Fairy Winner

Chapter 1986: Everyone has

   After a few words, everyone's gaze at Zhou Shu completely changed.

   If I used to think of Zhou Shu as a fellow, now I completely regard Zhou Shu as a senior, an elder.

   Nine Heavens, the distance from the Mahayana realm is one level, but it is different from the Tianyuan. If you reach it, you will be immortal, completely different from humans.

   Zhou Shu also has some secret complacency.

   Of course what he said is true. It is the result of his travels to four continents to see the world.

   I have to say that the Mahayana state observes the world, which is completely different from the immortal cultivator. The immortal cultivator needs to explore the treasures that can only be discovered for hundreds of years or more. The Mahayana state can often see it with a few glances, the difference is too great.

   The world is in your hands.

   Maybe other Mahayana states are different, but Zhou Shu feels that way.

   He saw a lot of secret treasures and resources, just to name a few, let them be infinitely useful.

As a Mahayana state, Zhou Shu has no need to obtain these resources from the Xuanhuang Realm, and forcibly obtain them. That would hurt the heavens, violate the cause and effect, and is not in line with his original intentions. It is very detrimental to future cultivation. He received a warning from the Xuanhuang Realm that if he used these resources at will, he would no longer be able to use the power of the heavens and the earth, and the Mahayana realm would not be worthy of its name.

   The same reason, there are not many that can be said, only those lives that are about to die, or those who should have been acquired by the cultivator, can speak easily.

   Yu Yixian looked at Zhou Shu, his eyes a little hot.

   Most of the Jiuzhongtian monks here have got Zhou Shu’s guidance, only he hasn’t.

   Zhou Shu smiled at him, and said calmly, "Lay, your chance is not with me or in the Xuanhuang world."

   The layman seemed to think, "I would like to ask seniors for advice."

   Zhou said in a soothing voice, "Just wait with peace of mind. In less than three thousand years, the Chongyang Palace will usher in a long-lasting fire."

   "Fire wave?"

   Yu Yixian exclaimed, "What you said is true?"

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "It's true."

   Yu Yixian bowed and saluted, "Thank you, senior, I understand, I will prepare when I go back."

  The fire wave is a special phenomenon that only occurs in the Chongyang Palace.

On the Chongyang Golden Pillar, extremely huge fire auras will emanate. Those fire auras not only come from the origin of the Xuanhuang world, but also from the heavens and all worlds. It can be described as the ultimate fire, and its momentum is like a tide, and it is endless. Covering the entire Chongyang Palace for a long time, as long as you are a disciple of the Chongyang Palace, you can benefit from the fire.

   In the history of the Chongyang Palace, there have been three fire waves, and the fire waves played a huge role in the reason why the Chongyang Palace was listed among the six major gates.

   Moreover, every time a fire wave, there must be a disciple of the Chongyang Palace.

   It’s just that no one knows why the fire was born and why it went. If the disciples of the Chongyang Palace knew it, the Chongyang Palace would have become the first sect.

   Zhou Shu didn't know either.

   But he made this judgment for his reasons.

He is going to find the immortal realm, bringing the blood of a unicorn to find the real person of Chongyang. As the creator of the golden pillar of Chongyang, the real person of Chongyang naturally knows the fire tide. Then let him help the Chongyang Palace, plus Zhou Shu himself, the fire tide , There is no reason not to appear.

   The time limit of three thousand years is enough.

   The four Ninth Heaven cultivators were all given instructions, and the remaining Heavenly Sword Emei and Shushan were the only ones looking at Zhou Shu, hoping to benefit.

   is like a child waiting to be fed.

Not surprisingly, in front of Zhou Shu, they are almost like this. Even if Zhou Shu doesn't think so, it is the general trend. The first great power in 20,000 years will definitely be regarded by everyone as the savior of the Xuanhuang world. Count on enough benefits from Zhou Shu.

   Zhou Shu responded with a smile, since they are invited, everyone has it.

   He looked at Song Songsong and slowly said, "Elder Song, can the real person Tianxuan be at the Heavenly Sword Gate?"

   Song Songsong shook his head quickly, "Since I left with Sect Master Zhou last time, I haven't come back."

   Zhou Shu nodded gently, "Then do you know where he is?"

Song Songsong just shook his head, "We really don’t know that real people have been living in seclusion outside and rarely return to the sect. I have been in Tianjianmen for more than 3,000 years and have only seen real people three times. The last time was the day before the sovereign came, he also told us, Sect Master Zhou It is the emperor of humanity, it is the destiny of heaven, let us act as far as possible to obey Sect Master Zhou."

   Knowing that he can't lie, Zhou Shu smiled and said, "A real person is really invisible."

   Song Songsong seemed to realize something, "I don't know what the real person and seniors said?"

   Zhou said calmly, "Tian Xuan said that he will go to Yingshan to live in seclusion."


   Song Songsong was stunned, and the others were not much better, "What, Yingshan? Yingshan is still in the realm of cultivating immortals?"

   Zhou Shu smiled calmly, "This is what the real man said, so Elder Song doesn't have to worry about it. The real man has found his chance, and the prosperity of the Heavenly Sword Gate is just around the corner."

   Song Songsong was uncomfortable and excited, and said, "Thank you, senior!"

   Grandson Youji got up, with a respectful look, "Excuse me, Sect Master Zhou, where is Yingshan?"

He was not the only one who asked, and other sects also spoke up. Everyone knows where Yingshan is. It seems that the real person Tianxuan seems to be closer to the Mahayana state. If the Heavenly Sword Gate also has the Mahayana state—and Zhou Shu's achievement in the Mahayana stage was different. The six major sects were enough to add one, and the original six major sects showed great power, and they were still the Heavenly Swordsmen. The days of the other six major sects were sad.

   Song Songsong, who just sat down, stood up again and said loudly, "What does this have to do with your Kunlun?"

  The eldest grandson Youji said condensedly, "How does it not matter? Yingshan should belong to all the cultivators, how can you let the Heavenly Sword Sect enjoy it alone?"

   "It's funny."

Song Songsong sneered, "Belong to all immortal cultivators? According to what you said, the four sacred mountains should belong to the cultivating world. Then why do you occupy the Abbot Mountain and live in Kunlun? These four sacred mountains must all fall into your Kunlun hands. Are you satisfied?"

   Changsun Youji looks serious~www.ltnovel.com~ Fangzhang Mountain is too dangerous, Kunlun is only for supervision, as for Kunlun Mountain, it belongs to Kunlun. "

   Song Songsong looked sideways, "Fart!"

  The elder grandson Youji said in a deep voice, "Why did Elder Song say such vulgar words? I am ashamed of the identity of the sword holder of the heavenly sword.

   "Elder elder grandson, sit down."

   Lin Qingjue looked at Changsun Youji, his expression getting colder, "Where is this place, is there any nonsense for you!?"

   Grandson Youji was shocked, and quickly sat down. He had an indescribable fear of Lin Qingjue.

Lin Qingjue saluted Zhou Shu and said sincerely, "Sect Master Zhou, he collided with the Sect Master. I will definitely deal with it with the Kunlun gate rules. Please don't take responsibility for the Sect Master. Kunlun will never intervene in the matter of Yingshan. It has nothing to do with Kunlun."

   "It's okay, just express your own opinions, I don't care."

Zhou Shu smiled and waved his hand, "That Yingshan, Madam Tianxuan only said that on the third day, I don’t know anything else, no one knows except him. This is due to him and the Heavenly Sword Sect. It's no use either."

   "The suzerain taught it."

   Lin Qingjue nodded repeatedly, "I will remember it in my heart."

   (PS: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)


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