Fairy Winner

Chapter 1955: Penglai Island is in a hurry

After confessing a few words, Zhou Shu left Feizhou, and Qingque quickly followed.

Zhou Shu nodded and headed east together.

The current Penglai Island is still in Beiluzhou, not too far from the Sea of ​​Beiming. If it weren't for this, it would be difficult for the city lord to know the sky changes here.

"City Lord, what happened?"

Looking at the city lord, Qingque was a little worried.

Zhou Shu slowly said, "It's the demons, right?"

"Do you see it?"

The city lord was a little surprised, "Yes, in any case, you come here quickly. If you don't come again, I don't know if Penglai Island is there anymore. I am very busy now, let's talk about it when I come."

The city lord left soon, and the two people here also left Wushuang City, speeding up the speed.

"I can't finish talking, are you so anxious."

Qingque was quite puzzled. She had never seen the city lord like this. "How do you know it's from the Demon Race, Shu?"

"There is devilish energy in the city lord, not a lot."

Zhou Shu looked solemn, "He is very troublesome now, most of it is that Penglai Island has been invaded by the demons, and even he is contaminated with demonic energy."


Qingque's face turned pale, "Even, even the city lord is stained with devilish energy..."

"I'll know when we arrive, let's hurry up."

Zhou Shu nodded, dragged her into the clouds, and disappeared for a moment.

Actually brought the blue bird directly into the ninth day.

The gong wind here is shaped like a solid body, with solid powers like electricity, thunder, shining constantly, with great original power, flying in it, like a shuttle in a rain of bullets, but it is not shocked. Taking advantage of Zhou Shu's Tao Pagoda, they used Gang Feng as a booster, and the two experienced the feeling of a speeding electric switch.

Not long after Zhou Shu landed, Penglai Island was not far below.

At this time, Penglai Island was very different from the past. It was surrounded by a thick green mist, as if wearing a piece of clothing, there was a fishy smell and blood everywhere, and the previous paradise no longer existed.

Only the middle piece, not yet surrounded by the mist, kept its original appearance.

"How could this be?"

Qing Que's heart was shocked, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

With the vast magical powers of the city lord, it is incredible to allow the demons to invade to this extent.

"Go on."

Zhou Shu rushed down and landed on the island soon.

Feeling the devilish energy in front of him, he waved his hand slightly and swept away, but after a while, it surged up again.

As if perceiving them, many figures slowly walked over, shadowy and inhuman.

Qingque opened the golden Wushuang Ling, and the two of them sank straight and landed on the wood of Jianshi.

The trees are still magnificent, they just look weak, the leaves are caged with a faint layer of magic energy, and there are green spots on the trunks, which are signs of being disturbed by the magic energy and blood. Jianshi in the deepest part of Penglai Island Zhimu was also tainted with devilish energy, no wonder the city lord was so anxious.

"follow me."

Zhou Shu's complexion gradually condensed, turning eastward and westward, and walked toward the hall where the Tongtian Tower was placed.

Along the way, I only felt that the original energy and vitality had attenuated a lot, not what they should have been.


In the main hall, the city lord, who looked like a child, stood in front of the Tongtian Tower with a solemn expression.

On the Tongtian Pagoda, Lin Zhu was still busy, her expression was very focused, there was nothing else.

Zhou Shu came closer and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Seeing more clearly, the city lord was indeed stained with devilish energy, his head showed an unnatural green, and his body was a little yellow.

The city lord sighed slightly, "I was a little negligent..."

Dozens of days ago.

The sky above Penglai Island suddenly split, and a huge ball of fire fell straight down.

The fireball was very special, not to mention Du Qikua, the color of the flame was dark green, with an unpleasant smell of blood.

The city lord immediately understood that this was the shooting star of the Demon Race, and the Demon Race had begun to invade the Xuanhuang Realm.

"The first goal turned out to be my Penglai Island."

The city lord sneered, "It's really courageous, how can I make you do what you want?"

The city lord can be said to be the strongest in the Xuanhuang world, not to mention that he has not dealt with the demons. When the sea tribe and the demons united, Penglai Island coincided with the meeting, and many demons came to invade Penglai Island, but even No trace was left, so the Mozu regarded Penglai Island as a forbidden area and did not dare to come over.

Therefore, even if he could not move, the city lord did not take this demonic thief star in his heart.

When the shooting star was about to fall on Penglai Island, the city lord exerted great power, and the boundless canopy of the building of the beginning tree turned into a huge fist with the size of hundreds of miles, and slammed it straight at the shooting star.

Although the shooting star has a strong momentum, how is it the opponent of the city lord?

With just one punch, the shooting star split into two halves, ejected hundreds of thousands of miles, and disappeared.

The city lord only shot this fist, and all the demons in the shooting star have been killed, so there is no more control, only a message in Wushuang City, reminding the Dutch and the people of Wushuang City to be careful, the demons have begun to invade. After that, he continued to concentrate on the Tongtian Tower.

Tongtian Tower has reached the final step, he must assist Lin Zhu to complete it, and must not make a mistake at the end, which accounts for 90% of his energy.

Some days after that.

Penglai Island still has people coming and going, there are human immortals and sea people.

The City Lord paid attention every day, but didn't spend much energy, because it didn't seem to be special.

Hearing this, Zhou Shu unconsciously sighed. The city lord glanced at him and showed a lot of helplessness, "You also thought of it, yes, many immortal cultivators and sea races are no longer them, but demon slaves. ."

"Magic slave!"

Qingque's heart palpitated.

Demon slaves are immortal cultivators or other races who have been injected with demon souls. They are tantamount to being contaminated and will only take orders from the demons in the future.

Only the demon king in the soul-pouring period can possess the demon soul and create a demon slave.

"Yes, demon slave."

The city lord said slowly, "I was negligent. I didn't expect a Demon King-level Demon Race to appear."

Soon, Penglai Island was changed. A large number of immortal cultivators, sea people, etc. on the island launched an attack on Penglai Island.

At this time, the city lord was shocked and discovered that there were few normal immortal cultivators on the island, and they were basically demon slaves. In other words, in the past few months, almost all races that came to Penglai Island were contaminated. There are many and powerful, and there are even demons who cross the Tribulation Realm.

"The demon slave who crossed the Tribulation Realm."

Even Zhou Shu couldn't help but stagnate.

If he could pollute the cultivators of the Tribulation Realm into Demon Slaves, the Demon King might not be an ordinary Demon Clan in the Soul Pouring Stage.


The city lord nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ I guess that Demon Race is about to approach the Demon Lord, but it will not be the real Demon Lord. Otherwise, there will be rules of heaven and earth. If the Heavenly Dao really allows such things to happen, it will be difficult that day. To resign the blame, unless he doesn't want to be the heaven of the Xuanhuang Realm anymore-70,000 years ago, the demon king came to the Xuanhuang Realm, and he should have known about the fact that the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanhuang Realm was relegated. "

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Giving up the Xuanhuang World? Pu Lao shouldn't be so stupid."


The city lord said slowly, "Even if it is not the demon lord, the demon lord is no small thing. It is probably one of the most powerful demon clan who have come to the Xuanhuang Realm in the past tens of thousands of years. He is also very wise. The demon slave came to attack Penglai Island, if not so..."

He sighed, still blaming himself.


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