Fairy Winner

Chapter 1947: Jin Zhi

"this is……"

   Caiying stared intently.

   It is a piece of Ganoderma lucidum, which is made of gold leaf. The whole body is bright and brilliant.

The lines on the Ganoderma lucidum are extremely strange, dense and clear. The brilliance flows through it, like a winding river, and when perceived carefully, the flowing light is very regular, as if the Ganoderma lucidum is a living thing, speaking in ancient language. what.

   Such strange things are definitely not something the Xuanhuang world can have now.

   Zhou Shu also looked a little dazed.

   What he looked at was not the shape of Ganoderma lucidum, but the mystery in it. The bright lines on the Ganoderma lucidum conformed to the rules of heaven and earth. It was a rare romance.

   After only a few breaths, the radiant golden ganoderma began to shrink rapidly, and a cloud of light black mist slowly condensed above the ganoderma.

   The mist kept expanding, and the Lingzhi kept shrinking, as if it was being absorbed by the mist.


   Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, and hurriedly stretched out his instructions.

   separated the Ganoderma lucidum from the liquid, then divided the Ganoderma lucidum into two, divided it among Caiying, and swallowed his half in one bite.

   "Quick, don't waste it!"

   Hearing Zhou Shu's words, Caiying quickly took the half of Ganoderma lucidum.

   Ganoderma lucidum turned into a little streamer, and flew around the phantom. In an instant, the entire phantom turned golden yellow with a strange luster.

   "Ah, ah, ah!"

   Caiying couldn't help shouting loudly.

   How refreshing it is, an experience I have never had before.

Even without a body, she could perceive that the extraordinary half of Ganoderma lucidum is by no means comparable to any spiritual thing she has ever eaten. She has cultivated her soul and consciousness, and everything she can think of, is steadily and rapidly improving, and it continues. It took a while to stop.

   And stopping is not the end.

   The little golden light is still shining on the plucking phantom, and every time it shines, I feel the strength solidified.

It was actually a strong act for her to condense the power of the Tao, and to raise the level of the power of the Tao. If she relied on ordinary cultivation to condense and improve, I am afraid that it would take hundreds of years or even longer to retreat, and this golden light flashed, but a few hundred After rest, her Dao power was strengthened, almost qualitatively improved.

   "Okay, so comfortable!"

   Feeling the golden light gradually disperse, he breathes a long sigh of relief, and his face is full of happiness, "Zhou, what is this?"

   Zhou Shu did not answer, closed his eyes and lowered his eyebrows. He was still absorbing the benefits of Ganoderma lucidum.

   As a human cultivator with a body, the benefits may be more, but it is also more troublesome. It cannot be done in a while.

   Caiying didn't bother, just watched him carefully.

   After a while, Zhou Shu woke up, his complexion was still calm, his eyes were brighter, if there was a **** in it.

   He shook his head slightly, "Unfortunately, a lot was wasted."

   Caiying widened his eyes, "What a waste, Zhou, what is Ganoderma?"

"I do not know either."

   Zhou Shu shook his head, only slowly saying, "But it must be a ninth-order spiritual creature."

   "Tier Nine Spiritual Feast!"

   Caiying was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, "My palace has just eaten a ninth-order spiritual object, no wonder, no wonder it's so comfortable, so much progress!"

   "But unfortunately a lot of wasted. If we can eat the whole, the benefits will be even more."

Zhou Shu expressed regret, "The ninth-order spiritual creatures are completely formed by the source of origin, and they can only live in places where the source of energy is strong. Once they leave the source of energy and are exposed to the air, the source of it will quickly dissipate and return. Yu Tiandi, it was previously stored in the light spot and could not reach the outside world, but once it was taken out, it was soon polluted after it came into contact with the environment here. The black mist just now was just useless to us. "

   "I understand, it's a pity."

   Caiying lowered his head, "The Ganoderma lucidum was so big...I blame it, I shouldn't have taken it out."

   Zhou Shu shook his head, "I was wrong too, I was too focused on it, but I didn't expect it."

Seeing such a spiritual thing, it can be said to be a divine thing. It is difficult to think about other things, especially the lines on the spiritual thing. Only a few glances gave him a great enlightenment. Why would he not continue to look at it? ?

   Not every ninth-order spiritual object has lines on it.

   Those lines can be said to be the words of God, the message that the origin of the world wants to convey, and the avenues of laws, etc. are all contained in it. If you don't look at it, you will miss the chance.

   "These light spots...are you okay?"

   Caiying carefully looked at the remaining nine light spots around her.

   Zhou Shu said slowly, "It should be okay. I sensed it. Those light spots are probably formed by the condensing of chaotic energy. Everything is invaded. As long as they are not taken out, there will be no problems with the contents."

   "It's okay, okay, there are nine more, I will hold them all for you."

   Caiying handed it over, with expectation in his eyes, "We, when shall we watch it?"

   Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Of course I have to finish reading, I hope I can find what I need in it."

   The Ganoderma lucidum has greatly increased all aspects of strength, and it can be described as a real god, but he feels that it has no effect on Shouyuan, the origin of life, etc., that is, it can't help Yangmei.

   As he said, he took a light spot and carefully probed into the consciousness, slightly stagnating.

   "What is Zhou, what is it?"

   Caiying moved closer, her face full of excitement.

   "I still don't know, I can only ask him."

   Zhou Shu spread his hands and took out the demon refining pot.

   The Demon Refining Pot looked at Zhou Shu solemnly, with an unusual sense of solemnity.

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "You saw the scene just now, right? You should know what it is?"

   "Yes, Zhou Shu."

   The refining demon pot hesitated for a while, and said slowly, "That's Kuafu Jinzhi."

   Caiying curiously asked, "Kuafu Jinzhi?"

   Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Go ahead, tell everything you know, you can't do without."

  The Demon Refining Pot quickly said, "Zhou Shu, you misunderstood, I didn't want them, I'm just wondering how did you get them? We seem to have never been separated, why did you suddenly get these things?"

   He looked at the light spots, very confused.

  Caiying is stagnant~www.ltnovel.com~What! You said, we have never been apart? "


The demon refining pot said in a deep voice, "If I read it right, I just didn't. Let's explore the tiankeng together, and then see a **** abyss below, and then Zhou Shu, you take us down together, but you haven't reached the **** abyss. , The abyss was gone, I was in a daze at that time, thinking I was wrong..."

   "When I settled down, I found Zhou Shu that you had fallen to the bottom of the pit. Then there were these strange light spots around you, and then you even took out Kuafu Jinzhi..."

   He trembled slightly, a little confused, "I really don't understand what is going on."


   Caiying looked at Zhou Shu, stunned, "What's going on?"

   Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "You said you lost your consciousness in a trance? Then you saw what we are now?"

   Refining the Demon Pot seriously said, "Well, I did lose consciousness a bit, but it's just a flash of thought, how can there be so many changes."

   Zhou comfortably said, "This flash of your thought is actually a long time."

  The moment of refining the demon pot was the moment when he touched the **** abyss.

  It was a flash of thought in the refining demon pot, but in fact, how long it had passed, the refining pot did not know, but Zhou Shu could roughly estimate it.


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