Fairy Winner

Chapter 1979: 9 color ladder

The roar of the will of Heaven also shocked Zhou Shu.

Ordered by heaven and earth?

Could it be that Tiandi helped him to achieve a certain mission?

What is the mission?

Zhou Shu can't really communicate with Xuanhuangjie Tiandi, it is impossible to know.

The Mahayana state can't, and even immortals can't directly communicate with the origin of the first world.

However, it is possible to obtain instructions from the Profound Yellow Realm through the divine tool and divine beast that represents the origin of the Profound Yellow Realm, but now all divine tools have their own masters, and can no longer represent the Profound Yellow Realm, and the divine beast, where is there a Tier 9 divine beast?

But no matter what, this is a good thing.

At least Zhou Shu could know from these words that Heaven and Earth also wanted him.

"I should have known long ago. With his current strength, how could it be possible to provoke so many sources of heaven and earth, how could it cause the entire East China Sea to be turbulent?"

The Will of Heaven is still roaring, but the voice is getting smaller and smaller, "Did you wake up yourself or was awakened by him? You have been asleep for a long time, why wake up, don't you know the current predicament?"

The heaven and the earth did not speak, but the only response was the spinning water column.

The water column is still expanding, and you can already see the mountains on the bottom of the sea. Many monsters are dumbfounded, looking at the sky, not knowing why.

Their homeland suddenly flew to the sky.

Zhou Shu seemed to understand.

The world of Xuanhuang Realm, has been sleeping?

This is the reason why there hasn't been any power in over 20,000 years?

If you can't mobilize the origin of heaven and earth, it is indeed extremely difficult and extremely difficult to cross the catastrophe, but why does not even Xuanhuangjie himself help the cultivator.

"It's not you, it's not me, it's not even the immortal world can change, you go and count on a monk?"

The roar in Jieyun continued, but it was gradually inaudible.

Zhou Shu tried to penetrate the robbery cloud and saw the expression of Tiandao, but was unexpectedly unable to see it.

The surrounding drastic changes made Zhou Shu look solemn, and there was a hint of tension in his heart. If he continues, I really don’t know what the East China Sea will look like. When he comes to the East China Sea to cross the tribulation, on the one hand, there is no one, on the other hand, it can be maximized. Using the power of heaven and earth, but never expected that the power of heaven and earth would be used to such an extent, far beyond his control.

"He can also survive the catastrophe."

A faint sigh came slowly, "You may have harmed them by doing this..."

The voice was completely silent, and in the robbery cloud, a thunder light suddenly appeared and fell on Zhou Shu's head.

The thunder light is a full mile in radius, but compared with Zhou Shu’s ninth day of calamity just passed, it is not at the same level, and there is no need to even resist. The thunder thunder gradually dissipates when it encounters the water column, and it falls on the tower. , Only one strand.

That ray of thunder light reflected on the Dao Pagoda, carved a trace, and another moment passed.

Zhou Shu stared closely. The trace seemed to be a weird symbol and some words, but it didn't look like it was attacking him, but it was giving him some information or a hint.

He remembered it firmly.

Zhou Shu even remembered the last words of Heavenly Dao, which may have harmed them.

What does "they" mean, are they human?

The words of Heavenly Dao engraved many doubts in Zhou Shu's heart, which may be insoluble in the Xuanhuang Realm.

As the thunder light disappeared, the robbery clouds densely covered in the sky gradually disappeared.

The sky soon saw Qingming again, the sky was bright, the sun and the moon hung high, and the water column under Zhou Shu's feet collapsed in an instant.

The vast and boundless sea water quickly fell back into the sea. It seemed extremely fast, but it did not seem to have much strength. The many monsters on the sea floor were not affected by the pouring down of the sea in the slightest, swimming happily, and their homes came back.

Everything happened very briefly, and the recovery was also very short.

The world is silent.

But here is the silence, and other places are extremely lively.

Kunlun Mountains.

"what is that?"

A disciple pointed to the sky with a surprised look.

Above the sky, nine-colored clouds suddenly rose. The clouds were brightly colored, with distinct levels, and gradually upwards, extending to ten days, with one layer of green, two layers of red, three layers of yellow, four layers of white, and five layers of black. Six layers of green, seven layers of purple, eight layers of red, and nine layers of cyanosis.

"Nine-color ladder!"

Passing by, Qin Feng exclaimed, his figure was shocked, and he could hardly stand steady.

"What is the Nine-Colored Cloud Ladder, elder?"

The disciple looked respectful and asked in a low voice, but when he looked up, he realized that Qin Feng was no longer there.

Sitting on Wangfeng.

Qin Feng swept the wind and landed on the top of the peak. Several people were already standing there.

They looked at the nine-colored clouds in the sky with complex expressions, and could not tell whether they were happy or sad, maybe both.

"I saw it all..."

Qin Feng stagnated and said something he thought was nonsense, but besides that, he didn't know what to say.

Long Sun Youji stared into the distance and slowly said, "I didn't expect to see the Nine Colored Cloud Ladder."

Lin Qingjue nodded lightly, "There is no variegated cloud ladder. Even more than 20,000 years ago, there was no such scene."

Qiu Ze seemed to have realized, "Such a vision of heaven and earth...soon there will be a fairy envoy. It should be the highest-level golden fairy envoy. I remember the last time a golden fairy envoy came, it should be our Kunlun mysterious secret. Master, after entering the fairy world, the master went directly to Jinxiantai."

"It's still a step ahead."

Qin Feng sighed, "It would be nice if Elder Lin could enter the Five Elements Wheel early."

"It's no use that early."

Lin Qingjue said indifferently, "I'm too far away from him, and if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to get permission from the Five Elements Chakra and enter the Five Elements Chakra cultivation."

Qiu Ze whispered ~www.ltnovel.com~ Not necessarily him, right? "

Several elders glanced at him, as if they were looking at a different kind, just shaking their heads.

Everyone looked at the sky and stopped talking.

The nine-color cloud ladder is a vision of the fairy envoy coming.

Why is there a fairy envoy coming, it is naturally that some cultivators successfully cross the tenth heaven and become the Mahayana state.

The first place in more than 20,000 years.

The birth of the fairy envoy is a great event in the Xuanhuang world. The heaven and earth should be greeted by a ladder. The ladder is nine colors. The brighter the color, the clearer, and the less variegated, the higher the rank of the fairy envoy.

According to the ancient books of Xuanhuangjie, there are about five types of immortals, ranging from scattered immortals to golden immortals.

The higher the level, the more benefits it brings, and the higher the future achievements of the attracted power.

The emissary of the Jinxian can bring the introduced people directly to Jinxiantai and become the disciple of the Jinxian. With the backing, the resources of the immortal world are naturally enormous, and the future achievements will be limitless. It is said that those who are attracted by the emissary , As long as he does not die, he will at least be a golden fairy in the future.

And the fairy messenger is only responsible for bringing people to the immortal realm, not to mention the master's backing, life and death depend on themselves, and the fallen.

Lin Qingjue suddenly turned around and said in a deep voice, "You stay here, I want to go to the Heyin School immediately."


Several elders agreed, and Grandson Youji stepped forward, "I will go with you, and be more solemn."

Lin Qingjue nodded lightly, "Let's go, hurry, don't lag behind other sects too much."

In the blink of an eye, the two had disappeared.

"Elder Cheng is still in the Heyin faction. The three most powerful elders in Kunlun have all gone, so we should be able to save some face."

Qin Feng thought to himself, only a little drumming in his heart.

(Ps: Thank you Haoxia Junjie for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted)

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