Fairy Winner

Chapter 1987: Li Chenyi's idea

"It's all right."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded.

Would Kunlun really not care?

Looking at Lin Qingjue's expression, I knew that this was impossible, and not only Kunlun, but the other major sects, I'm afraid they will have to look for Yingshan.

There will be no peace on the third day.

This is exactly what Zhou Shu wants. You can find the best and make things clear. If it really is the same as Zhou Shu thought, the real person Tianxuan will definitely get retribution, then Liyuan Mansion, how can he keep him at ease? , Even if you can't find it, you have to bother Tianxuan.

Unless he completely ignores the Heavenly Sword Gate.

Zhou Shu looked at Miao Ruolan and took out a blood-red sword, "Elder Miao, this sword comes from Shushan, and I will return it to you."

"Blood waterfall?"

Miao Ruolan took the sword and looked thoughtful at the inscription.

She didn't remember what the ancestors of Shushan had used this sword called Blood Waterfall, and it was only a seventh-order top grade, and it seemed nothing special.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "With this sword, you can enter the Huaguoshan Shuilian Cave. From now on, the secret realm will be handed over to you Shushan."

"Ah, Huaguoshan Secret Realm!"

"Even the Secret Realm of Huaguo Mountain has appeared?"

Everyone was amazed and amazed. Huaguoshan is also a rare blessed land in the world of cultivating immortals. Although it is not as good as Yingshan, it is not much worse. It has been extinct for many years, and it is unexpected to hear it again today.

Looking at the sword in Miao Ruolan's hand, everyone looked fiery.

Miao Ruolan's heart was tight, she quickly put it away, and said, "Thank you Sect Master, Shu Shan will remember it!"

"This is the chance of Shushan, and there is no need to thank it."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, then looked at Li Chenyi, but he was silent and his face gradually changed.

Li Chenyi smiled, calm and calm, but he was a little worried. He was Zhou Shu's best effort to get opportunities from Zhou Shu, and Zhou Shu should also know what he wants, but why not Open your mouth.

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "Emei has a big catastrophe."

"The Great Tribulation?"

Li Chenyi shook and almost couldn't stand steady.

Why is it that everyone else is a big chance, and it is a catastrophe to me?

He hesitated, and whispered, "What kind of disaster..."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Xingya Island, if I read correctly, within two thousand years at most, the fire veins under the island will be sprayed. By then, most of Emei will be covered by flames and smoke. Almost every island will be affected. , Especially Xingya Island, some special scenes may appear, the star is mainly prepared, but... the Emei spirit veins and starlight will not be affected."

"Fire spurts..."

Li Chenyi nodded lightly, but gradually relieved, "That's really a catastrophe, thank you senior for reminding that Emei will be very careful."

Zhou Shu smiled, thinking that he understood it, and didn't say more.

Why was Emei born?

Because the immortal world had to deal with Huoman, it dropped countless meteorites and buried them completely, and those meteorites were dropped to form the Luoxing Islands, which is now Emei, that is to say, the original Huoman was under the Emei Islands.

What Li Chenyi wanted was what Huoman left behind, but he couldn't search Emei to find it.

Without the command of the star master, it may damage the spiritual veins, and will definitely be opposed by monk Emei, and he has no certainty to find it. It may be a waste of time, but the fire pulse is undoubtedly a god-given opportunity.

And Emei has never encountered a fire spurt. This may be the first time, and it will surely bring many relics.

He and Zhou Shu understood this, but the other sects might not.

Everyone got the chance, which is another praise.

Needless to say, there is no need to say what god-given powers bring blessings to the Xuanhuang world.

Zhou Shupo was satisfied. After this lap, he did not pay much, but his reputation earned almost. There is no doubt that the people present already trust him, believe that he will help his sect and give him what he needs. Support, then it's time for business.

Looking around the crowd, Zhou Shu said solemnly, "I invite you all to come here. I have a few things to say."

Seeing Zhou Shu's solemn expression, everyone got up together and continued to say, "But according to the emperor's orders."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "In fact, you should also know what it is."

"Is it Penglai Island?"

Li Chenyi hurriedly said, "We discussed before the Sect Master came back. Regarding this matter, there is nothing wrong with the Sect Master."

"Yes, it was an accident that the demons invaded Penglai Island."

Lin Qingjue nodded, "And after the Sect Master killed many demons, he has a deeper understanding, and then achieved great power. For the Xuanhuang Realm, this is a good thing, and those cultivators who died because of this are also considered dead. "

Yu Yi said in a slow voice, "Xuanhuang Realm has great power, it is nothing to die some people, and to die in a battle with the demons is not in vain."

Song Songsong said in a loud voice, "If other sects have questions, let us solve them. We will ensure that the emperor’s name will not be affected at all. If there are still unknowns, our six major sects and aristocratic families will consider it. It's an enemy, making him unable to stay."

Several people vowed to support Zhou Shu in unison.

It was a very troublesome thing at first, but as Zhou Shu entered the Mahayana state, no amount of trouble was gone.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I understand your kindness, but the issue of Penglai Island really happened because of me."

Everyone was stagnant, and it was unexpected that Zhou Shu would still say that he was wrong now.

Li Chenyi looked at Zhou Shu and bowed first, "Human Huangzhai's benevolent heart is really amazing. The younger generations admire the five bodies, even if it is not their own fault, they have to bear it, but think about it, if it is not like this. How broad is it worthy to be called the emperor."

Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, "Star Lord, you can say anything."

If you are not in the Mahayana state, others will put all the responsibilities on you, but when you get to the Mahayana state, others will try their best to help you avoid the responsibilities. The difference is just so big.

"This is the true thought of the younger generation."

Li Chenyi showed a bit of condensed expression, and said in a deep voice, "If the lord must feel that it is his fault, then the junior has an idea."

Zhou Shu was a little curious, "Just tell me."

Li Chenyi purged his clothes and said in courtesy, "The younger generation begs the suzerain to imitate the original Emperor Xuanyuan, sin against himself, admit his sins, and confess to Tiandi. In this way, Tiandi will surely understand the pains of the suzerain, and Xuanhuang Realm cultivators will admire the sect master who can take the blame even more. This will not damage the name of the sect master’s emperor. I don’t know what the sect’s plan is?"

The monks on the side agreed with ~www.ltnovel.com~ but they cursed secretly in their hearts.

Why didn't they come up with such a good idea? The Sin One Book says that it is sin self, to sue the gods for punishment, but it never brings bad results, on the contrary, it is an excellent method to greatly improve the reputation, used by the Emperor Xuanyuan, and also by the Emperor.

Even Zhou Shu never thought of this method.

Li Chenyi is still great.

It's the turn to shoot horses, I'm afraid Li Chenyi is the best in the world.

(Ps: Thank you angc1111 for your continuous support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~) Fairy winner


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