Fairy Winner

Chapter 1946: Out

The mist was tumbling, turbulent, like boiling sea water.

The golden light no longer ignored them, and began to obstruct.

The power gap was too great. In the mist, Zhou Shu and Caiying lost control and rolled with the waves.

In the turbulent fog, they were shrinking faster and faster, and the fog of the golden air mass was obviously more solid, strands, stretched out like countless arms, one after another, tearing their bodies.

The body is getting smaller and weaker, and the direction is about to be lost. There is nothing to see. The double pain keeps hitting Zhou Shu and Caiying.

But the more suffering, the more forgiving.

In the desperate situation, the two began to show their greatest potential, and the five-color light suddenly shone. At that moment, the surrounding fog couldn't hide it and calmed down.

In my eyes, I saw golden spots again.

The dawn was dawning, and the two of them were suddenly fast, running desperately.

It is indeed desperate. At the cost of burning life, the body shrinks faster, and if it fails, it becomes a benevolence.

A long five-color light, like a rainbow, went straight to the golden light spot.

I have never seen such a persistent opponent. The golden light spots seem to be a little panicked. Although the fog churns more and more fiercely, it is out of sight. It looks like a strong wind and waves, but it can’t keep up with Zhou Shu’s speed. Several waves hit the two of them.

The two shrank smaller and smaller, and there was almost only one point left.

And right here, the golden light spot also appeared in front of him.

There was still a very soft light in the distance, but it was extremely hot when it was close. The heat waves rolled and the light was dazzling, as if it could melt everything.

Zhou Shu and Caiying didn't even look at them, and rushed over.

In fact, at this moment, their bodies are almost burnt out, and there is not much consciousness left, and they don’t even know who they are. They just don’t forget what they have to do. The goal remains unchanged. They just rush in and rush to the golden light. Go inside.

The moment they touched the golden light, the two completely lost their consciousness and completely lost their bodies.

It seems to be completely dead.

Put it to death and live, and soon the two woke up.

The boundless pressure around, the golden light spot in front of him, has completely disappeared.

The two looked at each other, dumbfounded, and some could not believe it.

Suddenly, Caiying exclaimed, pointing at Zhou Shu, excited, "Zhou, the light spot on your body! It has become golden!"

The ten five-color light spots on Zhou Shu's body have completely disappeared, and replaced by a golden light spot, soft, but extremely clear.

Zhou Shu calmly perceives himself, his mind is very shaken, and he has changed greatly.

The change does not come from body size, but from the return of strength.

Divine Soul is back, Divine Sense is back, Shu Zhili is also back, although there is only a little bit, but it is definitely his own.

Perceiving his own power, this probably means that he has broken the limits of the chaotic mystery.

"Why is there no golden light in this palace?"

After the excitement, Caiying complained. There were still ten five-color light spots on her body, no change at all.

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Maybe your exposure to the light spots is slower than me?"

"My palace is obviously fast!"

Caiying was a little angry, "You are faster than this palace!"

Zhou Shu smiled, "You taught me my skills."


Caiying laughed, but she still felt uncomfortable, she looked around, "Why, even if it's a little slower, it shouldn't be the same, damn, damn! No matter, I will do it again, Zhou, we will Go find the golden light spot."

"I want too, but I'm afraid there is no chance."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly and pointed a short distance away, "Look, Caiying."

Above the two, a blue vortex appeared at some point, with a psychedelic color, like a portal, calling them.

Zhou Shu unconsciously moved towards the vortex, slowly, but it could be seen that Zhou Shu had no resistance at all.

Caiying said in surprise, "Ah, are you going out?"

"should be."

Zhou Shu was quite solemn, "My strength is recovering, which means that the boundaries of the chaos mystery have been broken. I don't belong here anymore and must leave. You can only go with me, but if you..."

"My palace is leaving, no matter what the golden light is!"

Caiying yelled loudly, clutching Zhou Shu, but refused to let go.


Zhou Shu nodded gently and said warmly, "There may be a chance in the future."

Caiying shook her head, like a rattle, "I don't want to come to this palace anymore. It's not good to stay one day longer in this broken place!"

Seeing her volatility, Zhou Shu couldn't smile.

Unknowingly, the two had reached the whirlpool.

The blue light flashed, covering the two of them, and then they disappeared, as if they had never been here.

I don't know how long it took.

The two fell to the ground, and their footing was very solid and very cold.

"It's cold!"

Caiying exclaimed, trembling, Zhou Shu habitually propped up Daotao to guard her.

The power of Tao can be used freely without any reduction, which is very good.

"The sword of the palace!"

Caiying, who had just gotten into the Dao Pagoda, immediately flew out again.

Lie flat on the ice, shining with a faint light, it is Qingjian.

"It seems, nothing has changed?"

Caiying looked at Qingjian, then looked around, with a look of curiosity, "Zhou, look, we are still under the sinkhole of the ice field, surrounded by ice walls, here, there are traces of our coming down. ."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "Well, it's where we came down, but the **** abyss is gone."

They are at the bottom of the tiankeng, underneath their feet are freezing ice and soil, and the **** abyss with mysterious power that was supposed to be placed here before, it is likely that the entrance to the chaos secret realm is no longer there. There is no trace of its existence, as if it had never appeared.

"It's really like a dream."

Caiying frowned, thinking hard about what is going on.

"Is Huang Liang a dream?"

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, seeming to feel the same way. Everything on him came back intact. Whether it was power or magic weapon, the demon refining pot Xuanyuan sword was well by his side, and the lucky beast was in the universe bag, just like it. In the world of refining demon, nothing has changed.

Of course, this must not be a dream, because there is still light around them.

"Wow, those light spots are still there!"

Caiying looked at the five-color light spots flying around ~www.ltnovel.com~ and couldn't help shouting.

In front of Zhou Shu, there was a golden light spot, soft and imposing, like a golden pearl with a mysterious aura.


Caiying grabbed a spot of light, curiously explored her consciousness, and immediately exclaimed, "Ah, there is something inside!"

She didn't finish speaking, and she took out the contents.

The bottom of the tiankeng was suddenly bright as day.

The extremely bright brilliance, reflected on Caiying's face, is differently bright.


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