Fairy Winner

Chapter 1978: World movement

The original aura is all purple, not lavender, but rather rich.

Zhou Shu felt it for a while, and knew that the original purple energy that was descending this time was much better than the previous ones.

Zhou Shu looked calm, standing on the island, slowly waving his sleeves.

Within a few breaths, the original aura that filled the space between the heavens and the earth scattered one after another, flowing in all directions.

The power to resist the catastrophe comes from this world, so Zhou Shu will not enjoy the benefits alone, or even not at all, completely return to the world.

In the eyes of other monks, this was almost unimaginable, but for Zhou Shu, it was done naturally.

These original auras didn't improve him much, it would be better to return to the world, win the favor of the world, or repay the cause and effect.

Cultivating immortals is an act of seizing heaven and earth for good. A cultivator who does not know how much resources he has to use is naturally owed to the heaven and the earth, and the cultivator often has to reach the power realm before he can begin to give feedback and use the power obtained from the heaven and earth to benefit. Heaven and Earth, of course, most of the great power realms are directly promoted to immortals, and there are even those who stay in the Xuanhuang realm to continue to obtain resources. Such monks are insatiable and will probably have no blessings in the future.

As for Zhou Shu, he has always been giving back to heaven and earth, and now he is giving back to heaven and earth all the blessings after the catastrophe.

The turbulent sea slowly calmed down in the purple air, but it was not because of Zhou Shu's control, but because it had gained too much origin and needed to be digested.

These hundreds of thousands of miles of sea area, because Zhou Shu traveled here, also got unimaginable benefits, whether it is fish, shrimp, sea beasts, or seaweed, etc., and this original purple-covered place will definitely be in the future. Breed a lot of spiritual things, even creatures.

By the way, there are still beings who are promoted to immortals, and in the future, they will give Zhou Shu a great help.

After a few hours.

Seeing Qingming in the sky again, Zhou Shuyi stood on the island, looking around peacefully, quite satisfied.

He perceives the changes in the sea within hundreds of thousands of miles, which is exactly what he wants.

Raising his hand slightly, the water around the island suddenly rose, far above the water level, and it was still rising, until it stopped for nearly ten miles.

This sea area is ten miles higher than the seawater in other places, and there is no wind and waves, just like a transparent platform has been erected out of thin air in the sea, fish, shrimp and sea beasts all swim in it, leisurely and natural.

It is a rare wonder in the world.

And the island where Zhou Shu was located was like a ten-mile-deep hole, and Zhou Shu stood in the center, smiling slightly.

As the hands were lowered, the water immediately fell and washed up on the island together, forming a huge vortex in an instant.

The tide rises when you raise your hand, and the tide goes down when you let go. The sky full of sea water is all in your palm.

In the whirlpool, the waves were extremely anxious, and Zhou Shu stood at the center of the whirlpool, motionless, and the overwhelming sea seemed nothing.

It seems dangerous, there is indescribable pressure around, but in fact it is not the case. The seawater bypassed Zhou Shu sensibly and only circled Zhou Shu. No drop of seawater fell on him, and the seawater under his feet kept on. Rising, supporting Zhou Shu a little bit upward.

Not much time has passed.

In the boundless East China Sea, a very high pole was erected, and the sea water was spinning at high speed in it, still rising.

Tornado water column.

Zhou Shu was standing at the top of the water column, not far from the first day, and he could touch it with his hand.

He raised his hand, but didn't touch the sky, but touched a purple cloud with electricity.


He smiled slightly and sat down slowly, sitting on the water column, looking at the surrounding Jieyun.

I don't know when the robbery clouds have been densely covered. From the first day to the tenth day, they are all, with purple electricity, piece by piece, layer upon layer, without seeing the edge from left to right, and from top to bottom.

Heavenly Tribulation, Ten Heavenly Tribulation.

He attracted the sea and everything around him in this way, and controlled them in his palms. Although he could not see any malice, the heaven and the earth were naturally shocked again, and the heaven and the earth had to reappear, perform his duties, and surrender to Zhou Shu. The next great disaster.

Ninth and tenth, the two most difficult catastrophes, and Zhou Shu intends to go there together without rest.

In the eyes of other monks, it was impossible to imagine, but Zhou Shu was calm and calm.

In the robbery cloud, a face gradually emerged, still solemn and angry.

Pu Lao.

That face seemed less than an inch away from Zhou Shu, Zhou Shu seemed to be able to feel breathing.

Of course, there is no breathing, only a domineering and majestic breath, one after another, one after another, like a tide.

Zhou Shu still sat steadily on the water column and said calmly, "Meet again."

"You might as well sit higher."

Heaven will open his mouth, make a sound of deafness, and go straight into the sea of ​​knowledge.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "On the first day you enter, you can no longer inspire all things in the world, do you think I am stupid?"

Tiandao Will snorted, "Aren't you confident?"

"I rely on the world, not myself."

Zhou Shu's expression gradually condensed, "Heaven and Earth also know that the Xuanhuang Realm should have a Mahayana state. No matter what you do, you can't change this."

During the ninth calamity, he deeply felt the power between the heaven and the earth. The power of the origin that was so huge that Zhou Shu could not use it, UU read www.uukanshu.com and even if it was. The tribulation of the heavens can never be broken, even if it is several times larger.

Because of this, he is willing to feed back everything he got to the world.

Obviously, this has worked.

He has more control over the world and everything, sometimes he doesn't need to order anything, and everything around him will follow him autonomously.

"Then try."

Tian Dao's face gradually disappeared in the robbery cloud, and the robbery cloud became denser.

The sky was completely dark, and a layer of airtight cover was added, and my fingers could not be seen when I reached out. Only the looming thunder light, purple to red.

Perceiving the power contained in it, Zhou Shu no longer retains it.

The Taoist tower stood up suddenly, and golden light flashed, like a round of the sun.

The water column on his body turned faster, but it no longer went up, but diverged to the surroundings.

Large swaths of the sea below disappeared, all being drawn up by the water column. For hundreds of breaths, the sea water was almost completely empty, and the sediment on the seabed can be vaguely seen, and the water column has become extremely thick. I am afraid that it will not have a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Obviously, The water of the entire sea area, including the fish, shrimp, monsters, etc., all melted into this water column and became Zhou Shu's strength to resist the catastrophe.

On the outer layer of the sea, there is a huge whirlwind, a strong wood spirit, and countless small gravels.

The important thing is that this is not out of Zhou Shu's instructions.

Zhou Shu was extremely surprised, that is to say, everything around him spontaneously came to help Zhou Shu respond.

Zhou Shu thought secretly, "Is it the reward given to Heaven and Earth Origin Purple Qi just now? It's too fast and amazing. Did I do this?"

This kind of scene is unimaginable even in the Mahayana state, but the Mahayana state does not need to cross the catastrophe.

"Ordered to heaven and earth!?"

Among the roaring clouds, there was a loud roar.

(Ps: I’m late, sorry~~)

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