Fairy Winner

Chapter 1975: 1 person 3 people

Zhang Qin smiled and folded his hands, "The real people are ruined, and the ones here should be useless. Sovereign takes it if you want. You don't need to ask me. I don't think the real person will come to ask for it. He will stay there. In Yingshan, until crossing the robbery and becoming immortal."

Zhou Shu nodded, "It should be, I hope the real person will do what he wants."

Zhang Qin bid farewell and left, Zhou Shu put away the mysterious scale jade teleportation formation and sent it back to Heyin.

It's not bad to get this teleportation array. If it's broken down and used by Lin Zhu, it can add a bit of assurance to the tower.

The matter seemed to be resolved satisfactorily.

Palace lord of Liyuan Mansion is dead, and the list is found. Just follow the picture to find out the Liyuan Mansion. The five thousand years of evil forces are about to be destroyed, and Zhang Qin has successfully completed Guiguzi’s command. Everything is going well. , But it went so well.

It should be a game, and the person who set the game is Tianxuan.

Why did he do this?

In Zhou Shu's view, the answer should be obvious, that is, the lord of Jianlu House, the lord of Liyuan Mansion, and the real person of Tianxuan, the elder of Tianjianmen, all three are one person.

Everything he and Zhang Qin experienced was designed by a real person, and without Zhou Shu's participation, this round would be difficult to succeed. The real person just waited for Zhou Shu to come, and then let Zhou Shu and Zhang Qin slowly reveal the whole process. Zhou Shu was helping Zhang Qin as well as the real person. As a result, it seemed that he had obtained the truth, and Zhang Qin's mission was fulfilled, but in fact, it was all set by the real person Tianxuan.

The sword formation, the witch god, etc., are only part of the game, and have nothing to do with the truth.

With Zhang Qin here, Zhou Shu had to follow Zhang Qin to finish the round. He couldn't tell Zhang Qin about these speculations. If it was Su Yi, he could still consider it.

Tianxuan is a real person, with careful thoughts and no omissions.

If you are not meticulous, how can you hide for five thousand years without being noticed by all three identities?

Holding three powers, one justice, one neutral, and one evil, he secretly laid out and played the entire Xuanhuang Realm round and round. He should have lived very happily, not to mention, there is Yingshan in these five thousand years. Such a Taikoo fairy mountain.

Now that Liyuan Mansion was about to fall, his reputation would not be damaged, and no evidence could be found to reveal the truth.

In other words, there is no more truth, it is a foregone conclusion.

"Xu knew that he couldn't be promoted to immortality, so he took the Xuanhuang Realm as his own toy, doing whatever he wanted, such a monk..."

Zhou Shu thought about the real person's motives, and that's about it. Otherwise, there is no reason not to concentrate on cultivation, but to focus on this, to play with the Xuanhuang Realm, which is very hateful.

If Zhou Shu hadn't been feared, the real person Tianxuan would probably continue these identities, but since Zhou Shu was involved, he had to give up.

Since he is called the Emperor of Humanity, he also wants to find the real person Tianxuan to understand clearly whether the fact is that he thinks it is, if it is true, he will definitely kill the real person Tianxuan without mercy.

However, this was also expected by the real person Tianxuan. He destroyed the teleportation formation, and then Yingshan "disappeared" in the Xuanhuang Realm. No one could find the real person Tianxuan. Yingshan was flying everywhere. Not to mention it. Surrounded by the laws of space, what you can see from the outside is probably just a mass of fist-sized air, and you can't get in unless you get a specific location.

Real people didn't say this, but Zhou Shu felt it himself.

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously. Since the cultivation of immortality, the real person Tianxuan is probably the deepest and most terrifying he has encountered. It is even more troublesome than the way of heaven, and he still has no way to deal with it. The real person knows that he can't find Ying. Mountain, just hide.

After thinking about it, before I knew it, I had reached Cihang Mountain, which was very close to the Heavenly Sword Gate.

"Sect Master Zhou!"

Soon, someone came out to greet him with a look of joy, it was Yuanheyin.

Zhou Shu smiled, "Yuan Fairy is good."

Yuan Heyin bowed and bowed, and smiled, "Master said that you are coming today, and you really are here. Master wants to see the lord."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu nodded and entered Cihangzong with her.

This time, it's not in Wuguang Valley.

Zhou Shu stared at Miaodi and smiled, "Congratulations, Master."

Miao Di is no longer half-brown and half-prosperous. She is graceful and graceful, with a gentle and radiant face, and her eyes have a restrained divine light. Obviously, she has passed the ninth calamity and successfully arrived in the ninth heaven of the tribulation realm.

When the world was in chaos, it was also the most talented time. After Lin Qingjue, there was another Nine Heavens in the Great Sect.

"Time is also fate."

Miao Di nodded, "Failed to cultivate hard, but broke through in the hands of the foreign race."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Is it the Yinkui tribe?"

Yinkui tribe and Cihangzong's exercises are exactly opposite. They restrain each other and get a lot of experience from fighting each other. The benefits are the most. It's just that the Saintess of Utan is not in Beiluzhou, how come to Dongshengzhou again.

Miao Di nodded, "The sect master is good, but it is the Yinkui clan, but not the Utan Witch of the last time, but someone else."

Zhou Shu's face was slightly condensed, "Is there another witch in the Xuanhuang Realm?"

"It's not a witch, it should be a witch's messenger. Judging from his appearance, he seems to be at odds with the Utan witch who has been here before. I actually want to ask us Ci Hangzong to help, go to the Utan witch, and say that I found it, and give it to Ci Hangzong. Many benefits that cannot be rejected."

Miao Di said coldly, "It's ridiculous, how can Cihangzong and Yinkui clan be in the same fashion? Nothing can happen."

Zhou Shu nodded gently~www.ltnovel.com~ The fairy said that. "

In the Xuanhuang Realm, Yinkui and Cihangzong are incompatible with each other, and there is no possibility of coexistence at all.

"Fighting with him, but unexpectedly attracted the catastrophe, but he could not escape."

Miao Di seemed thoughtful, "But if it weren't for him... I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to get through this day."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "That was the chance of the immortal master, and the messenger came to give this chance."

"I can't figure out my fate, but you figure it out."

Miao Di glanced at Zhou Shu, smiling but not smiling, but there was no trace of anger. There was a rare gentleness, "Sect Master Zhou, are you here today for Penglai Island?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "The fairy master has a wonderful calculation, it is true, I don't know what the fairy master thinks?"

"It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided."

Miao Di appeared a bit calm, "After I got the news, I tried to count several times, but I couldn’t find any results. It’s hard to see the direction of this event because it is combined with your destiny, and it’s also affected by you. The light of the star of life is obscured, but what is certain is that the quality of this matter falls on you alone, not much related to others, even the island owner of Penglai."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, just like he thought.

This matter can only be solved by him, even if the city chief takes all responsibilities on his back, it is impossible to change anything.

"You have to be cautious."

Miao Di looked at Zhou Shu with a solemn expression, "You can rest assured that we will obey you in Cihangzong, but there are other big sects and other sects. You have to pay attention. Tens of thousands of monks on Penglai Island are involved. There are so many things."

Zhou Shu raised his hand to salute, "Thank you, Master, for reminding me, I will definitely pay attention."


Miao Di nodded slightly, "I want to come, you have been prepared, otherwise you would not tell everyone to explain."

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