Fairy Winner

Chapter 1976: came back

As expected, the best results were obtained in Cihangzong.

Zhou Shu smiled, and was about to leave, and then thought of something, "Master, I don't know about something, about the calculation."

Miao Di looked at him with a slight smile, "Say that's it."

Zhou Shu hesitated, "Master said that my destiny is obscured by the starlight and cannot be seen clearly, but Bian Xue..."

Miao Di said indifferently, "It's okay to be straightforward. You mean to say that Bian Xue can figure out some of your things, and it's quite accurate, right?"

"It's true."

Zhou Shu nodded. Although Bian Xue has twenty-eight elders, her calculation method is still far away from the wonderful truth, and she can't tell the wonderful truth at all. Why can Bian Xue calculate some, and so true, almost nothing A little difference.

Miao Di sighed slightly, "I warned, but I didn't expect her to do it anyway. Alas, she can see your fate, more because of yourself."

Zhou Shu didn't understand, "Me?"

Miao Di said calmly, "She made a choice and became a part of your fate, so your fate will not completely shield her, she can also see some things through the stars, but... this is not a good thing, I I hope you tell her not to do this again."

She said it carefully, but did not say why.

Zhou Shu thought for a while and nodded, "I see, thank you for reminding the teacher, I will tell her when I go back."


Miao Di stared at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "Bian Xue is a rare genius in calculation. I don't want her to lose her future because of this incident."

Seeing her so solemnly, Zhou Shu also seriously agreed.

Zhou Shu didn't understand the calculation method, but he probably committed some taboos, and Bian Xue must have made some sacrifices.

Can't really try again.

Knowing a little about the future is not so good for yourself.

Say goodbye to Ci Hangzong and go straight to Lingyu City.

As expected, there are many more immortal cultivators from outside in Lingyu City, mostly for the Penglai Island.

Penglai Island has been closed, but Lingyu City does not. Those sects who have lost money on Penglai Island will naturally come to Lingyu City to discuss an explanation.

Zhou Shu went to the six major sects first, and then returned to Lingyu City. He also wanted to give these people time to come to Lingyu City, so that they would solve it together at that time, without waiting too long.

Most of them are elders with low cultivation bases but high status. Not surprisingly, the various sects are busy fighting against the demons. The only ones who can come are those who are not strong but can talk, but if Zhou Shu The statement given is not in line with the sect's wishes, and it will not be these people next time.

Among them, there are almost no sects in Dongsheng Prefecture, all of them belong to the other three continents.

This is normal. Zhou Shu's prestige in Dongshengzhou is extremely high. Almost every sect has been favored by Zhou Shu. Even if something goes wrong, those sects are willing to trust him and wait for him to speak before making a decision instead of In a hurry, come to ask the crime and discuss the argument.

Zhou Shu got a general understanding of the situation and returned to the Heyin School, quietly.

The disciple elder of the Old Lotus Sect has completely moved into the cave, and only a few disciples are guarding Shenxing Peak.


Xu Rong was patrolling the door, and he was very happy to see Zhou Shu greet him immediately.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Whatever you call, no matter how you call it, you don't need to care."

Xu Rong nodded, with more joy on his face, "Well, everyone is waiting for you."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Let's go, together."

Xu Rong shook his head, "I still have to guard, the current situation is a bit nervous."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "When I'm in the city, I don't need to guard."

Xu Rong patted his head and said with a smile, "Really, there is a master, what else is needed."

The two entered the cave, and most of them gathered in a tree house on the plane tree.

Because Zhou Shu had always been in contact with the Heyin School through Wushuang City, they knew most of what happened, and they just waited for Zhou Shu to return.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "In one month, I will be in the Mahayana state."

There was silence, and then the biggest cheers erupted. If Zhou Shu hadn't surrounded the tree house with spiritual consciousness in advance, I was afraid that the whole cave could be heard.

Many people have long known about Zhou Shu's decision, but they are still too excited.

During the period when Zhou Shu did not come back, they thought day and night, thinking about what the situation would be like this day, but they didn't dare and couldn't say it. Until Zhou Shu said it in person today, the joy that has been hidden for a long time. It broke out completely and turned into almost endless cheers, more enthusiastic than they thought.

Only Zhou Shu remained calm.

After a while, it calmed down slowly.

"More than 20,000 years, more than 20,000 years, the Xuanhuang Realm finally has the Mahayana realm again!"

"It's not Kunlun, it's not Emei, it's not any big sect, it's not the four great families, it's our lotus school!"

"Now I can't stop anything, I am the emperor, and the whole world is dedicated!"

"Senior brother has become a Mahayana realm. Seeing what those sects can say, do you still want to confess? Anything the brother said is correct, and I don't want to listen!"

"Our Dutch school will definitely become the first sect of the Xuanhuang Realm!"

"At that time, the six major sects will come to us for advice, hehe!"

Although the cheering stopped, the discussion continued, and everyone looked forward to the future.

No, no one doubted what Zhou Shu said~www.ltnovel.com~ No one would think that Zhou Shu would fail to overcome the catastrophe and could not reach the Mahayana state.

In their hearts, Zhou Shu's becoming a powerful man was destined long ago. Although this day came so early, it was Zhou Shu. What's impossible?

"Congratulations Master Shu."

Hao Ruoyan looked at Zhou Shu with a respectful light in his eyes.

Zhou Shu looked at her and smiled, "Don't disclose it for now."

Hao Ruoyan just nodded, "I understand, Master Shu."

Hao Siyun chuckled, "Wait for the seniors to become powerful, think about the faces of those guys, they come to the door every day to ask, it's damned that we are sorry for them."

"Why bother to them?"

Zhao Yueru brought some disdain and turned to Zhou Shu, "Zhou Shu, don’t care about the opinions of other sects at all. You have achieved great power, that is, the first person who can go to the immortal world in 20,000 years, then any sect in the Xuanhuang world will take you When you enshrine, every sect will give you what you want, especially the big sects, such as Kunlun. They must do their best to flatter, and you don’t need to give any explanation. Even if the people on Penglai Island died because of you, they would not. Which sect dare to blame you."

Hao Siyun quickly said, "Yes, Sister Yue is right."

Li Aojian nodded, "What are they compared to you? Don't care at all, besides, I will be like you soon."

Zhou Shu smiled, without speaking.

Become a great power, the first person in 20,000 years. After entering the fairy world, Zhou Shu’s words and deeds will greatly affect the development of the major sects of the Xuanhuang world. All major sects will think so. For Zhou Shu’s promise, I will try my best to curry favor with Zhou Shu, and most of Penglai Island can be erased.

But the erasure is only for a while. If this matter does not give a good explanation, the evil results will inevitably continue. What will happen when the Holland School loses Zhou Shu?

Besides, Zhou Shu didn't plan to go to the fairyland.

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