Fairy Winner

: One thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven

The door of the tree house opened.


Looking at Yang Mei intently, Zhou Shu didn't hide his concern at all.

"Brother brought it back, of course there is no problem!"

Yangmei pulled Zhou Shu into the room with joy, "It's all well, it's much better than before. Now I have energy that I can't use up all over my body. No matter what, I don't worry about it anymore. I will come back a few times like before. Times, no, dozens of times, no problem."

I can feel that the vitality of Yangmei is very full, almost endless, almost similar to the 9th-order spiritual creature.

Belongs to the unique kind in the Xuanhuang world.

It can be said to "live with the world".

Zhou Shu nodded in satisfaction, "Just recover and I can rest assured."

Yangmei looked at Zhou Shu, her eyes drifting, Gu Pan was radiant, "Brother, I want to go to the Mahayana realm with you."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "You are only the fourth heaven, don't worry."


Yangmei pouted, "You are going to be promoted to an immortal, I haven't yet, how can I find you in the future? What if I can't find it?"

Zhou Shuwen said, "It's not only the Mahayana realm that can ascend to immortality. Don't think about it, the Tongtian Pagoda will soon be healed. At that time, everyone can ascend to immortality together, but..."

Yangmei said anxiously, "Just what?"

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, and he groaned, "I don't know, I have a hunch, it might not go well."

Xu Shi Xuanhuang Realm has gone through too many hardships in the past two thousand years. When it comes to success, there is always a feeling of catastrophe. The closer to success, the more real the sense of crisis. In the past few days, Zhou Shu has always been Thinking about these problems, but after much deliberation is no more than a solution, it's only human.

From the beginning to the present, it has been this way, and it can only be this way.

Yang Mei thought for a while, "No matter whether it goes well or not, whether it is death or life, I always want to be with my senior."

Staring at Zhou Shu, her eyes seemed very firm, showing that nothing can change.

Zhou Shu nodded gently, embraced her, and said slowly, "Don't worry, it will definitely be resolved."

Leaving the plane tree, there is a look of expectation behind him. No one thinks that Zhou Shu will fail and will be planted under the Ten Heavenly Tribulation, but how will the heavens hinder them? Will there be other factors besides the heavens... The matter is indeed too important, but I still hang my heart.

Zhou Shu left quickly without looking back.

After dozens of hours, Zhou Shu appeared on a deserted island.

Sitting on the island, everything around is in my eyes, hundreds of thousands of miles, no people are seen, only some fish and shrimps on the sea.

The waves of the East China Sea are tens of feet or even hundreds of feet. The small fish and shrimps are no more than fingers long, but no matter how big the waves are, they can’t stop them. They either follow the waves or move up against the current. one day.

Zhou Shu looked around and smiled suddenly.

In a flash, hundreds of thousands of miles of sea water calmed down completely, like a mirror.

Countless fish and shrimps, as well as sea beasts, all popped up on the surface of the sea, looking up at the sky, extremely frightened, there was no ebb and flow in the sea, this kind of situation is unheard of, is it because the world is about to change?


At the right time, a robbery thunder fell from the sky.

Its momentum was so heavy that it could not be described in words, and the entire desert island was occupied by lightning.

The thunder light was solid and lasting for a long time, like an upright pillar, supporting the heaven and the earth, and Zhou Shu was pressed by this pillar.

It was the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation that Zhou Shu attracted.

Zhou Shu mobilized his own power to completely calm the hundreds of thousands of miles of sea water. Not only the sea surface, but even the depths of the sea seem to be still. Such an attempt to reverse the nature of the heavens and the earth will of course attract the wrath of the heavens and the earth, and the heavens should be fulfilled. Responsibility comes down to heaven.

Over Jie Lei, a majestic and angry face suddenly appeared.

It was the Tiandao Pujao that Zhou Shu was familiar with, and this robbery thunder seemed to be vomiting out of his mouth.

There is a suspicion of manifestation.

The power of this robbery thunder is greater than that encountered in Guixu. If it can be quantified, it was 800 last time, and this time it was more than 4,000, which has far exceeded the limit that the monks of the Xuanhuang world can bear. There was a lot of the will of heaven in it, and it seemed that he didn't want to give Zhou Shu a little bit of survival.

Zhou Shu just sat like this with a calm expression, looking up at the sky with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

If it was the situation before going to the Secret Realm of Chaos, this robbery would be able to wipe out Zhou Shu, but it was not enough now.

It is not that Zhou Shu's own strength has improved dozens of times in a short period of time, but that Zhou Shu's understanding of the world and everything has reached a new level, and he can no longer rely on himself to overcome the calamity.

Everything within hundreds of thousands of miles, air, sea, fish and shrimps, rocks, wind, everything, visible and invisible, as long as it has the origin of heaven and earth, it is spontaneously concentrated, and the origin of the thunder Contend and cancel each other.

Jie Lei seemed fierce and fierce, but what Zhou Shu needed to resist was probably the will of the Dao of the day.

This phenomenon is a sign that Zhou Shu's strength has reached the Mahayana state.

When a monk reaches the Mahayana state, it is also helpless for the Heavenly Dao. It is because of this ability to integrate with the heaven and the earth and inspire the origin of all things.

You can mobilize the origin of the Profound Yellow Realm to attack me, and I can also use the origin of the Profound Yellow Realm to counteract it~www.ltnovel.com~ Compared to foreigners like Heaven, the cultivator born in the Profound Yellow Realm has more ability to mobilize the origin. it is good.

"You! You have already understood the heaven and earth avenue of the Profound Yellow Realm!"

The will of Heaven in Jie Lei seemed to roar.

Zhou Shu was indifferent, still smiling, "Thanks to you."

To become a mighty power in one realm and integrate into the world, one would definitely understand the great avenue of the world in that realm, and Zhou Shu had already come this far.

Speaking of which, there is no Tiankeng of Heaven, without the process of the chaos secret realm, Zhou Shu may not be able to understand so early, so much.

"There is only one of your robbery thunder, no matter how many, your crime will be serious."

In addition to the tribulation, he also had more strength to taunt, it is rare to communicate with the will of the heavens, and Zhou Shu would not let go.

Tiandao will be angry.

But he can only be angry. All he can control is the original power of the Profound Yellow Realm, and not much of his own power can be transmitted to the Profound Yellow Realm. Now Zhou Shu no longer cares about the original power, and even treats it as nothing. Zhou Shu's threat gradually diminished to almost nothing.

Zhou Shu didn't worry that Heaven would hinder him, what he was worried about was Tongtian Tower.

Heavenly Dao is not tolerated, and immortal world is not tolerated. When Tongtian Pagoda emerges, the tribulation that will follow, in addition to Heavenly Dao, may have the will of the immortal world, and whether it can continue to use the power of heaven and earth to resist is also a question.

He didn't know Xuanhuangjie's attitude towards the Tongtian Pagoda, and when he tried to protect the Tongtian Pagoda, those heaven and earth sources would continue to support him.

Before thinking about it, Jie Lei gradually disappeared.

The one who disappeared was the face of Tiandao. When he disappeared, he was no longer angry, but there was an inexplicable smile.

As expected, there was only one robbery thunder, and what followed was the overwhelming original Qi.

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