the behemoth stinging near the sky burial pit?

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, speeding up the flight.

The further forward, the more shocking.

There are more and more cracks, and they are getting bigger and bigger, and every one of them doesn't reach the bottom, I'm afraid it will be more than tens of miles.

There was a thick white mist floating over some cracks. The profound ice that had accumulated for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years or even longer was broken, and the icy air that radiated would turn into ice cubes if touched accidentally. Even the monsters of Tier 5 and 6 cannot be avoided.

But for the cultivator, this is an extremely rare material.

If the ice surface is not lifted, it is difficult to collect.

While flying, Zhou Shu also collected a lot of cold air and stored it in a universe bag to create an iceberg in the bag. The demon refining pot is doing the same thing. The demon refining world needs various ecology, and the glacier is also essential. Although you can change, it is better to have ready-made ones, why not?

As you move forward, the cracks become wider and wider, like a river.

After walking for a while, Caiying couldn't help shouting, "What a big pit!"

Yes, a big hole.

A big hole with a radius of tens of thousands of miles appeared in front of him.

Zhou Shu had never heard of such a large pothole, and it was not much worse than the rumored tiankeng. As for the depth, it was even immeasurable. I was afraid that it would be hundreds of miles or more, and the spiritual sense would not be able to penetrate it.

It was as if a giant was holding this ice sheet in his hand and had drilled a big hole in it with a drill.

This was Zhou Shu's first feeling when he saw the pothole. It was a bit illusory. It was not a naturally formed large hole at all. It must be caused by external forces ~www.ltnovel.com~ Caiying stared at the pothole intently and was shocked.

She couldn't help scratching her head, "Zhou, look, it's very smooth inside, how could such a big pit suddenly appear? And it seems that it is exactly the location of the heavenly grave pit we are looking for, isn't it, Zhou?"


Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "This time you remembered correctly, the heavenly grave pit should be at the location of this pit, but not in the middle."

Caiying's expression was a little bitter, "That's awful, what should I do now, how can I find it?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Just look for it like this, it saves trouble, let's go down and see."


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