Fairy Winner

Chapter 1957: Lure

The more you go in, the stronger the devilish energy.

Condensed as substance, like a city wall, airtight, no gaps can be found.

Zhou Shu didn't look at it, just strode forward.

There seemed to be an invisible mask around him, so no trace of devilish energy could get close to him within five feet, and one after another avoided, while a wall in front of him collapsed, scattered and escaped, afraid to face him.

That invisible mask is exactly Zhou Shu's Tao Tower.

However, the Dao Pagoda at this time had a hint of returning to the original.

Ordinary people can't see it, they can't see their strength, they can approach at will, and they can't feel the power, but the enemy can't break into an inch.

The devil in the blood pool gradually panicked, "The Profound Yellow Realm has half a step?"

The so-called half-step majestic is a monk who is only half a step away from the majestic and can step into the Mahayana realm at any time.

At this time, the power that Zhou Shu showed was stronger than he expected, and it was not much different from the power, no wonder he had this idea.

But Zhou Shu is not a half-step great power. He doesn't need half a step away from great power. He just raises his hand. In terms of cultivation level, he is equal to great power in all aspects. The only thing missing is one point. , And that point cannot be obtained by comprehension.

——Incorporate into the world and become a part of the origin of the world.

Only through the tenth calamity and breaking through the final boundary can it be done.

It seems to have obtained the permission of the world and all origins. From then on, the monks have fully integrated into the origins of the world, and can control and use them as they wish. For example, for example, calling the wind and calling the rain, of course, it is not using the magic formula, using the power of the five elements between heaven and earth to form wind and rain. , It was just a simple spell, but directly called the origin of the world, let the world go to the clouds and rain naturally, without having to pay any price.

The results are similar, but the process is different, and the difference in realm is even greater.

The demon king was afraid of him, and he continued to use tricks, but in the face of absolute power, those tricks were useless.

Not long after, Zhou Shu had already come to the center of the devilish energy.

Are two separate hemispheres.

It looks like an egg cut in the middle, placed in the air, with opposite cuts, which is quite peculiar.

Obviously, this is the Demon Thief Star opened by the City Lord.

In the hemisphere is a pool of blood within a radius of several miles.

The blood was too strong, almost black, the surface of the water kept surging, and the blood was steaming endlessly.

The strange thing is that there are blood pools in the upper and lower hemispheres, and the blood in the upper hemisphere hangs upside down like this, the waves are undulating, like boiling water, but not a drop of blood falls.

In the middle of the blood pool in the lower hemisphere, there is a lotus platform with three-fold eighteen petals. The petals are stacked and interlaced, moving with the waves, like a living thing. The lotus platform is immersed in the blood pool, but it is not stained with blood. It is pure as white jade. Quite strange.

There was a person sitting on the lotus platform.

The demon king of the demon clan is in human form, staring at Zhou Shu, his face is condensed, and he can't see the slightest hideousness.

"Unexpectedly, there is a strong like you in the Xuanhuang Realm. It's very good. It saves a lot of effort."

He slowly got up and said in a deep voice, "If you surrender to this king, this Xuanhuang Realm will be handed over to you to rule, how about?"

"Surrender, are you worthy?"

Zhou Shu stood still, his eyes cold, without any false color.

It seems that there will be such an answer for a long time, and the devil is not angry, "Do you know who this king represents?"

"I don't know."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I have no interest in your devil."

"Coincidentally, so does this king."

The Demon King smiled with his palm, "The Daoist is really a confidant of this king, what a devil is, but what this king represents...not the devil, but the devil!"

The smile disappeared instantly, his face sank, and huge waves rose from the upper and lower blood pools.

Zhou Shu didn't see the changes in the surroundings, and only smiled faintly, "It turns out that it is the subordinate of the devil, who is disrespectful and disrespectful."

Seeing Zhou Shu’s expression, the Demon King’s heart trembled slightly. He was still calm after hearing the word Demon Zun. He had never seen one in dozens of realms. He wanted to use his opponent’s consternation to take advantage of the maneuvering path of the Immortal Demon. This monk did not reveal any flaws, it was really difficult to deal with.

In fact, Zhou Shu was still a little surprised.

He also didn't expect that this demon king actually belonged to the demon lord. Among the heavens and the world, there are hundreds of demon lords, but there are only ten demon lords.

The demon lord is only the power immortal level, while the demon lord is the golden immortal daluo level.

The demons have ten realms. Each realm has a demon who leads the realm. At the same time, the demons are constantly sent to occupy other realms. The more realms they occupy, the stronger they are. The powerful Demon Venerable, in addition to his own great realm, also occupied more than two hundred other realms, so powerful, even the fairy realm, would not easily provoke them.

But the astonishment disappeared.

Zhou Shu thought more and more far-reaching. Most of the demons who invaded the Xuanhuang Realm before were demon monarchs under the demon lord’s command and conquered everywhere, but this time it was the demon lord who personally ordered it. How about the Xuanhuang Realm?

Today's Xuanhuang Realm is really changing, an alien invasion, dragons, witch gods, an unknown adult, etc. are all manipulated behind their backs, eyeing them, but now the Demon Lord has come again.

These are things that Zhou Shu cannot understand and cannot change now, but in the future, Zhou Shu will definitely understand the truth.

The Demon King stagnated, and slowly said, "Friends, you must know the Demon Venerable, so you should know that if you are right against the Demon Venerable, you will never end well, even if you can call the wind and call the rain in the Xuanhuang Realm, Ben The king is not your opponent, but have you ever thought about it, what should you do after you leave the Xuanhuang Realm? With all due respect, if you enter the fairy realm, if the Demon Lord wants to trouble you, you won’t live for a few days. I can't save you."

Zhou Shu was slightly pondered, but these words were not bad.

"Friends of Taoism are already destined to be promoted to immortals, why do you need to contribute to the Xuanhuang Realm?"

The Demon King showed a bit of sincerity, "It’s time to think about it for the future. If fellow Taoists let go of this step, you will leave the Xuanhuang Realm in the future, whether you go to the Immortal Realm, the Demon Realm, or other realms, the Demon Lord will protect your future. No worries."

Knowing that he was invincible, he used words to induce or, but I have to admit that these words have some truth.

If you want to consider the promotion of an immortal in the future, it is also necessary to establish a good relationship first, otherwise it will be even more difficult to leave the Profound Yellow Realm.

Zhou Shu looked at the Demon King and said slowly, "There are ten Demon Venerables in the Ten Realms of the Demon Race. I wonder who you represent?"

"Friends of Taoism are indeed knowledgeable, this king represents Xuan..."

Halfway through, the Demon King paused and said in a deep voice, "You don't need to ask more~www.ltnovel.com~ The Demon Lord will never lie to you."

"Since you said that..."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, the devil looked at Zhou Shu, and the corners of his mouth gradually brought out an evil smile.

He thought in his heart, and he said exactly the same thing as Demon Venerable. When encountering human beings who are stronger than himself, they use profit to lure them. They can abandon everything for their own promotion. This seems to be no exception.

"Then I refuse."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, and walked towards the devil, as calm as ever.

Even if you want to think about it for the future, it is not the turn of the demon king, the way is different, and it is not conspiring.


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