Fairy Winner

Chapter 1964: Tianxuan


Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, as if he had already known that he was coming, the door of Tianjian Mountain opened wide, and a group of people stood in front of the door, describing it as solemn.

Standing in the middle is an old man with a short stature, thinner like a dead tree, white face and short beard, and his eyes like a pond.

Zhou Shu has never seen this person, but he knows who it is at a glance, the real person Tianxuan.

Only he could have such a status. The rest of the Heavenly Sword Sect elders stood beside him, describing humility and daring not to look directly, even Song Songsong, who is in charge of the contemporary Heavenly Sword.

Thousands of years ago, Yu Yixian and Tianxuan were the most famous young heroes in the world of cultivating immortals.

Later, Yu Yixian reached the ninth rank first, and Tianxuan followed closely. For a while, Yuliang, the two were called the Xuanhuang Realm Shuangjue, and their reputation was unmatched.

Only after reaching the ninth level, the two of them were unable to retreat, but Yu Yixian occasionally showed up, presided over affairs in the Chongyang Palace, and taught his children, while the real person Tianxuan completely disappeared and disappeared for thousands of years. Even the Heavenly Sword Sect did not have any information about him. Later, there were rumors that he had failed to ascend to the immortal and had already fallen. There were even traces left by the Tenth Heavenly Tribulation as evidence. For a time, the cultivating world was shocked, but the Heavenly Sword Sect did not refute the rumors. Many people think this is true.

However, other major sects do not think so.

It is very simple. If the big sect also feels that the real person Tianxuan is no longer alive, it is really hard to say whether the Heavenly Sword Gate can have its current status. Maybe they have long been replaced by them. After all, for thousands of years, the Heavenly Sword Gate Except for the real person Tianxuan, everyone else is lacking, and the strength is far from other big sects.

Unexpectedly, even the real Tianxuan would show up, is this really big to this extent?

Or the current situation is difficult and dangerous and has to come out.

In addition to the real person Tianxuan, Zhou Shu also discovered Zhang Qin, standing among the elders, which was another accident.

Zhou Shu looked at Master Tianxuan, and Master Tianxuan also looked at him, his eyes were calm, and he could not read much.

Zhou Shu stepped forward and respectfully saluted, "Junior Zhou Shu, I have seen the real person Tianxuan, and the real person Tianxuan is as healthy as before. This is the blessing of the world of cultivation."

Before bending down, there was a soft force coming, and the real person Tianxuan smiled and said, "Is Sect Master Zhou thinking, strange, why this old guy is still alive? Haha, Sect Master, you are already recognized by the immortal world. The emperor, you don’t need to worship anyone, and the old man can’t stand your courtesy, so don’t forget it.

Zhou Shu stagnated slightly, insisting on finishing the ceremony, "No, real people deserve this gift, and the younger generation is sincere."

Majestic Tianxuan did not continue to stop him, nodded and said, "Never mind, Sect Master, please follow the old man."

"You Lao Real."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, Tianxuan real person, a little different from what he imagined.

Majestic Tianxuan turned around and glanced, and said slowly, "Daoist Zhang Qin, come on too."

Zhang Qin was stunned and saluted, "Thank you, real person."

The three walked slowly, but instead of going into the Heavenly Sword Gate, they were going outside.

Both Zhang Qin and Zhou Shu were a little confused, but the real person Tianxuan said nothing, and only followed.

The real person Tianxuan who was born suddenly gave Zhou Shu a strange feeling, but it didn't feel bad.

After a short while, he walked out of the scope of the Heavenly Sword Gate. The real person Tianxuan looked at the distance and took a slow step. His figure was already hundreds of miles away, and he couldn't see how fast he moved, but he was shrunk thousands of miles away. , Obviously, his understanding of the laws of space is extremely deep, which can be described as the culmination in the Xuanhuang world.

However, Zhou Shu was not slower than him, he was not slow and ill, and always fell three feet behind the real person.

Zhang Qin slowed down a lot, and was cast out of sight after a while, but the real man obviously had no plans to abandon him. Every time he walked, he would stop and wait, with a humble expression and no dissatisfaction.

Unknowingly, the three of them were hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Heavenly Sword Gate.

In front of a barren hill, the real person stopped, turned around and glanced at the two of them, nodded in satisfaction, and stepped forward.

The hill in front of me was suddenly gone, but it was in an inexplicable cave.

The cave sky is not big, it is a plain with lush vegetation, and in the middle of the plain, an array is erected upright.

The magic circle is small, only five feet in square, and is enveloped by a faint smoke. The columns of the talisman circle are all black, the material is as transparent as jade, and they are like bones. There are countless runes on them, like fish and dragons. The mysterious is abnormal.

Zhou Shu stared at the magic circle, his mind trembling slightly.

The real person walked to the front and slowly said, "Do you know what this is?"

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, and Zhang Qin was quite surprised, "How could it be possible that the Xuanhuang Realm now has a mysterious scale jade formation? Is it a teleportation formation?"

"The disciple of Ghost Valley, really well informed."

The real person smiled slightly, "Yes, it's a teleportation formation, and it's a teleportation formation made from mysterious scale jade."

Zhou Shu stared at the teleportation formation, and said nothing for a while.

This teleportation array is not simple, it is absolutely difficult for the Xuanhuang Realm to find a second one.

Its material is too special.

The mysterious scale jade was transformed from the scales of the sacred beast black fish. The black fish was born with spatial attributes, and its scales were the best formation material for refining the space formation. However, the black fish had been extinct as early as the ancient times and survived. Naturally, there were very few blackfish scales, and when the Tongtian Tower was built in Kunlun, most of the key formation hubs were blackscale jade. At that time, the remaining blackscale jade in the Xuanhuang world was collected and cleaned.

As the Tongtian Tower was destroyed, the mysterious scale jade was also destroyed, and the mysterious yellow world could hardly be found anymore. Occasionally, a few pieces could be seen as a great opportunity, and such a complete refining of mysterious scale jade Teleportation Array, you can't even think about it.

"It's really unexpected."

Zhang Qin gazed at the teleportation formation and muttered, "Looking at these runes, most of them are formed naturally. This is the characteristic of the black fish itself. It is said that most of the early human immortal cultivators learned from the black fish. The mystery of the law of space, and the appearance of the teleportation array has a lot to do with the mysterious scale jade."

"Yes, the first teleportation formation was built with mysterious scale jade, but some runes were changed on the original basis, and there was a teleportation formation. Later, after the cultivator mastered more techniques, he used the mysterious scale jade to construct the teleportation array. Array, even more surprisingly effective."

Zhou Shu nodded slowly, "It's incredible that such a small five-foot teleportation array can teleport tens of millions of miles or even longer."

He was a little surprised, rarely, even surprised, but didn't take the initiative to ask.

Does the real person Tianxuan know about Zhou Shu's construction of the Tongtian Tower?

This is really incredible ~www.ltnovel.com~ If this is the case, Xuan Zhenren's abilities really went through the sky that day.

Looking at Zhou Shu, Master Tianxuan was slightly puzzled, "I didn't expect that Sect Master Zhou knew so much about the teleportation array."

Zhou Shu nodded and smiled, "It's nothing more than some rough insights. The younger generation has never seen such a real thing, but I don't know where the real person came from. Also, can this teleportation array still be used?"

"Of course it can be used, otherwise what I will take you to do with the old man."

The real person smiled slightly, and said unintentionally, "The old man didn't make a special trip to let you see the teleportation array. This thing is convenient, but it can't be more."


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