Fairy Winner

Chapter 1989: Tower of Babel

"The island owner of Penglai..."

Yu Yixian said slowly, "It is rumored that he reached the Ninth Heaven more than 10,000 years ago, and his cultivation base is much higher than that of my generation. I am afraid that the heavens will not help him."


Old Ji rarely spoke, "Since I have said so much, the old man also said a few words, Penglai Island Lord is the incarnation of the wood of Jianshi. Although it is a wood spirit, it is no different from a divine tool. His foundation in the Xuanhuang world is as stable as Mount Tai. Not to mention our immortal cultivators, even the way of heaven cannot move."

"Ah, it turned out to be the wood of Jianshi!"

Li Chenyi and others looked sideways, showing a lot of surprises, "How did Elder Ji know?"

Lao Ji looked at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "It was the Haotian Tower that told the old man, it was not the old man deliberately investigated, please don't blame the suzerain."

"Haha, Ji Lao is worried."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Even if Elder Ji doesn't say it, I will say it too, but please stop spreading it."

Song Songsong hurriedly saluted, "Of course not. I didn't think the island owner was such an expert. I was really offended just now. I'm sorry, I will definitely come to apologize in the future."

"That's not necessary, he won't be angry."

Zhou Shu smiled and waved his hand, but thinking of the childish appearance of the city lord, the pale old man apologized to him, which was interesting.

Old Ji slowly said, "The old man doesn't understand, why is Penglai Island related to...?"

When everyone looked at Zhou Shu, they also had the same idea. Heavenly Dao prevented immortal cultivators from ascending to immortality, but this time Penglai Island was invaded by demons. Could it be that those demons were attracted by Heaven's Law?

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "Don't worry, I will explain it slowly."

Everyone nodded, knowingly no longer asking.

Zhou Shu paused and said slowly, "Because of the injustice of the heavens, the talents of the Xuanhuang world have withered. No one has been promoted to the fairy world for tens of thousands of years, and no one can go to the fairy world and inform the fairy world about the situation in the Xuanhuang world. Are you impatient?"

Miao Di nodded and did not speak.

The others nodded.

I am really impatient to wait. When I was able to communicate with the fairy world, I always received gifts from the fairy world. There were often ancestors who showed their saints and gave good luck. But in these two thousand years, there was nothing, and I can't blame those The ancestors who have already been promoted to immortals are so incompetent that they can't be promoted. Of course, the ancestors don't want to follow them.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Have you thought of any way?"

Lin Qingjue said frankly, "I have thought about it, but there is no way."

"Who hasn't thought about it, who doesn't want to connect with the fairy world?"

Song Songsong sighed, "But what else can be done besides going to the immortal realm."

Li Chenyi seemed to think, "The Emei technique is special. I also used star power to communicate with Emei Star, but I couldn't communicate it. The starlight can shine down, but the starlight of our Xuanhuang Realm can't pass it... Only ascend to immortality, we immortal cultivators want to communicate with the immortal world, there is no other way."

Miao Di nodded slightly, "Even if it is difficult, we, as cultivators, have only one way to go."

Zhou Shu glanced at Yu Yixian, and Yu Yixian seemed to have some understanding, and said, "In fact, there is still a way to go beyond the promotion of immortality."

"What else can I do?"

Everyone lifted their spirits and cast expectant glances at Yu Yixian. Of course, there were more doubts in their eyes.

Yu Yixian calmed down. He knew what Zhou Shu meant when he looked at him. When things came to an end, he said in a deep voice, "Dear fellows, have you all heard of Tongtian Tower?"

"Tower of Babel?!"

Everyone was shocked, and quickly retracted their gazes.

Changsun Youji shook his head, "Don't laugh at the layman, it's impossible, the Tongtian Pagoda has long been lost in the Xuanhuang Realm."


Song Songsong nodded, "Even if it is not lost, it is impossible. The building of Tongtian Tower is to usher in the wrath of the immortal world. We Xuanhuang World must not be able to bear it. The last time the Tongtian Tower killed the Xuanhuang World, the Central Continent was destroyed and the five continents became After the four continents, that is a catastrophe of heaven and earth."

The others didn't speak, thinking about their minds.

Teleportation Array, Tongtian Tower, they also thought about it, but no one would suggest, and no one dared to open this hole to build the Tongtian Tower.

Zhou Shu looked around the people and understood their thoughts. In fact, he saw almost the same in the previous trip to the six major sects, but now he sees it more clearly, he shook his head, "Elder Song's words are very bad. Can't bear the catastrophe of the immortal world, but if this situation continues, no one has been able to successfully overcome the catastrophe. How is it different from the catastrophe?"

Song Songsong said, "Isn't there a Sect Master you? The others are coming soon, too?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "To be frank, I am a special case. Although you have a high level of cultivation, there are only one or two opportunities for promotion. If there is a better opportunity for promotion, you will not ?"

"A better opportunity, who wouldn't?"

Song Songsong couldn't help but said, "But where is it?"

The other people's expressions tightened, especially Lin Qingjue. He looked at Zhou Shu and his expression gradually changed.

Zhou Shu looked at him and said calmly, "Brother Lin has anything to say?"

Lin Qingjue took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Sect Master, the younger generation would like to ask you, are you already building the Tongtian Tower, and the location is on Penglai Island?"

As soon as this remark came out, except for Yu Yixian, all the others were stunned, looking at Zhou Shu with a strange expression.


Song Songsong wanted to close his open mouth, but couldn't do it for a while.

"Tongtian Tower is already under construction? Sect Master how did you do it?"

Changsun Youji was stunned. The wrinkles on his face were crowded together, and he couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing. "Isn't it true?"

"Cihang Universal..."

Miao Di closed his eyes and kept reciting the Ci Hang Heart Sutra silently, trying to calm his excitement, but his body still couldn't help shaking slightly.

Miao Ruolan was stunned, staring at Zhou Shu motionlessly, as if there were some flowers growing on Zhou Shu's body, but she was shocked and lost her opinion for a while.

Old Ji stopped moving, like a statue, his lips moved slightly, but he didn't know what he was talking about.

Yu Yixian sighed slightly and looked up at the sky with a silent expression.

He is the first monk outside the Heyin School to know the Tower of Tongtian. He also cooperated with Zhou Shu to say it just now, but at this moment, the mood is always uneasy, this matter is too big, even if Zhou Shu presided over ~www.ltnovel.com~ It may not be successful either, after all, the monks in front of him are all giants in charge of one party, who can change the situation in the Xuanhuang world.

Their attitude, to a large extent, determines the future direction of the Xuanhuang Realm.

Only Li Chenyi was normal, with a slight jaw and a smile in his calm, as if everything was expected, but it was not.

But he has reasons to be calm. First, he will follow the instructions of the star master and obey Zhou Shu. Second, he is different from other people.

Zhou Shu glanced at everyone, smiled and nodded, "Yes, Brother Lin expected that the Tongtian Pagoda is on Penglai Island and is about to be completed."

The people who had been a little relieved, suddenly passed by.


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