Fairy Winner

Chapter 1990: is not it

After a long period of sluggishness, there were exclaims, one after another.

"What, there is a Tongtian Tower, but it is already going to be completed?"

"Isn't teleportation technology banned long ago? How did you get it?"

"Tongtian Tower is not a normal teleportation array. It is much more complicated than the teleportation array, and the resources needed can't be calculated. It is thousands of times more than the general teleportation array... No matter what you think, it is impossible to do it. Is it done?"

"Yes, last time the Tongtian Pagoda was the power of all the cultivators in the Hexuan Yellow Realm, this time...we don't know at all?"

"I won't say anything about the Dutch... Is Penglai Island richer than our six major sects combined?"

"Impossible, impossible, the lord must have lied to us."

Everyone talked, and their eyes were full of doubts. Zhou Shu's words were too explosive. In their opinion, there was almost no authenticity. If it weren't for Zhou Shu's ability to speak, they would never take it seriously, and they would even be fighting. insulted.

Even in Yixian, there are questions.

He also asked Zhou Shu if he needed his help. He didn't expect that the Tongtian Tower was about to be built.

Zhou Shu pressed his hands, "You guys, don't worry, let me elaborate."

Li Chenyi smiled and nodded, "Yes, we are waiting."

The others gradually calmed down.

Zhou Shu slowly said, "To tell you frankly, the Tongtian Pagoda is real. The construction started very early. The building is not the previous Tongtian Pagoda. It is much smaller. The Tongtian Pagoda we built can only accommodate a hundred people to leave the Xuanhuang Realm. No matter how much, the transmission technology will not meet the requirements and the required resources will not be able to bear it, but even this is not easy."

"Ah! It turned out to be true, a hundred people?"

Song Songsong's eyes lit up and said anxiously, "There are already a lot, Sect Master, can I..."

"Shut up."

Lin Qingjue glanced at him, rather displeased, "Wait for the lord to finish."

Song Songsong sat down and muttered, "Don't you want to, hum, I don't believe it..."

He didn't really stop talking until Lin Qingjue glared at him again.

Of course, Song Songsong is not the only one who has such an idea. Before the Tongtian Pagoda, they will find ways to stop it, but when the Tongtian Pagoda does appear, there is really an opportunity to rise to the immortal. Who is willing to miss it? , I am afraid there is not one.

When everyone looked at Zhou Shu, their thinking immediately became alive, and they thought of many things at once.

Since it already exists, why not accept it? That's a chance to be promoted.

The Tongtian Tower is in front of you, can't you go up?

In an instant, the doubts almost disappeared, replaced by expectation, joy, all wanting to benefit from the Tongtian Pagoda.

This change is very fast, and it seems unbelievable, but for those who have struggled for more than 20,000 years, it is a matter of course.

"Building the Tongtian Tower is very difficult."

Seeing the expressions of the people, Zhou Shu didn’t know their thoughts. He sighed and said thoughtfully, “You don’t know what the Penglai Island owner and the Heyin faction paid. the result of."

Yu Yixian nodded slowly, "It's really difficult, you can think about it."

Others also felt deeply, and Miaodi nodded, "Yes, I won't mention the resources and so on. A large sect can't afford it, and even more rare is the talent. Where should the people who need to build the Tongtian Tower come from? I can't think of how to find, how to cultivate it, and how to transfer technology to come. I can't think of how to do it. Sect Master is really a genius of heaven, like a special purpose to save the Xuanhuang world."

Elder Ji caressed his beard, "Moreover, I have to hide from the world of cultivating immortals. I can't tell anyone that everything is on my own, and I can't do it myself."

"No one can do it, except for Sect Master Zhou, well, there is also an island owner."

Li Chenyi was very excited to salute, and said generously, "This move of the suzerain is really the most difficult road, it is even more difficult than rising to the immortal. The admiration of the juniors for the suzerain is like the East China Sea, endless."

Lin Qingjue looked at Zhou Shu, "Sect Master, why do you want to do this? I don't understand. If you want to rise to an immortal, you can do it yourself. You have done it now, and you don't need Tongtian Tower."

Before Zhou Shu had spoken, Li Chenyi had already spoken, "This is what I admire the most. Sovereign did this, not for himself, for the Xuanhuang Realm, and for us cultivators. It is so great. ."

Lin Qingjue frowned, "Lord Li Xing, you talk too much."

"Hehe, am I wrong?"

Li Chenyi looked at Lin Qingjue, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, with a smile inexplicably.

Emei has always respected Kunlun. This provocative smile is really hard to imagine, but it is not surprising. For Li Chenyi, as long as Zhou Shu is grasped, it will not be difficult for him to become immortal. It doesn't matter if it's stiff. As for the Empress, he doesn't care what happens to Emei.

After knowing that Zhou Shu had the Tongtian Pagoda, he resolutely stood on Zhou Shu's side, no matter what happened, he would not change.

Lin Qingjue's face changed slightly, and Zhou Shu was about to speak.

He said faintly, "The two don’t have to argue, the star master’s kindness, I took it, and Brother Lin’s question is not wrong. The reason why I want to build the tower is not for myself, but for others, for some people and me. Promote immortals together, that's it."


Lin Qingjue stared at Zhou Shu, as if he wanted to see Zhou Shu's heart. After watching for a long time, he could only nod his head, "Sect Master is attentive, and the younger generations can only admire him, but the Sect Master has thought about not building the Tongtian Tower. How much trouble does it cause? If I'm not mistaken, the reason why those demons attacked Penglai Island should be for the Tongtian Pagoda."

"I thought about it, it is indeed possible."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Foreign races have always coveted the teleportation formation, as long as they sense it, they will find a way to take it away, so they will come to Penglai Island. This is also one of the reasons why the Xuanhuang Realm cannot delve into teleportation, but Brother Lin Now the situation is different. If we can protect it, we don’t have to worry about this issue. I can assure you that the teleportation array will only be in the hands of the Dutchman and will never be taken away by the aliens."

Li Chenyi hurriedly said, "With the words of the Sect Master, what is the problem?"

Song Songsong followed and nodded, "Yes, since it has been made, can you let us see? If the Sect Master needs anything, just ask for anything. You can ask for it at the Heavenly Sword Gate, as long as the Sect Master can..."

"Enough of you~www.ltnovel.com~Lin Qingjue stopped drinking and said loudly, "Is the problem only alien? I know that the sect master can block the alien race, but the biggest problem is the immortal world and the way of heaven. Have you forgotten how the Tongtian Tower was destroyed last time? Do you want the Xuanhuang Realm to experience that kind of suffering again! "

The crowd sank, not knowing how to respond.

Soon, Li Chenyi spoke again, "With the Sovereign, I believe there is no problem, no matter how big the catastrophe can be solved."

Lin Qingjue let out a long laugh, "Hahaha, it sounds good, but you just don't care! Anyway, if you are promoted to an immortal, it doesn't matter what the Xuanhuang world becomes! Is it?"

Li Chenyi stagnated and was speechless for a while.


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