Fairy Winner

Chapter 1974: Invisible

"Brother Zhou, are you going to destroy it?"

Zhang Qin looked at Zhou Shu and asked in a low voice.

Zhou Shu pondered for a while, then slowly said, "Give it to me, I will try to dissipate the evil thoughts in it, etc., if it doesn't work, then refine it."

"So much the better."

Zhang Qin nodded repeatedly, "Brother Zhou is far more capable than me, and he will definitely be able to handle it better."

Relaxing the happy sword, that Hong Ying just wanted to fly away, so Zhou Shu copied it and threw it into the world of refining monsters.

"Evil Sword Spirit?"

The demon refining pot was startled, "You also give me this thing?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's still far from forming, don't worry, you try to eliminate its evil thoughts, if it doesn't work, just let it go."

The demon refining pot looked at it for a while, "Sure enough, it's still unformed, let me try."

Zhou Shu said earnestly, "Well, this sword spirit is not low-level, and I am afraid that it is not small. It seems that the source is not too deeply polluted, and there is a chance to recover. If it is recovered, it will definitely be useful."

The Demon Refining Pot nodded, "Even if it doesn't work, you can leave it to Caiying to help her break the barrier."

"Haha, yes."

Zhou Shu smiled and left the demon refining world.

Refining the demon pot is also a governor, no matter whether it can be restored or not, leaving the evil sword spirit is good.

Destroying the barrier refers to the heart demon barrier before the transformation of the spirit. The spirit of heaven and earth is pure and unintentional, but if it is to be transformed into a human form with a real entity, the heart demon may appear at that time, obstructing the transformation, and evil The sword spirit is equivalent to the heart demon of a sword spirit. If Caiying had killed the evil sword spirit before transforming and had similar experiences, it would be much easier to deal with the heart demon in the future, and the transformation would be smoother.

This can be considered a rainy day.

In fact, there are not many times when the elven form has a heart devil, but Zhou Shu thinks Caiying will be an exception.

First, it is not the same as other heaven and earth elves. Caiying has too much contact with humans, and it is inevitable to be contaminated with human temperament, and the heart demon is also among them. Second, because she is too young, she has only been a sword spirit for two hundred years. , But the cultivation base has increased too fast, and it is only three times before the heavenly calamity can be promoted. This situation can be said to be unique. Without the precipitation of years, the inner demon is more likely to invade.

Zhang Qin said slowly, "This matter can be considered temporary, but unfortunately I haven't been able to get more clues, and I don't know if the real person is willing to say it."

"Mostly refused, but there are still clues."

Zhou Shu smiled lightly and pointed to the broken altar, "Look there."

The skull was completely shattered, and the fragments were scattered on the ground, a little white of which stood out.

Zhang Qin said in surprise, "Jade slips?"


Zhou Shu raised his hand and moved the jade slip to Zhang Qin's hand, "Look at it, I just saw it."

Zhang Qin looked busy, just glanced, a smile appeared on his face, a smile of surprise, "It turned out to be a list!"

Zhou Shu nodded, "It's the roster, it should be the roster of Liyuan Mansion. There is no palace owner, but the specific names of Dazhu Kingdom, Zhu Kingdom, and generals are all in it, and there are none below the commander."

The appearance of this list here is really a bit strange, and it has a meaning for them to see it deliberately.

Zhang Qin didn't have time to think about it, his face was full of joy, "The palace lord was a hundred secrets, and he actually left this. With the list, you can find all the evil repairs, but... ...Gu Jianbo, Daoist Bai Ling, they are all from Liyuan Mansion, it's really... alas!"

Just looking at it, joy turned into surprise and disappointment.

Most of the names in it are unknown, but the few that are recognized are elders or elites in the big sect, which is also unexpected.

Zhou Shu was quite solemn, "It may not be. It needs to be verified carefully."

"Definitely, I will investigate this matter carefully."

Zhang Qin nodded seriously, "Brother Zhou, I will accept this list first."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Naturally, you just do what Senior Guigu confessed."

"Finally feel more at ease."

Zhang Qin breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought that once Palace Master died, he would no longer know the situation of Liyuan Mansion. Brother Zhou, you don't know how difficult it is to check Liyuan Mansion. I have been in the past few years, oh..."

He spit out bitter water, seemingly embarrassed, he smiled and said, "Fortunately, there is no problem now."

"Go, go out and talk."

Zhou Shu patted Zhang Qin and walked out quickly. Zhang Qin glanced around, sighed in his heart, and followed out.

Not long after, the two got out of the ground and returned to the grass house.

Zhang Qin waved, lifted the futon and handed it to Zhou Shu, "Brother Zhou, this is very useful, you can keep it, there is it in Guigu Mountain."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu didn't pretend, and took it.

The futon of fascination is no less than a magic weapon of heaven, and it is good to leave it to the lotus school.

Of course he didn't need it, he was about to cross the catastrophe to the Mahayana realm soon, and there was no need to worry about the heavens. In the Xuanhuang realm, the heavens could not help the Mahayana realm.

The two left the Caolu and headed for the teleportation formation.

Standing in front of the teleportation formation, Zhang Qin hesitated slightly.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Brother Zhou, are you thinking how to apologize to the real person?"

Zhang Qin nodded, "Yes, I was a bit too much at the time. We also changed the teleportation array and came here to explore by ourselves. I don't know if the real person will blame it after discovering it, or it's better to apologize first."

"Real people won't care."

Zhou Shu smiled and led Zhang Qin to the teleportation formation.

With the smoke, Zhang Qin just stood still, and apologized to say what he thought about~www.ltnovel.com~Real people..."

I was stunned after only saying two words. There was no wind in front of him, and no real person could be seen. This was not Yingshan, but a small cave in Dongshengzhou before.

Zhang Qin was puzzled, "What's the matter, it got here?"

Zhou Shu was not surprised, and said indifferently, "Yingshan's teleportation array has been put away, and the coordinates cannot be determined, so it can only be transmitted here. When I entered the teleportation array just now, I felt something was wrong, but I didn't want to be so."

"Take it away?"

Zhang Qin will come soon, "Is it a real person?"

Zhou Shu nodded, his gaze fell in front of the teleportation formation, his expression was slightly stagnant, Zhang Qin followed his gaze and stayed for a while.

On the tree directly in front, a few large characters were written, "No matter how ignorant the world is, the old man should also avoid the world. The transmission of Yingshan has been destroyed, and the two will rise to immortality soon."

Zhang Qin was surprised, "Destroyed?"

Zhou Shu's expression condensed slightly, "In short, we can't go to Yingshan, and the real person, I'm afraid we can't get out."

Without the teleportation array back and forth, when the real person Tianxuan came out, it would be difficult to find the uncertain Yingshan, for fear that he would stay inside.


Zhang Qin seemed thoughtful and sighed, "I can understand why he refused to tell us. The real man is really a man of temperament, and he killed his close friend with his own hands. Even if the friend deserves to die, he still feels guilty and concealed. It's not out of the world... but it's not worth it at all."

Looking at those words, he felt a lot of emotion, he believed in real people, admired more in his heart, and hated the sword master.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "It's his own choice and nothing to say."


Zhang Qin settled down, "Brother Zhou, I'll check the roster, how about you?"

"I'm back to the Dutch school, goodbye."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "By the way, I want to take away the teleportation formation here, what do you think of Brother Zhang?"

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