Fairy Winner

Chapter 1940: Counterattack

Weird place, peculiar situation.

Compared with Zhou Shu, Caiying is much more relaxed, no matter what the situation is, she is not worried, and she wanders around.

As if thinking of something, "By the way, Zhou, did you see the sword in this palace?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I can't see it, not only the sword, there is nothing left, the refining demon pot, the Xuanyuan sword, the Qiankun bag..."

Clean and smooth, there is only a cloud of mist left on the body, where else is there, which also puzzles Zhou Shu. Are those things swallowed and disappeared by the mysterious power, or are they not brought in?

The current situation is really difficult.

Caiying pointed down, "No, that's still there."

Zhou Shu looked over, but couldn't see anything, "What?"

Caiying pointed again, "It's the open sky stone."

Zhou Shu paused slightly, "The open sky stone is still there, can you pick it up?"

"Give it a try."

Caiying shook a few times, and the air mass fell down, seemingly slow and slow, but disappeared from Zhou Shu's sight in a short while, one can imagine how weak Zhou Shu's perception is now.

After a while, Caiying flew back and said angrily, "I can't take it, it's too heavy."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly.

The open sky stone weighs a hundred catties, and Caiying can't hold it, not to mention it, so weak, what else can I do except sigh.


Caiying looked into the distance and was startled, "Zhou, it seems something is coming."

Zhou Shu looked in the direction she was looking, but couldn't see anything. Even if he tried his best, he could only ask, "What is that?"

The perception is too weak to move, this feeling is really bad.

Caiying stared at the distance, "I don't know, it's an air mass similar to ours, but much larger than us. There seems to be light flashing inside. He is coming towards us..."

As he said, his voice became smaller.

A pressure came oncoming, Caiying felt suppressed, and gradually couldn't speak.

At this time, Zhou Shu also saw it. It was an air mass hundreds of times larger than himself, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, giving people a sense of suffocation. The gray mist on his body exuded, as if he stretched out hundreds of arms. , Is coming towards them.


Anyone can feel that something is wrong, and that air mass is by no means good.

Caiying was taken aback, recovered, and quickly grabbed Zhou Shu and ran back.

Compared with the giant air mass, the speed of picking up is much faster. Even with Zhou Shu, the air mass cannot catch up, but the air mass will not leave behind, always chasing behind, as if it has found something impossible to give up. food.

I don't know how long it took.

The pressure gradually disappeared, and the shadow of the giant was no longer visible behind him, Caiying stopped and couldn't help breathing.

"Huh, I'm exhausted."

"Thanks for your hard work," Zhou Shu said softly, "rest a while, but you have to teach me how to walk and fly."

Although Zhou Shu had a weak perception, he couldn't control this air-like body, so he could only be taken away by Caiying. This was not a good thing. If he did it again, he would probably be swallowed by the behemoth.

There is a hunch that if he dies this time, it is really dead, and even the air mass state is gone.

Speaking of everything is a bit unexpected, if he hadn't come with Caiying, he might have been swallowed as soon as he entered here, and there would be no chance of survival.


Caiying nodded and spoke in a low voice.

Although it is a long time ago experience, no matter how bad the memory is, it is impossible to forget. Who will forget how to walk?

Before long, another cloud of mist flew over.

Ten times bigger than them, the pressure is much lower than before, but it is still unacceptable.


Caiying didn't hesitate this time, and directly dragged Zhou Shu to fly.

The small air mass is not much slower than Caiying, and it has been chasing after him.

Caiying didn't feel a little anxious, Zhou Shu reminded in a low voice, "Don't keep going forward, change direction and make more turns."


Caiying seemed to realize something, and immediately changed direction.

After all there is the foundation of the spirit, the skill is still much more agile, even if the speed is not much different, but the flexibility is stronger, I don’t know how much, dozens of consecutive turns, the air mass that is chasing after turning into a daze, I don’t know what to do. Wherever he chased, Caiying was not far away, but she ran around in a daze.

Caiying quickly changed direction and left it far behind.

"Hehe, I said it earlier!"

After stopping, Caiying shook Zhou Shu, very proud.

Zhou Shu showed some thought, "They have been chasing us, are they planning to swallow us?"

Caiying nodded vigorously, "Of course, if you think about it, if we are caught by them, we will definitely be absorbed by them and become a part of them! If we eat too much and keep eating smaller than ourselves, we can The bigger you eat, the stronger you get, haven’t you noticed?"

"I found it."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "So, can we turn it around and eat them?"

Caiying looked at herself, then at Zhou Shu, shaking her head, "Fight back? They are so big and we are so small, how can we eat?"

"There should be a way, otherwise it won't be a way to hide like this, sooner or later..."

Before the words fell, another air mass appeared below, floating towards them.

"Here again, I won't let the palace rest!"

Caiying looked depressed, grabbing Zhou Shu and planning to run.

Zhou Shu quickly said ~www.ltnovel.com~ Don't worry, you see, this air mass is similar to ours. "

Caiying was stunned, "Are you really planning to eat him?"

"It can't be wrong if you look at it," Zhou Shu said slowly, "It seems that they have no power to use, they just swallow and absorb it by themselves. In this case, why can't we."

"But don't forget, you are a cultivator, and this palace is a sword spirit."

Caiying glared at Zhou Shu, "If we eat this, I don't know what the **** we will become. What if we can't go back?"

Zhou Shu was very serious, "We must save our lives first."

It's not that he didn't consider the consequences, what would happen if it became the same air mass and grew bigger and bigger? But if you don't do this, you won't be able to hide for long. If you want to survive here, you will still take this step sooner or later.

Others, for the time being, I can't think about it too much.


Caiying hesitated for a while, and finally nodded, "Anyway, I'm tied to you. Even if we can't go back like this, we won't be separated."

Zhou Shu nodded and smiled, "Besides, the result is not necessarily what you and I think."

"How to do it?"

Looking at the air mass that slowly approached, I was waiting for it.

"I'll just wait for him to come here. You surrounded him from later on. We clamped him up. With the strength of the two of us, we should be able to swallow him."

Zhou Shu looked calm and slowly said, "But be careful not to affect your spiritual sense, otherwise, after swallowing, you will not be you, and I will not be me. Remember this, no matter what happens, you must protect yourself. Spiritual consciousness."

"My palace understands."

Caiying turned around and flew away, while Zhou Shu stood there, waiting for the air mass to come over.

(Ps: Thank you zhainiuniu for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted)

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