Fairy Winner

Chapter 1983: Just wait

Watching the fairy envoy leave, Zhou Shu suddenly thought of a question.

Where is God?

As the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanhuang Realm, there are cultivators in the Xuanhuang Realm who will be promoted to the immortals. Heavenly Dao should show up, and will accompany the celestial envoys to attract, talk to the cultivators, and inform some information, which is recorded in the ancient books , And the fairy envoy came just now, the heaven did not appear at all.

Zhou Shu let go of his spiritual consciousness, perceiving his surroundings, and the doubts in his heart also increased.

Heavenly Dao is monitoring the Xuanhuang Realm all the time, monitoring Zhou Shu's every move, using the origin of the heaven and earth he controls, Zhou Shu can be sure of this.

At many important moments, Zhou Shu would try to avoid the Dao of Heaven, and after Zhou Shu reached the Eighth Layer of Crossing Tribulation, he had a clearer understanding of the origin of heaven and earth. Zhou Shu could even perceive a trace of the Dao of Heaven around him. There is a slight difference between the power of the origin of the world and the power of the world itself, which makes Zhou Shuming aware that the way of heaven is at his control.

Now that he has become a Mahayana state, he can naturally distinguish the existence of the heavenly path easily. However, within the scope of his perception, he is completely unaware of the heavenly path. Everything around him is natural and not affected by the heavenly path. trace.

I tried to monitor Zhou Shu before, but now he is gone?

Is it the cause of the fairy?

It is strange to say that the fairy knows the procedure of receiving and should also know that Heavenly Dao must appear, but when Heavenly Dao does not appear, he did not question it. He seems to know that Heavenly Dao will not appear, or that he has prevented Tian Dao.

Things are getting weird.

Could it be--

Zhou Shu looked at the fairy yin talisman in his hand, and seemed to realize it, maybe it was the fairy ambassador deliberately not letting heaven know this talisman?

It happened that the Heavenly Dao was not there, and there was no need to go to the Demon Realm to avoid the Heavenly Dao. He began to observe the Fulu carefully, but after watching it carefully for a long time, there was no gain.

There are many and complex powers, and the runes are also very strange. The only two points that can be determined are that firstly, there is no immortal power, and secondly, there is a strong power of space law in it, and most of them are moved or opened up new spaces. effect.

There must be a mystery in it. Zhou Shu will continue to study it, and he will definitely not use it in ten years.

He asked the fairy, will it completely fail in ten years? The immortal envoy answered very vaguely. After ten years, Fulu will no longer be effective for him. In other words, after ten years, Fulu will not be completely invalid. It will only have no effect on him, but it will have an effect on others and even the entire world of immortality. .


Zhou Shu shook his head, and didn't plan to think about it any longer, it would naturally be clear at that time.

As for why Immortal Envoy and Heavenly Dao did this, there was no need to think about it. They could only find the answer after leaving the Xuanhuang Realm.

Now his power is still too small, although it is in the Mahayana state, but in these heavens and worlds, it is nothing more than a small grain of sand.

Don't do unnecessary things before waiting for the order.

"Thanks for helping."

Tiandi helped him a lot, so he naturally wanted to thank him, Zhou Shu turned around, saluted rather respectfully, and then flew up.

Go with the wind.

As soon as he entered the Mahayana realm, Zhou Shu knew how to borrow the power of heaven and earth and used it extremely skillfully. His body seemed to have turned into smoke and dust in the wind. It floated and floated for thousands of miles. Such a speed is already achievable by a cultivator. It's the ultimate.

After taking a few steps, Zhou Shu seemed to have thought of something, and Zhou Shu's figure was stagnant, and a figure exactly like him was immediately separated.

It was also Zhou Shu, carrying his spirit and will, but the body was not his power, but the pure source of heaven and earth.

Borrowing heaven and earth into a clone, such a clone can also mobilize the power of the heaven and the earth on a large scale. It is not much different from the body. In most cases, non-powerful people are invincible and can be used to do many things.

"Go, go to Penglai Island."

Zhou Shu waved his hand slightly, and the clone headed north, seemingly faster than Zhou Shu.

Not surprisingly, Zhou Shu still needs to use the origin to support his physical body, and the clone itself is the origin of the heaven and the earth, and it will naturally flow unimpeded between the heaven and the earth.

Although Penglai Island is closed, it must be carefully guarded, especially the Demon Race. Right now he has enough ability to guard two or three places. Naturally, he has to send Heaven and Earth clones to help the city lord guard the island and guard the Tongtian Tower.

As for Zhou Shu himself, he is not in a hurry.

He has to travel all over the Xuanhuang Realm and see the Xuanhuang Realm clearly. It is different from the past. He is the identity of the Mahayana realm integrated with the heaven and the earth. He is no longer an ordinary cultivator. He has a different vision. Of course he sees the world. It is also different.

This is of course not superfluous.

Although these insights may not be useful after leaving the Xuanhuang Realm, with such an experience, you can save a lot of time in other realms.

Moreover, it takes a period of precipitation and training for him to better master the Mahayana realm.

During the flight, it was inevitable to see many people.

He saw that people from all directions were gathering towards Lingyu City.

Lingyu City has become the center of the entire Xuanhuang Realm, attracting everyone in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Hidden aristocratic families, powerful sects, everything you can think of is in it, even the Baiyun City, which is not going out of the house, has people, and not all of them are human cultivators, monsters, sea races, barbarians, and even the Xuanhuang world. Many races took Lingyu City as their target and rushed to it quickly.

This grand scene ~www.ltnovel.com~ can be described as unprecedented.

For more than 20,000 years, it is not only humans who have been waiting for too long, all races in the Xuanhuang Realm are the same, and the appearance of Zhou Shu not only means that humans have hope, but the entire Xuanhuang Realm has hope.

Zhou Shu didn't understand these truths.

The responsibility is heavier, but the dawn is getting closer.

This is a good opportunity for the various races in the Xuanhuang world to unite again. Alien invasion is the first opportunity, but they are useless. Now the second opportunity is here, and they should use it.

If this can be done, Zhou Shu's reputation will be improved again, reaching a higher level, and perhaps no longer just the Emperor.

The Hall of Heyin School.

Hao Ruoyan was as busy as a spinning top, unable to stop at all.

From the moment the Nine-Colored Cloud Ladder appeared, people in Lingyu City continued to come, human immortal cultivators, and other races, all of whom were rare to see and could only guard at home, but all appeared, in just a few dozen Within a day, Lingyu City was full, and it was almost impossible to hold it.

Almost all the disciples were sent out, but they were still too busy.

But she didn't feel anxious, on the contrary there was a lot of excitement. Being able to deal with this unprecedented event was an excellent time to hone her officialdom.

"Sister, why didn't Brother Shu come back?"

Hao Siyun ran in in a burst of wind, with a sad cloud on his face, "The sect masters of the big sects in Kunlun Emei have all arrived, waiting to see Master Shu!"


Hao Ruoyan smiled faintly, "What about Kunlun, if there is anything I can't wait, I will go back if I don't want to wait."

Hao Siyun was stagnant, thinking of something, his sorrow was gone, and his expression was flying, "Yes, what are we in a hurry? Even if we wait for a year and a hundred years, we don’t have to wait. Who will let Senior Brother Shu have It's powerful! Now our Dutch school is better than them!"

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