Fairy Winner

Chapter 1963: Different

   Beiluzhou, Xihezhou, and Nanzhanzhou. Within a few months, Zhou Shu made a circle, visited many sects, and returned to Dongshengzhou.

   The result of this trip can only be said to be good or bad.

   Kunlun doesn't have a specific attitude, it looks like he is out of the way.

We in Kunlun already know about this. The fall of the elders of Kunlun is due to bad luck. Whether you are willing to bear it or unwilling to bear it, it doesn’t matter. No one is wrong. Everyone is still the same as before. Nothing is fine.

   is almost like this.

   seems to be good for Zhou Shu, but in fact, he is waiting for the opportunity to remain unchanged and respond to changes.

It depends on how things are going. If Zhou Shu didn’t handle the matter well, it caused a shock in the world of cultivators, the anger of the cultivators, and the wall was pushed down by everyone, then Kunlun would come out in due course and be the first person to push the wall. Kunlun would definitely do this for Zhou Shu to regain the position of the leader of the immortal world, and most of it can do it.

   Zhou Shu is vigilant.

   Kunlun, never forget their responsibilities, it can be said that they are the real "guardians."

   Shushan, which is familiar with, Zhou Shu's trip was not safe and even a bit bitter.

   Elder Miao still had a very good attitude, and Sanying was the same, friendly as before, but after a monk broke in, the situation changed a little.

   "Do you know Zhou Shu! How much admiration the four of us admire you, I want to follow your footsteps when we go to Penglai Island, but..."

   The monk scolded Zhou Shu loudly, until he had no strength, until his tears and tears fell, his expression of regret, he still glared at Zhou Shu.

This monk, Zhou Shu had seen on Penglai Island, was the one who survived the disaster. He did not speak at that time, but looked at Zhou Shu silently. His eyes were very complicated. Zhou Shu didn’t know, where he came from now. Hatred.

   Until Miao Ruolan talked to him.

After the three heroes of Shushan achieved the achievement of crossing the tribulation, Shushan has another four show. Although the four show of Shushan are not as talented as Sanying, they are also rare geniuses. Naturally, Shushan has high hopes for them and hopes that they will become new The Happy Four Immortals.

   Si Xiu loves his brothers and sisters and has a very good relationship, and is also working towards this goal.

   The four shows were practicing together in Beiluzhou and staying on Penglai Island temporarily. As a result, three of them were killed by demon slaves. The corpse capital was not left, and only one person survived.

   This is the one in front of me.

   The monk was soon sent away by Miao Ruolan, and the atmosphere was friendly again.

Perhaps it was an accident. It’s hard to say that Shushan did this deliberately. Those four shows were on Penglai Island where he went, and his life and death were also on his own, but it seemed like Zhou Shu was killed. But this way, Zhou Shu did have With a trace of guilt, I also know the difficulty of the burden of the emperor.

   In its place, you must bear its weight, and you have to bear many responsibilities, even those imposed on you by others.

Zhou Shu gave out the Tianxiaodiyao Double Swords of the Xiaoyao Four Immortals that he got in Guixu. This was originally planned, and he also made some additional promises. Although Shushan did not ask for it, Zhou Shu still did so. .

   Thousand-mile embankment is destroyed in an ant’s nest. A small matter may destroy a solid alliance. You can't be sloppy at any time, and you can't regard your current friendship as the foundation of eternal life. Only the combination of interests can last for a long time.

  , of course, is not for myself, but for the stability of the immortal world after leaving, and to leave a good situation for the Dutch school.

   He and Elder Shushan will be gone sooner or later, but the sect will live forever.

When sending him away, Mo Lianxing said earnestly, "Zhou Shu, you don’t need to take this matter to heart. Except for him, no one in Shushan will blame you. We all know that life and death are fateful. They themselves are not good at learning art, no wonder anyone, you can rest assured, Shu Shan will always support you, no matter what decision you make, Shu Shan will obey."

   She who crossed the Tribulation Realm Triple Level, her status in Shu Mountain is already quite high, but whether she can represent Shu Mountain is still a question mark, perhaps more of herself.

   Zhou Shu smiled faintly, saluted and left.

   Compared with the ambiguity of Shushan and Kunlun, Emei's attitude is extremely firm.

   firmly support Zhou Shu, just like the best and most stable ally.

Li Chenyi said like this, "Sect Master, no matter what the situation is and whose responsibility is, I don't care. Emei supports you unconditionally. Also, not only this time, but also in the future, anything, any decision, I Make sure that Emei’s attitude is the same."

   Zhou Shu was very surprised, "Lord Li Xing, why did you say that?"

It can be said that he and Li Chenyi have been in a hostile relationship, but he was holding Li Chenyi's handle, and Li Chenyi had to obey him, but in this matter, Zhou Shu knew that the handle was useless, and it didn't. I had counted on it, but I didn't expect Li Chenyi to say such things as soon as they met.

   Li Chenyi looked up at the sky, revealing a mysterious expression, "Sect Master must know?"

At this time, Emei’s night is all day long, the sky is full of bright moons, and the stars are shining, red or green, or purple or white. Most of the stars that can be seen in the Xuanhuang world are among them. This scene is rare even in Emei At first sight, it can be described as a prosperous scene.

   Among the stars in the sky, there is a star above Emei, which is not very bright, but the starlight is extremely clear, shining on Jinding Island.

   Perceive carefully, seem to be able to perceive the power in this starlight, which is conjunct Emei.

   Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "Is that Emei Star?"

   Emei Star is the star created by Li Emei, the founder of Emei, and also the fate of Emei. The alternation of Emei stars in the past must be recognized by Emei Star.

   "Sect Master's Eyes."

Li Chenyi nodded slightly, "Emei's star is visible to everyone. It is the first time in tens of thousands of years. The sky is magnificent and the scenery is unprecedented. But for Emei, it is not a good thing. Whenever this happens, It means that Emei has reached the most critical moment, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a life or death."

   He looked at the sky and slowly said, "This star has appeared for ten days, and it is brightest when the Sect Master arrives."

Turning his head, he stared at Zhou Shu, and said in a deep voice, "The patriarch uses the fate of the stars to shine, and his meaning is self-evident, the crisis of Emei can only be passed through with the suzerain, so I have no other choice, no matter what the suzerain does, I will follow~ www.ltnovel.com~ will support it."

   Zhou Shu looked at Emei Star, and then at Li Chenyi, gradually pondering.

   Li Chenyi does not seem to lie, that is to say, Li Emei has seen the situation in the Xuanhuang World, and perhaps also the future.

Seeing Zhou Shu hesitate, Li Chenyi said slowly, "I Li Chenyi made many mistakes in the past, but I never let Emei die in my hands. What I did was also for Emei, otherwise the founder of Emei Never give me a hint."

   Zhou Shu lightly nodded, "Even if I don't believe in the star lord, I must believe in Immortal Emei."

   said, Zhou Shu saluted the sky three times.

   With each bow, the starlight flashes and responds to it. There is no error in time, as if it is completely perceived.

   Knowing that it was the patriarch's manifestation, Li Chenyi's expression was shocked, and he hurriedly followed to salute with a pious expression.

   only followed Yisong in his heart. It seems that this time he put Emei's fate on Zhou Shu, which is a right bet.

   Zhou calmly said, "Star Lord, thank you."

   Li Chenyi clasped his palms together and said with a smile, "It doesn't have to be this way, I only hope that Emei, like the master, can survive many calamities."

   Zhou Shu left.

   The three sects have different attitudes, good and bad, but it is a worthwhile trip.


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