Fairy Winner

Chapter 1945: challenge

Live day by day.

No, in fact, there is no concept of days, it's just muddled, let it be.

I don't know how long it took.

Caiying and Zhou Shu have ten light spots on their bodies, all of which are colored.

They have become very strong. In this chaotic world, as long as they don't enter the field of golden light spots, they walk sideways in other places. Most air masses will run when they see them, and the five-color air masses are no exception.

And Zhou Shu Caiying had no intention of chasing.

They naturally feel that they can no longer grow. No matter how many air masses are swallowed, they are always the same. Moreover, even if the air masses are swallowed, the light spots on their bodies will not increase any more. They always maintain ten, just constantly changing.

Caiying seemed thoughtful, "Zhou, should we look for golden light spots?"


Zhou Shu was quite solemn, "It's almost time, I think, if you can leave here, the key to leaving is the golden light spots."

Caiying has some worries, "But, we won't become golden light spots and stay motionless there, right?"

Worry is of course not for nothing. They saw with their own eyes that a five-color air mass challenged the golden light spot. It was very difficult, but finally succeeded. After success, the five-color air mass immediately replaced the position of the golden light spot and became exactly the same. Golden light spots.

It can be seen that this chaotic world is maintaining balance in this way.

In the chaos, large and small air masses are constantly produced. They fight each other, swallow each other, and become stronger and bigger, and eventually become golden light spots, becoming the king of chaos, leading one party, and accepting the challenges of other air masses until they are defeated. , Was replaced.

This is a unique setting in the secret world, which is different from true chaos.

If it is true chaos, when a sufficiently strong air mass appears, the chaos will be broken, and the air mass will establish a new order and create a world.

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "It should be impossible. After all, we are outsiders and we will abide by certain rules, but it is impossible to keep abiding. If we become a golden air mass, will we not move? Who can stop it? we."


Caiying thought for a while, and relieved, only soon, some sorrows were caught, "Zhou, those golden spots are very strong."

Zhou Shu looked serious, "I know, much better than us."

They can now easily swallow the five-color air masses, but the gap between them and the golden light points is still not counted. They are true kings, hundreds of times or more higher than them, just like the difference between stone and sand.

Zhou Shu slowly said, “We don’t have to surpass those golden light spots in strength. Obviously we can’t, because we can no longer grow. What we have to do is to challenge them with absolute confidence and courage. There may not be no chance of victory."

"The cultivator is also very weak compared to the way of heaven, but he can still break through the shackles of the way of heaven and become an immortal."

Caiying nodded slightly, "Here, it's almost the same as crossing the catastrophe, right? My palace understands, let's go through the catastrophe and rise to the immortal here first.

Zhou Shu showed a trace of relief, and said slowly, "You understand, that's it. Whether it is the chaotic world, our Xuanhuang realm, or other realms, if you want to break through the obstacles and achieve a higher realm, you must do this, and it is with Xuanhuang The difference in the world is that here is chaos without any order. The situation of defeating the strong with the weak is more likely to happen. Do you remember the scene we saw before, the cyan..."

Caiying seemed to realize something, "...The cyan air mass swallowed a purple air mass and it turned into purple directly."


Zhou Shu smiled with satisfaction, "Even the small cyan air mass can surpass the powerful purple air mass. We are already colored, so should we be afraid?"

Caiying shook her head quickly, and said forcefully, "No, this palace will definitely win!"

"set off."

Zhou Shu nodded, stopped talking, and the two flew into the chaos.

I don't know how long it took, they stood in front of a golden light spot.

At this time, the perception of the two of them was very keen, and they could clearly perceive the true face of the golden light spot.

The spot of light is in the center, surrounded by solid fog, the air mass is huge, floating up and down, from time to time a pool of fog splashes, like a boundless ocean.

The golden light spot obviously saw them too, just ignoring it. Like the challengers before, it didn't feel any threat.

"It's so big."

Caiying was stunned, but it was only a moment, and soon regained firmness.

No matter how big it is, since I stand here, I will never shrink back, just like the five-color air mass before, there is no turning back.

"Go on, rush to the light spot."

Zhou Shu was very calm and rushed in immediately without hesitation.

The longer you stand, the more pressure you feel and the more chaotic your thoughts. This is not a good thing.

"Well, even the last time."

Caiying followed closely, extremely resolute, with a hint of smile.

The wish has been fulfilled, and there will be no regrets-we must live and die at all times, no matter where.

Before in the Xuanhuang Realm, she had been protected, but this way, they would always fight side by side. After countless lives and deaths, they helped each other, regardless of each other, and no longer felt protected~www.ltnovel.com~ feels good.

For the sword spirit, there is nothing else to ask for.

As soon as he rushed into the golden light group, a huge sense of oppression immediately hit.

It seems to have been thrown into a huge grinding wheel, up and down, left and right, all of which are rough stone mills, and once and again, they will never stop squeezing themselves.

The air mass decayed rapidly at a visible speed.

But after a while, the two of them were only half of their original size, and what was even more desperate was that the golden light spot became more and more distant, and it was almost impossible to feel it.

Is it going the other way, the harder you work, the more wrong?


Seems to hear a sneer, a light spot from the middle.

"this is?"

Caiying was shocked, "How come you are getting farther and farther away from your goal?"

Zhou Shu was calm, "Perception is limited, it doesn't matter, continue, don't change direction."

He doesn't think there is any law of power here, which can change space and time, and create various illusions. Chaos suppresses everything, and seeing is true.

Zhou Shu has enough cognition to make such a judgment. Spiritual consciousness is too high, and some five-color air masses are often not considered. When you see it, the harder you work, the farther away you are from the target, you will be discouraged at once. What has been reached can not be done.


Caiying relaxed and continued to move forward to meet the goal.

Zhou Shu’s voice is still in your ears, "Caiying, remember, no matter what happens, even if you can’t see anything, don’t be disturbed, never stop. This is the only thing we can do and the only victory. machine."

Two air masses, go forward courageously.

The speed is getting slower and slower, the body is getting smaller and smaller, but these can't stop them, nor can they change their goals.

They are getting closer and closer to the golden light spot.

Bang, bang, bang!

Suddenly, there was a drumbeat from all sides. 8)

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