Fairy Winner

Chapter 1965: Yunding Mountain

   "Come on, I will take you to a place."

   Real Man Tianxuan glanced at the two of them and stood in front of the teleportation formation.

   Zhang Qin didn't move, he was slightly pondered, "Real person, I don't know where it is?"

   Real Man Tianxuan said faintly, "Zhang Qin, you won't be disappointed. In the past two years, in order to find the answer, did you find it hard?"

   Zhang Qin's expression was stagnant, he glanced at the real person, walked quickly to the teleportation formation, and said, "I'm coming."

For the past two years, he has been at the Heavenly Sword Gate. The cultivators at the Heavenly Sword Gate thought that he was here to assist the Heavenly Sword Gate against the alien race. No one knew what his real purpose was, but now the real man has said his words. purpose.

   The meaning of this, I don't want to be self-evident, is he about to find the answer today?

   Could it be that the Liyuan Mansion that has harmed the Profound Yellow Realm for five thousand years is really related to the Heavenly Sword Gate, and even to the real person Tianxuan who disappeared thousands of years ago?

   In order to get the truth, he will go wherever it is.

   Zhou Shu walked to the front of the teleportation array and smiled, "Thank you, the real person."

  He is fearless, not to mention that he has a foreboding that the real person Tianxuan will not be against them, or that he cannot do it.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Shu now has a special perception of things or characters, which can be called farsightedness. He can foresee some actions of his opponents, judge whether they pose a threat to himself, and get rough results, and thus more It's better to decide the next move more appropriately. This is different from mind reading. You can't see the opponent's specific actions, you can only see some directionality, but this is enough.

Zhou Shu didn't know why    was born.

   Xu is the wonderful place that the realm of vision is far surpassed by others in the future, but it has a lot to do with all the great roads and Zhou Shu's own talent.

   "Maybe this is the first time you use the teleportation array. Don't worry, it will be smooth soon."

   Real Man Tianxuan looked at the two of them, and reminded him with a gentle reminder. He stood in the teleportation formation first, turned around and smiled, "It's just a little bit smaller and squeezed, but the old man is also very thin and can be ignored."

   "The real person laughed."

   Zhang Qin stepped in, with a hint of panic in his eyes. He was indeed using it for the first time, and it was normal to have concerns.

   Zhou Shu followed in, calmly.

   Real Man Tianxuan nodded in satisfaction, stretched out his hand and rubbed the formation a few times, the smoke gradually thickened, and in an instant, the three of them disappeared.

   Not much interest.

   Real Man Tianxuan smiled and said, "Two, here."

   Zhang Qin looked up. He was above the clouds, and the wind whistling around him was so anxious that he was taken aback.

   Zhou Shu walked out of the teleportation formation and looked around, also quite surprised.

It seems to be on a mountain peak. The trees on the mountain are lush and spiritual. The strange thing is that the whole mountain is suspended in the air, and it is not an ordinary sky. The wind around it is all the wind. From its power, it is at least It is also from the sky or higher.

   Are there any peaks that can reach this point?


   Zhang Qin couldn't help but said, "Could it be from the sky in the third heaven, real person?"

   "Yes, this is Congtian, but are you not afraid?"

   Real Man Tianxuan smiled slightly and pointed away, "Come on, let's talk over there."

   In the mountains and forests not far away, there is a grass cottage with a radius of several meters. In front of the cottage is a stone table, a few stone benches, and three cups of tea on the table. It seems to have just been brewed, and it is still hot.

   Zhang Qin was suspicious, he was a well-informed person from Guigushan. At this time, he was also confused and curious, and he walked over with Tianxuan.

   Zhou Shu paused for a while, then looked at the teleportation array before walking away.

   The Xuanlin Jade Transmission Array is really different, much better than those made of ordinary materials.

   The moving distance is still unknown, but there are records in the classical books. It can be reached within tens of millions of miles and spans five continents and four seas. This has long been justified, and after using it, I learned that its more rare place is stability.

For most teleportation arrays, as long as the teleportation distance is a little longer, more than 100,000 miles, you must be careful of the effects of space turbulence. You must erect a protective cover to use it, but the monks below the Nascent Infant Realm basically cannot use it, and use this teleport During the battle, the real person did not remind him, Zhou Shu still felt that the real person had forgotten, but when it was really used, he realized that it was not necessary.

   As steady as the ground, the body didn't even feel anything, as if being supported by the soft wind, I reached my destination in the blink of an eye.

This trait is the same as being carried away by the legendary black fish, not to mention that this is a two-way teleportation array. The other side is in the wind, and the wind can be so stable. It is not personal experience. It is completely unbelievable. .

   Wouldn’t it be great if the Xuanlin Jade could be used in the Tongtian Tower?

  Although Zhou Shu has confidence in Tongtian Pagoda, if Xuan scale jade is used in several hubs, it can obviously be better and more perfect, and it is not easy to make mistakes.

   The real person Tianxuan beckoned from a distance, "Friends, are you still coming? The tea is going to be cold."

   "I was rude, I was curious for a while."

   Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and walked to the stone table a few steps.

   "Please," the real person sitting in the main seat held up the tea cup and smiled, "You two must have a lot of questions. Let's drink tea first."

   Zhang Qin drank with a toast. Although the tea was fragrant, he didn't notice the taste, and his thoughts were all on Master Tianxuan.

   Zhou Shu tasted one carefully, and said in praise, "This tea is wonderful, and it is the best that a younger generation has tasted."

   The real person is quite satisfied. "The old man has spent a lot of time thinking about the tea ceremony here for thousands of years. Although it has spent a lot of time, it is worth it to get a praise from the emperor, hehe."

   Zhou Shu hurriedly said, "The real person is too good."

   "You are the emperor, and the old man admits it, so don't refuse."

   The real person glanced at Zhou Shu, but his expression gradually became serious. He glanced around and said slowly, "This is Yingshan."


   Zhang Qin was surprised~www.ltnovel.com~ Wasn't Yingshan destroyed long ago, why is there still? "

  Yingshan, one of the four sacred mountains in the Xuanhuang Realm, is juxtaposed with Fangzhang Mountain, Penglai Island, and Kunlun Mountain. However, this is the name of a long time ago, and it is long gone.

  In the Primordial Era, the four great sacred mountains were the homes of sacred beasts, and they were heaven. At that time, it was impossible for human beings to go.

  Yingshan is the earliest one of the sacred mountains to disappear, much earlier than Kunlun Mountain.

   There is a name in the history of the Xuanhuang Realm, called the Battle of Yingshan, which is the most memorable war for human cultivators.

   The human immortal cultivators were finally unwilling to be reconciled to the oppression of the beasts, united and launched the strongest counterattack against the beasts on Yingshan.

Humans have died a lot. It can be said that they have won this war at the cost of tens of thousands or even more, and defeated the beasts on Yingshan. As the battlefield, Yingshan has endured extremely strong pressure and prolonged time. In the war, I was finally overwhelmed, and the land collapsed, turned into boundless dust, and completely disappeared.

   That battle was the most energetic battle that a human immortal cultivator fought against a beast.

   Since then, the cultivators have become prosperous, while the various beasts have become weak.

The destruction of   ying Mountain, in a sense, is a sign that human cultivators have stood up since then, and all cultivators will remember it in their hearts.


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