Fairy Winner

Chapter 1984: Suddenly proposed

Zhonglou in the sea.


A tall man with a beard put down his wine glass heavily, and said with dissatisfaction, "How come the Haibei Ding family is one of the three largest families in Beiluzhou, where are you not being grandly entertained, even if you go to Kunlun to Chongyang, there are separate peaks. There are so many disciples waiting for you in the residence, but when you arrive at this lotus school, hey, don't say you can't get into the sect, you still have to live in a restaurant in this market, you will be angry if you think about it!"

"Who can say no, the Heyin School and Zhou Renhuang are such big airs."

The monk in white next to him nodded, "My Baihezong is also the top five big sect in Beiluzhou. Don’t I live in this restaurant like Brother Ding? And after waiting for so many days, the emperor doesn’t show up, Heyin The faction didn’t let in, saying that it would be rectified and let us wait for the news. It really didn’t take us seriously."

The man with a beard snorted, "Who makes others a mighty power? The first mighty power in 20,000 years, the face is naturally bigger. I don't know where the luck is. The black chicken has become a phoenix. What is Zhou Shu? Music school, I have never heard of it more than 100 years ago."

The monk in white shook his head and whispered, "It's better not to say these things here."

"Waiting for news, waiting for news, waiting for dozens of days, there is nothing, **** it!"

The man with a beard hammered the table and vented his anger, but he didn't dare to say anything about Zhou Shu. After all, he was powerful, and he was still afraid no matter how bold he was.

"Haizhonglou is very nice."

A Tsing Yi scribe at the next table glanced at the two of them and smiled slightly, "Quiet, comfortable, full of vitality sea pillars, all kinds of spiritual foods that have never been seen before, very satisfying, worthy of being the best in Dongsheng Prefecture. Good restaurant, ha ha."

The white-clothed monk raised his eyes to see that the scribe is not very old and his cultivation level is not high. He slowly said, "May I ask the fellow daoist?"

The man with beard cast a cold glance, "Young man, don't talk nonsense if you are not sensible. What is your background? What is our background?"

"Forget it, Brother Ding, don't be angry."

The white-clothed monk waved his hand, "What knowledge does the little sect guy have, don’t worry about him, we are all big sect family for nearly ten thousand years, it is right for the Lotus Sect to let him live in Haizhonglou, let us live here. I just don't understand etiquette."

"Fine, it's someone else's place...Drinking and drinking, I don't bother to care about him."

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the man with whiskers, took his full glass, and took a savage sip.

The scribe in Tsing Yi smiled faintly, eating and drinking on his own.

After a while, a disciple of the lotus sect quickly walked upstairs and came over here.

The guy with the beard and the monk glared at the same time, looked over in anxious manner, and was overjoyed. Could it be that the Dutchman is finally coming to invite us?

Heyin sent the disciples to salute them with a smile, but walked around them towards the Tsing Yi scribe, bowed and bowed, "Lord Li Xing, Elder Hao, please, say that the emperor has just returned to the sect."

"I'm finally back."

The Tsing Yi scribe smiled and got up, his eyes flickered, "Thank you, let's go."

In a blink of an eye, the scribes and the Dutch disciples were gone, but the man with the beard and the white-clothed monk stopped moving.

"What did he say, I heard it right? Lord Li Xing, is it the one from Emei..."

"Apart from him, who else in the world of immortality can be called the Star Master, Brother Ding, this time we are in trouble."

The monk in white had a bitter expression, "Why didn't I recognize it just now? Although he only came to the throne a few years ago, but..."

The man with a beard was a little sluggish, "Unexpectedly, the star master Emei lives here like us..."

Heyin Pie.

The interior was completely trimmed, whether it was the concentration of aura or the building facilities, they all rose to a level. The current lotus school looks more refined, heavier, and has a larger sect.

Under the guidance of Hao Ruoyan, the heads of the six major sects, as well as the heads of several great families, walked slowly, and received a lot of praise along the way.

Most of these praises are involuntary, and the Dutch school has changed a lot, but it is still far from the power of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

It was not until the group of people walked into the cave sky that they made a sincere admiration.

"This... is this the real Dutchman?"

"What kind of aura, what a vast cave, here is no worse than our Heavenly Sword Sect."

His eyes fell in the middle of the cave sky, and the grandson Youji's figure shook, "Is that the sacred parasol tree? The old man will not be mistaken. I can't imagine that there is a parasol sacred tree in the Xuanhuang realm. It is unbelievable, unbelievable, even Kunlun does not It's..."

"Compared with the sacred parasol tree."

Yu Yi said slowly, "The Chilong on the tree is even more amazing."

When everyone looked up, they were all stunned. There was an extremely mighty Chilong, hovering in the sacred phoenix tree, with a dazzling light, scanning them.

"It's Chilong, I thought it was just a story..."

Song Songsong sighed, "In other words, when a foreign race invaded, a dragon descended from the world and joined Zhou's Sect Master to defend the city. This rumor is true."

Miao Di nodded slightly, and said calmly, "How long has it been since there has been a dragon like a dragon in the Xuanhuang Realm. It is still an ally of our immortal cultivators, it is a blessing for the Lotus Sect, and even more so for our Xuanhuang Realm."

"The sacred tree~www.ltnovel.com~ there are also dragons and gods."

Li Chenyi looked at the crowd and said slowly, "Compared to Emei, the Heyin Sect is more like a big sect. Fellow Daoists, I think the Heyin Sect can be with us and be called the Seven Great Sects, fellow daoists. What do you think?"

The leaders were slightly startled, unexpectedly Li Chenyi would mention this suddenly.

This flattering is really wonderful.

Lin Qingjue smiled, "What Li Xingzhu said is very true, I have no objection, but for hundreds of years, we Kunlun have always regarded the Heyin school as an equal sect with Kunlun, equality and mutual benefit, and living in harmony. The so-called seven major sects are just another name."

"Just this cave is not lost to Shushan, not to mention that there is such a great power as Sect Master Zhou."

Miao Ruolan smiled and nodded, "I don't have any opinions, and of course Shushan doesn't have any."

Song Songsong thought for a while, stroking his beard and laughing, "Lord Li Xing said so well, the old man wanted to say that for a long time, so that our Dongsheng prefecture has three major sects, more than other continents, haha, the birthplace of mankind finally deserves its name. I don’t know what the layman’s opinion is?."

Yu Yixian smiled slightly and said, "If Sect Master Zhou is willing to condescend and stand side by side with us, it will be our honor."

"The layman can really talk."

Miao Di said faintly, "As for us, Cihang and Heyin have long been one. Heyin School was originally built by our Yuan fairy. Of course we don’t have any opinions, but we don’t know what the three big families think? It is a major event in the world of immortality."

"Of course good, of course good!"

Zhuge Fuyan and Xia Houying quickly agreed, but the six leaders didn't look at them much. Their eyes all fell on the last old man.

After the Jiang family was occupied, there are now only three aristocratic families, and Zhuge Xiahou is rebuilding, and the only family that stands upright enough to speak is the mysterious Ji family.

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