Fairy Winner

Chapter 1936: 1 model 1

Is the place of primordial chaos about to appear in this world, will cause chaos in the world, and will destroy it in advance?

Or was it because Zhou Shu was going to the place of chaos, and Heaven was afraid of what Zhou Shu would get from it, and then destroyed it?

According to Zhou Shu, the latter is more likely.

Heavenly Dao Pu Lao undoubtedly knows his movements. What Zhou Shu did in the Xuanhuang Realm, as long as Heaven’s Dao pays attention to it, he will definitely not escape. This is the reason.

Here again this time.

The changes in the North Sea of ​​Mind were sudden, Beiluzhou did not respond, and Wushuang City did not have any news. It should have happened in the past few months. If such a drastic change had occurred earlier, Zhou Shu would have noticed it. It is said that after Zhou Shu left Guixu, Tiandao Pu Lao began to attack.

——Using the thunder thunder like a punishment from heaven, attacked the ice field, trying to destroy the place of chaos.

What Zhou Shu saw now was the Sea of ​​the North Sea, which had been changed by Heaven's Dao. It was hard to say whether there would still be a place of chaos in this bottomless sinkhole.

"What are you afraid of?"

Zhou Shu seemed to be talking to himself, with a hint of sarcasm, "If you do this, I will go even more."

The more difficult, the more we must move forward.

Caiying said unconsciously, "Zhou, who are you talking to?"

"It's okay."

Zhou Shu shook his head and smiled, "Let's continue."

Although it is a guess, Zhou Shu is 90% sure that this is the case. What Heaven wants to destroy, but does not want Zhou Shu to obtain, must be an extremely important thing, otherwise he could not use such a powerful sky thunder, such a method, Even if it is not used for the cultivator, it must have violated the rules he should abide by.

Perhaps, besides helping Yangmei to prolong his life, Zhou Shu could get even greater gains.

The lower the air, the stronger the cold, and the smaller the sinkhole.

The hole above has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, but when it reaches a thousand miles, it is only a few thousand miles away. Because there is too much cold below, it freezes at all times, so Zhou Shu's downward journey, I just watched. The ice cave keeps shrinking and getting smaller and smaller.

Caiying shivered unconsciously.

This kind of cold, even without a body, will feel cold and unbearable.

Zhou Shu propped up the Tao Tower and wrapped her up.

"Much better, Zhou."

Caiying smiled very contentedly, "How far have we gone, why can't we still see it?"..

"It's almost a thousand miles."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "The cold below is too heavy, and the spiritual sense is frozen. I can't see how far, but it is almost the end."

A thousand miles underground, a depth that very few people can reach, even a cultivator who crosses the Tribulation Realm, is still struggling. I would like to thank this big hole. If there is not, Zhou Shu will find it by himself, I am afraid it will be even more difficult.

That Jie Lei was also extremely terrifying. It really penetrated the ice sheet. This force was somewhat unimaginable.

Even if it reaches the Mahayana state and can fully mobilize the origin of heaven and earth, it is impossible to do so.

After another time, although the pothole is still shrinking, it can be seen that the shrinkage has slowed down.

This is very strange. According to the truth, the more the cold is going down, the faster the icing will be, and the pothole will be filled up soon. This is not the case, indicating that there is some force below that is blocking the freezing, and there is probably Zhou Shu is looking for the goal.

Zhou Shu speeded up and stepped up his defenses.

Caiying whispered, "Look there, there is a red dot."

At the bottom of the pothole, there was indeed a gleaming red dot, like a light in the dark night. Although faint, it was clearly visible.

"I went to see."

Zhou Shu also noticed, and immediately let go of the eighth sense.

The eighth sense consumes a lot, and it uses its own source, unlike the original energy and divine consciousness, which can be restored at any time, and it is impossible to use the power of the demon refining pot, so it must be used with caution.

Zhou Shu stopped at a glance.

"Zhou, what, what is it?"

Caiying stared at Zhou Shu with an impatient look.

Zhou Shuli was there, his expression was very solemn, and there was no sound for a while, Caiying seemed to have realized something, and did not continue to question.

"Is it here?"

Zhou Shu gently shook his head and let out a sigh of relief.

Caiying cautiously said, "Did you see...that?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Yes, I thought it was in the secret realm, but it was outside."

What he saw was a piece of blood red, and could not tell what it was. Although it was only a small piece, it gave him a sense of boundlessness. The blood color was extremely deep and bottomless, like an abyss, like a huge mouth, what he was expecting .

This scene is no different from what Bian Xue told him before.


Caiying was taken aback. She also heard the conversation between Bian Xue and Zhou Shu. She naturally knew what Zhou Shu saw, "Is it exactly the same?"

Zhou Shu smiled, a little helpless, "It's exactly the same, it's incredible. Not only is it the same as what she said, it's exactly the same as I thought."

In fact, Bian Xue said very vaguely, with a few words, but inexplicably, a certain idea was naturally formed in the sea of ​​his knowledge, and now what he saw was exactly the appearance of that idea.

This idea, he never talked about it to anyone, nor did he describe it exactly, like a very vague dream he had had, but now it completely appeared in front of him, and it was not different from the dream. This dream became The reality is strange, but it seems to be taken for granted.

The calculation method is really mysterious.

"Is it so accurate?"

Caiying immediately became nervous, her body trembling slightly, "Zhou, then you must not pass, you will be torn to pieces if you want to."


Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful. Judging from Bian Xue's calculation, if he approaches the abyss, he will split into countless pieces and be swallowed by the blood-red abyss. This is incredible, but I have to believe it.

Because at least it seems that Bian Xue's calculation is reasonable.

Seeing Zhou Shu didn't shake his head, Caiying flew to his ear, "Zhou, don't go! Knowing that it is a dead end, what are you going to do."

She yelled anxiously and was about to cry.

"Let me see first, don't worry."

Zhou Shu comforted a few words, his expression still calm, and continued to look around.

Obviously ~www.ltnovel.com~ there is a wonderful force over the **** abyss. That force drives away the surrounding cold air. This is also the reason why it cannot freeze quickly below, and the abyss is dark black around it. After the robbery attacked, it seemed that the robbery thunder penetrated the ice field, rushed for thousands of miles, and went deep into here. The power was undiminished, but it could not destroy the **** abyss.

This is a bit scary.

There is no need to say anything about the coldness. Although Zhou Shu didn't see the power of Jie Lei with his own eyes, he knew that it was a power that a great power could not stand, but here, it was intact.

What is this abyss?

Really curious.

(Ps: Thank you ang for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)


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