Fairy Winner

Chapter 1956: Stride forward

Tens of thousands of demons attacked Penglai Island.

These weren't a big problem in the first place. With the strength of the city lord, it was not difficult to clear these people out, at most it would be more expensive.

If they are all ordinary monks.

However, there are many demon slaves who cross the tribulation realm. Even the guards on Penglai Island have been contaminated by the demon clan, and many monks have become demon slaves.

Most of the collapse of the fortress started from itself.

In trouble.

The defection of these monks was unexpected by the city owner, and the defense of Penglai Island was quickly broken.

These demon slaves went underground and used themselves as weapons to unleash the demon blood and demon energy in their bodies without reservation, only to maximize damage to Penglai Island.

Even if the city takes the initiative to use the highest wooden tactics left by the building of all creatures, only Jianmu and Jianshimu can be used to expel the demon energy and blood and make up for vitality with huge vitality. However, Penglai Island still has twice the result with half the effort. Affected, although ninety-nine percent of the demon blood was eliminated, which was considered to eliminate the greatest danger, the demon energy still spread irresistibly, covering most of the island, and the city lord who consumed too much was helpless. Protect the wood of Jianshi.

It's just that the attack was far from stopping. After that day, there were continuous demon slaves coming to the island to attack further.

If there is no devilish influence, the city lord can continue to absorb the origin of heaven and earth to fight against. Even if he cannot get rid of the devilish energy, it is impossible for the devilish energy to pollute his own body. Due to the influence, the city lord's ability to absorb the origin has also been greatly reduced, and the devilish energy is getting more and more. The wood of the beginning is also affected. Even the city lord has no good way.

Today, the impact is getting bigger and bigger, except for the small area in the center, other places are affected.

If Zhou Shu does not appear, the city lord may have to sacrifice the origin to protect Penglai Island, which is very costly.

"How big is the impact," the city lord laughed at himself, "Zhou Shu, you can see it from me."

"I can tell."

Zhou Shu's expression was condensed, "Where is the Demon Race, I will go now."

The devil whose source is in the soul-pouring period, if he is not picked out and destroyed as soon as possible, the situation will only get worse.

Of course the city owner knew, but he couldn't move and had to ask for help.

The city lord pointed to the wall on the side and waved his hand, "It's over there, look at it."

In Jianshizhizhi, you can clearly see everything around you.

On the distant sea, there was a thick green mist, extremely solid, like a green sun.


Zhou Shu nodded and said warmly, "Qing Que, you stay here to help the city lord, you may be busy in a while."

"Ok, I know."

Qingque responded unconsciously. After watching Zhou Shu leave, she realized that she wanted to say that she went with Zhou Shu, just like in the past, but she was unconsciously taken away by Zhou Shu's momentum, but it was Unable to speak, involuntarily obedience.

Perceiving the difference between Zhou Shu, the city lord was also puzzled, "Qing Que, where did he go during that time?"

"It's the Secret Realm of Chaos, he just came out of it."

Qingque seemed thoughtful, "I think he is a little different."

"Of course it's not the same."

The city lord shook his head unconsciously, "Because he is much stronger than before, too much stronger, stronger than everyone in the Profound Yellow Realm, then the aura of the superior will naturally come out, even if he can't feel it himself."

"Well, it's almost like this. I can't help but listen, and I don't even have a trace of resistance." Qingque seems to have realized it, but there is still a trace of doubt in his eyes, "Santos, you say he is better than everyone, is it better than Are you strong too?"

This is a bit surprised.

In the eyes of Qingque, or in the eyes of the Xuanhuang world cultivators, the city lord of Penglai Island is the strongest existence at present, there is no one.

And the city lord can only nod his head, "Of course, I can feel that I am not his opponent, even if it is me without any consumption, I really can't think of..."

Seeing Zhou Shu, who was once not worth mentioning, became stronger and stronger, even more than himself, there was an inexplicable melancholy.

"That would have happened sooner or later."

After receiving a definite answer, Qingque opened her eyebrows and smiled. It was a joy from the heart, "Don't you think that the city lord is unhappy? Didn't you just want him to be like this at the beginning? Now he finally did it. I can be sure of yours. The wish will definitely come true, as long as he is there, even if there is no Tongtian Tower."

"Yeah, he is getting more and more reliable, haha."

The city lord nodded and sighed with emotion, "It's just that I'm starting to rely on him now, and I'm not used to it."

"Xiao Mu, what are you doing, but you can't help?"

Not far away, Lin Zhu's voice came with surprise, "Hey, Qingque, you are here too, just so, come and help me too."


Qingque agreed with a smile, and walked over with the city owner.

On the sea, Zhou Shu walked on waves.

The distance of hundreds of thousands of miles seemed to arrive in a flash, and the thick green fog was not far away.

The closer you see, the clearer it becomes. The dense fog obscures the sky and the sun, standing between the sea and the sky, connecting the sky and the earth.

Xu Ye noticed Zhou Shu's arrival, and the mist turned up, fiercer and more violent than the rough sea. In the mist, countless demons and ghosts appeared, spreading their teeth and dancing, and rushed towards Zhou Shu.

A cold color flashed in Zhou Shu's eyes and strode forward.

No movement was seen, but the mist suddenly separated, showing a road.

The phantoms of the monsters that were too late to avoid were torn into pieces, where they wailed and cried constantly.

Zhou Shu just ignores, step by step, and is as steady as a mountain.

"Where is the rat, dare to break into this king's forbidden land!"

A roar came out of the fog, and the sound condensed into a dark green dragon, with full scale claws, and with a rancid smell that would suffocate everything, it hit Zhou Shu directly, containing boundless magic power, like a long river billowing .

"The Demon Clown, dare to be king."

Zhou Shu sneered, raising his sleeves, and an invisible force followed.

Like the spring breeze and rain, the things were moisturized silently, and there was no movement. The dragon cracked and disappeared in no time.


There was a sound of surprise in the fog, slightly anxious, "Who are you?"

Why not be surprised?

Before the aliens invaded the Xuanhuang World, I had investigated the Xuanhuang World for thousands of years and found out who the strongest existence in the Xuanhuang World is now, that is, the island owner of Penglai Island. The previous two groups of aliens did not come here because they knew they were not opponents, but The third group of demons appeared, and the first one came to Penglai Island.

The Mozu knows best that if Penglai Island is defeated and the island owner is killed, then the entire Xuanhuang Realm will not be able to capture it?

Taking advantage of the island owner’s negligence, the demons had already gained the upper hand, thinking that they had a chance to win, and slowly they could destroy Penglai Island and consume the island owner to death, but he didn’t know where another strong man appeared, and he broke it all at once. One's own power strike seemed to be stronger than the island owner.

Of course he would not know ~www.ltnovel.com~ the changes in the Xuanhuang world in the past few hundred years, the sudden emergence of Zhou Shu, and the plan of alien invasion was completely wrong.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "The one who wants your life."

"court death!"

After the roar, there was no sound.

Zhou Shu stared into the depths of the fog and continued to stride forward.

The demons have many tricks, and now they are silent, obviously they are brewing more conspiracies.

But he was not worried at all.


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