Fairy Winner

Chapter 1962: Words from the Heart

Zhou Shu raised his hand to salute, and sighed slightly, "I didn't expect this incident to pass so quickly."

Yu Yixian waved his hand, "Among the people saved by the Sect Master, there is the elder of the Chongyang Palace, and he said this when he came back...to talk to the old man?"

Zhou Shu nodded softly, "There are Laos."

When they arrived at Yixiandongtian, the two were seated separately.

Yu Yixian raised his sleeves, two cups of tea fell on the table, and smiled, "Unfortunately, Zier is missing, so I can only do it myself."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Ms. Zi, the mother and daughter have been reunited, and they all said they would like to thank the layman."

"If there is anything to thank, it is their own cause and effect."

Yu Yixian shook his head indifferently, as if he didn't care, but he could see that there was still obsession in his heart.

Putting down the teacup, he said slowly, "What the **** is going on on Penglai Island? Fortunately speaking, if there is only a demon in the soul-pouring period, the island owner should not lose, let alone the entire monks on Penglai Island. It’s really not trivial to spread this matter out, and it’s very detrimental to the daoists and the island owner."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "The demon slaves, the immortal cultivators on the island, have basically become demon slaves. They attacked suddenly and were caught off guard."


Yu Yixian was quite deplored, "They have all become demon slaves, and it's useless to stay, but, so many demon slaves, can't it be turned into a day? During this period, the island owner didn't notice it at all?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "At that time, the island owner was busy with one thing, so he put all his energy on it, and Penglai Island didn't have a Dharma protector, and he didn't even notice."

In front of discerning people, Zhou Shu couldn't hide it at all, and Zhou Shu could only say frankly.


Yu Yixian sighed, "It shouldn't be."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "The island owner neglected this matter."

When Yu Yixian looked at Zhou Shu, he just shook his head and said nothing, but the regret in his eyes was hard to conceal.

Zhou Shu nodded, "I know that tens of thousands of cultivators have died, many of them have crossed the catastrophe and transformed the gods. The cost of this negligence is very high. It is difficult to cover up the past, and of course it is impossible to cover up. Other people will not be suspicious. It’s strange... the layman can rest assured, I will give an explanation to the immortal world about this matter."

Yu Yixian raised his head and said in a deep voice, "Why are you, not the island owner?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "This matter started because of me, so naturally I confessed."

"In other words, you asked him to do what the island owner is busy."

Yu Yixian looked at Zhou Shu, seemingly thoughtful, "Daoist, would you like to hear the old man say a few words?"

Seeing his solemn expression, Zhou Shu raised his hand, "Please say the layman."

Yu Yixian nodded slightly, "The old man is always getting old, but the old man is very clear that the position of the emperor is not a fellow daoist, and the future of the Xuanhuang world will all depend on the daoist, who is in his place, and the words and deeds of the daoist. You can't be ashamed of your demeanor, do you understand what it means to be old?"

Zhou Shujing was silent.

Yu Yixian sighed again and slowly said, "The old man doesn't want fellow Taoists to be affected by the Penglai Island incident. After all, the island owner is a foreign race, fellow Taoists..."


Zhou Shu shook his head, "I understand what the layman meant, but I can't do that."

Although Yu Yixian didn't say it clearly, it meant that Zhou Shu should put the blame on the city lord and let the city lord bear all the consequences, and Zhou Shu would still be his king.

Yu Yixian said slowly, "The Daoist is willing to take it, of course it is good, but have you ever thought about it? Now that the aliens are invading, the mysterious yellow world is turbulent, and the hearts of the people are turbulent. It is hard to have you, the emperor, and defeat thousands of aliens. , Turning the tide, it was you who gave hope to the about to be broken Xuanhuang Realm, and gave mortals and cultivators the determination and courage to fight against foreign races. Now, if you have such a big stain on your body, you can not I care, but what do you think of the immortal cultivators who admire you and admire you? Will they take you as a role model and fight like you desperately against foreign races?"

The more serious his tone was, "Friends of Daoist, if you become the human emperor, you are no longer yourself. You are the human emperor in the eyes of all immortal cultivators. You should be shining and moving forward, and there must be no trace of stains. , Especially when the Xuanhuang Realm is most dangerous, the more you can’t, you can’t lose to the demons, nor can you bear the lives of those tens of thousands of immortal cultivators.”

This long remark was indeed deliberate and prudent, and it was worthy of the four words from the bottom of the heart. It was a sincere idea for Zhou Shu.

Except for Yu Yixian, the oldest qualified person in the Xuanhuang realm, no one else would say these things to Zhou Shu. Most people wished that the emperor made a mistake and replaced him as the best.

Zhou Shu stood up and saluted, very solemnly, "What the layman said is for the younger generation to consider, and the younger generation respects."

Yu Yixian stroked his beard with a sincere expression, "The old man only hopes that fellow daoists can listen."

Zhou Shu nodded slowly, "When the layman speaks here, is there any reason for the younger generation not to listen? However, this matter really has to fall on the younger generation, and the younger generation must also give an explanation to the immortal world."

Yu Yixian sighed, "You still don't understand."

Zhou Shu shook his head and smiled slightly, "The layman can rest assured, just look at it. After three months, you can definitely see the results. At that time, I am afraid that others will not scold me or scold the city lord, but will come to praise us. "

"Praise you, how is it possible?"

Yu Yixian was stunned and completely unbelieving, "Do you know how many sects were involved in the tens of thousands of monks, and the six major sects are all involved. According to the surviving elders of Chongyang, Kunlun, Emei and Tianjian have elders. Even the elders are in it. Their deaths are definitely not so easy to confess. It would be fine if you don't call you a ghost, and praise you?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I shouldn't have concealed it from the layman, but I can't say clearly about the secret of this matter."

From the city lord, you can speak freely because the tree of Jianshi cuts off the exploration of the Heavenly Dao, but it is not possible in this cave. If the plan is stated and the Heavenly Dao obstructs it in advance, it may not be possible.

Yu Yixian's expression was slightly condensed, as if he was lost in thought.

Zhou Shu picked up the tea cup and savored it carefully.

Yu Yixian paused and said in a low voice, "Is it related to your previous agreement with the old man?"

Zhou Shu put down his teacup, tapped his finger twice on the table, smiling silently.

Yu Yixian closed his eyes and lowered his eyebrows, "This dumb riddle is a little hard to guess, but the old man has a bit of eyebrows. If it is really like that...it is indeed possible to save it."

Zhou Shu looks calm~www.ltnovel.com~ You and I can tell you nothing, but layman, if you have leisure, you may wish to say a few words in the Chongyang Palace. The benefits of this matter far outweigh the disadvantages, even if you pay more. It is also worth doing. "

Since Yu Yixian had guessed something, of course, he had to use Yu Yixian's influence, and things would be easier if he spoke.

"it is good."

Yu Yixian also simply agreed, and said, "But the previous agreement cannot be forgotten."

Zhou Shu nodded, looking serious, "Don't worry, no matter what, there will be a layman's position."

(Ps: Thank you angc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)


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