Fairy Winner

Chapter 1939: do not know


As soon as I put the materials into the pill furnace, I heard an explosion.

Yangmei took out the material blankly, threw it aside, and started the next batch.

After a few dozen breaths, the furnace was fried again, and the materials were completely abolished, and the medicine naturally failed.

"Ha ha."

Yangmei shook her head and smiled faintly, "Obviously, nothing has changed. I am doing the same alchemy as before, but I can't practice anything... Brother, have you seen it? I can't do anything without you, no matter what. Dan Dao is still something, I can't do it all."

Staring at the pill furnace, she slowly said, "Brother, before you leave, you left me a message, let me wait for you, no matter what happens, I will stay in the Heyin Sect and wait for you to come back. I promised you, but I I won’t wait too long. If you don’t come back within ten years, I will..."


A soft sigh came from outside the tree house.

Quite quickly returned.


In the wooden house by the desert.

Bian Xue fiddled with the bone chips extremely intently, and her whole body was immersed in it.

It was not that she did not receive the news, but she did not go, and she did not tell anyone that all of this was actually calculated by her a long time ago.

But she had an inexplicable idea, a very firm idea.

What she sees, what she calculates, is not necessarily the end.

She wants to use the method of calculation to figure out that Zhou Shu is still alive and to figure out his true destiny. For this, she will not hesitate to give everything, even if the forbidden technique in the method of calculation is used, which is repeatedly instructed by Master Miaodi, in Xuanhuang A method of calculation that must not be used in the world.


"Week, week, week!"

The shout was very weak and misty.

"I'm here……"

Soon, the call was answered.

Caiying became excited, "Ah, is this you? Zhou, in other words, are we still alive?"

"For... it is...."

Zhou Shu's voice came over, close to my ear, and it seemed to be far away.

Caiying was a little confused, "Zhou, your voice is very strange, why did it become like this?"


Zhou Shu replied hard, "Quick...Quick...OK."

In unknown places, gray fog is everywhere, boundless, and sometimes some lights are lit up, like stars in the night.

In this gray fog, there were two groups of slightly darker fog, the size of fists, close together, and they were talking quietly, it was Zhou Shu and Caiying.

Zhou Shu didn’t know what was going on. He was swallowed and lost consciousness. After waking up, he became like this. It was just a cloud of mist, no body, only some vague spirituality and consciousness. Of course, the memory is still there, and there are also souls. a little bit.

"Can't you see this palace?"

Caiying leaned close to Zhou Shu and rubbed a few times, "My palace is right next to you."

"I'm still... working hard... learning... how to speak... it seems to be... the next step..."

Zhou Shu answered very laboriously. It took him a long time to get used to the matter of not having a body, and it was difficult to hear or speak. He finally learned to listen and speak. Although it's not like it, it's barely ruined, and it will take some time to see it.

Caiying seemed to think, "That's how it is, no wonder you are hesitant to talk."

Zhou Shu was very helpless, "There is no way...I also...I want to...speak, but...can't tell."

Caiying smiled, "What's the problem with this, my palace teaches you!"

This time the advantage is reflected.

She didn't have a body originally, even if it turned into a cloud of mist, it was not much different from what she was at the beginning, so she quickly adapted to it. I heard that there is no problem with all kinds of perception, but there is still no spiritual consciousness.

She could feel that in the gray mist, she couldn't use the powers such as the power of divine consciousness.

After a long time.

I don't know how long it is. In the gray mist, there seems to be no concept of time.

However, even life and death are gone, even if you know the time and place, it doesn't make sense.

"Teaching really well, I didn't expect you to have such a skill."..

Zhou Shu is satisfied. Now he can speak fluently. He doesn't say word by word like before, "It's wonderful, I didn't think about it before. I don't have a body or spiritual consciousness, and I can speak clearly and communicate with each other. , Totally incredible."

Caiying was very proud, "Of course, I know my palace is great, call me teacher."

This is the skill of the elves, but they are not born with them. They have paid countless hardships.

Before each elves speak, they have to go through a long period of silence. They have spirituality but no spiritual sense. During this period, they try to speak out day and night until they can finally speak and see. Being able to move, gain perception, and gain spiritual consciousness is by no means a simple matter.

"Hehe, now I am also an elf, very good."

Zhou Shu laughed self-deprecatingly. Although he was in such a weird environment, he was not even clear about life and death, but he never lost his optimism and always had confidence.

But speaking of it, isn't he just a newborn elf now?

Caiying nodded in satisfaction, "Now the teacher is going to teach you new things. I heard that it is not enough. You have to learn to see and learn to move."

"The disciple listens respectfully, teacher."

Zhou Shu smiled and promised that he must master these things in order to understand the current situation and find a way to leave.

I don't know how long it will be.

"Caiying~www.ltnovel.com~ So you are older than me."

"Did you see it?"

Caiying exclaimed excitedly, "Hahaha, of course, my palace is better than you!"

A small air mass, twisting his body, and dancing, and Zhou Shu is also an air mass, a little smaller than Caiying.

Zhou Shu stared at his surroundings, using the perception that he had learned so hard, and whispered, "Zhou, what have you seen, how far can you see?"

"I don't know," Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's the same everywhere, I don't know how far I can see."

Caiying seemed to think, "Where is this place?"

"do not know."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "But it's definitely not in the Xuanhuang Realm. There seems to be no time and space here, and there must be no such place in the Xuanhuang Realm."

With a thought in mind, is this the chaos secret realm?

I haven't used the Open Sky Stone yet, and the situation here is too weird. Could everyone who enter the secret realm become like this? There was no record in the previous classics, and Zhou Shu couldn't understand it even more.

Caiying hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice aggrieved, "Zhou, are we dead and turned into ghosts..."

"do not know."

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "I have felt the state of the soul. It is not like this. The soul can still use the magic arts, the power of the Tao, and the divine sense, but now I can't use any power. I feel that those powers are still there, but It is totally unusable and completely suppressed. This is similar to before entering, but I don’t know what the situation is."

Caiying dissatisfied, "Zhou, this is the most time you said you didn't know it! Anyway, this palace is angry!"

"I really don't know."

Zhou Shu was helpless, he couldn't even think of the situation now.

It's so strange, is there such a secret realm, take everything away, return to the first birth, and exist as a heaven and earth spirit.


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