Fairy Winner

Chapter 1935: Silver 狰

Come, be sure to take a closer look.

Taking in the flying boat, with Caiying, Zhou Shu probed into the pothole.

Very careful, very careful, the strange and unknown sinkhole, like a bottomless abyss, danger is everywhere, but you can't miss a little detail.

The pothole looks straight and has almost no slope. The surroundings are smooth, but traces of melting can be seen. This is indeed a bit like caused by the catastrophe. The ice sheet was completely penetrated by the thunder, and the ice gradually melted. The catastrophe disappeared and slowly solidified again.

Thinking of Heavenly Tribulation, a thought came to mind.

Could it be because of that, God wants to stop it?

Caiying pointed to a piece of ice in the distance, and exclaimed, "Zhou, look at it. It's all red here. It's different from other places, like blood?"

Zhou Shufei felt it for a few miles and nodded, "Yes, it's blood."

"There are also here! There are more over there!"

Caiying pointed everywhere and whispered, "There is blood everywhere, where does it come from, so much?"

Zhou Shu had already chipped through the ice wall, took out a piece of ice with blood, looked at it carefully, and after a few glances, his expression gradually condensed.

Caiying curiously asked, "What kind of blood is it?"

Zhou Shu looked at the ice cube and shook his head slightly, "It's a ferocious."

Caiying blinked, "What's that?"

"Silver is a kind of beast."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Also known as Thunder Beasts, they are born with thunder power and are very aggressive. Wherever they have appeared, thousands of miles of vegetation do not grow, so they provoke many sacred beasts and are regarded as public enemies. Therefore, except for the ones that left, the remaining scorpions were extinct a long time ago, and there has never been a record in the Xuanhuang world, but it is unexpected that there is one here, which is the rarest silver scorpion in the scorpion."

Caiying was a little surprised, "It's just a little blood, how did you recognize it?"

"It's actually very simple. You can perceive the thunder power in your blood and use your spiritual sense."

Zhou Shu handed the ice cube over, Caiying stepped forward to perceive it, as if she had been electrocuted, her figure bounced away, and she didn't dare to approach it anymore. He was shocked, "It's numb, and I can't move it. What kind of ghost blood is it?"

"Zheng's thunder power comes from the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm, and it is the same as the thunder of Heavenly Tribulation, but it also has its unique characteristic, which is paralysis."

Zhou Shu explained, "If you perceive it carefully, the numbness still has a biting ice cold. The ice cold is stronger than Wannian Xuanbing. Not only the flesh and blood, but even the consciousness and soul will be frozen. This is also a silver 狰. Uniquely, some alien beasts also inherited this talent, such as Ice Owl, but it is far less obvious and special than Yin Fei."

Retracting the ice cube, Zhou Shu said slowly, "The power in this trace of residual blood is very small, only a tiny bit, but the essence is still there, and it can affect us. Even if you don't have a body, you can feel the power of that power. "

"The beast is terrible."

Caiying lowered her head and muttered, but she didn't want to get close to the bloodstain anymore. Just now, it was really uncomfortable.

Pointing at the ice wall from afar, she whispered, "Zhou, is this the giant beast hidden here before?"

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "The breath is similar, majestic and powerful, but at the time I couldn't think of it, the beast stung here would be a god."

Caiying was a little excited, "If we knew it, we could look at it, talk to it, maybe we could recruit it! That's a beast, unfortunately I missed it."

"I knew it, we would hide further."

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "At that time, we didn't have the ability to compete with the beasts, far inferior. If we didn't guess wrong, this silver scorpion would have reached the eighth level long ago, and may enter the ninth level at any time and leave the Xuanhuang world."

Speaking of the Xuanhuang Realm is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, I don't know where it hides a very strong existence, even if it is a divine beast, it is possible to reappear, but I don't know if the holy beast is still hiding somewhere, silently guarding the Xuanhuang Realm.

"Then we are lucky, but luckily it didn't come out..."

Caiying nodded lightly, feeling quite emotional, "Then how did it die? It should have been a short time ago. How could even the beast die and die torn apart, leaving only a little blood, alas."

Zhou Shu stared at the ice wall, blood red, abyss, split, a few words inexplicably poured into his heart.

He shook his head, dispelled them from his heart, and said solemnly, "Caiying, it seems that you were right before, it's a disaster."

"Heavenly Tribulation?"

Caiying shook her head, as if she had forgotten.


Zhou Shu calmly said, "Heavenly Tribulation has completely destroyed this place. Yin Hao is under the Heavenly Tribulation, and unfortunately, he was also hit by the thundering thunder. It is just that Yin Hao is also a thunder-walking beast. The traces will not be completely annihilated."


Caiying couldn't help but lighted her head, as if thinking of something, she suddenly said in shock, "Ah, Zhou? You mean, this catastrophe was not caused by Yin Fei?"


Zhou Shu shook his head, "This place is far away from the thundering center, it's just an edge. If it is a silver catwalk, then the thundering center will be here, and if the thundering thunder is facing it, I guess it will be broken and left nothing. When it came down, even if it had the power of thunder, it left these bloodstains. On the one hand, the thunder did not come from it, but also because it was trying to avoid it, but it still did not escape."

"It's just the edge of Jie Lei, it's still a beast."

Caiying became more shocked, her face a little pale, "Zhou, how powerful is that robbery thunder, and who caused such a thunderous thunder? Could it be that there are a large group of divine beasts below?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Look down and you will see, but I don't think it is a beast."

This kind of power is the real world and the earth, which caused the North Sea of ​​Underworld to rise, and the ice sheet changed its appearance and completely changed its appearance.

The tribulation that caused such a change should have only appeared three times in Zhou Shu's memory, and these three times were not caused by the tribulation of the beasts or humans. It was impossible for the tribulation to cause such a big disaster.

It's all God's punishment.

Such as the collapse of the ancient Kunlun Mountains.

In Kunlun Mountain’s case, it was because of the wrath of the immortal realm that caused the immortal realm to surrender the calamity. As a result, the entire mysterious yellow realm was changed. Kunlun Mountain became a sea of ​​death for a million miles, and the 9th-order spiritual vein disappeared. Can't compare with Kunlun Mountain, but the result is similar.

If nothing is wrong~www.ltnovel.com~ the result here should be the behavior of Tiandao individual, and has nothing to do with the fairy world.

For this, Heaven also paid a price.

It seems that something unacceptable to Heaven has appeared here, or is about to appear, Heaven must be stopped by Heaven’s Punishment. For this reason, Heaven has mobilized an unprecedented source of heaven and earth, and destroyed it with the greatest thunder. That silver 狰 just coincided with the meeting and became a bewildered ghost.

What has appeared that made Tiandao so angry?

In fact, the answer is already in Zhou Shu's mind, and the previous change of thought should be the answer.

The place of chaos.


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