Fairy Winner

Chapter 1998: Run into the island

Penglai Island, which was half-destroyed in the invasion of the demons, was not rebuilt.

The island is full of debris and broken tiles, completely different from the past grand scene.

But the monks still came in an endless stream, just to meet Zhou Shu on the island, hoping to get Zhou Shu's guidance.

Zhou Shu never turned the door away. Every ten days, he opened a dojo in the ruined wall to entertain the monks from all quarters, give instructions to the monks, preach to solve puzzles, enjoy it, and feel bored.

This kind of thing is naturally good.

On the one hand, it can greatly increase his prestige. Now his prestige has already surpassed that of the emperor of the year. No one in the Xuanhuang world knows it. On the other hand, the puzzle has always been twofold. While answering questions, he also To be able to grow, not to mention Zhou Shu's Tao was originally to learn the benefits of various Tao.

Can't ask for it.

During this period of time, Zhou Shu had seen countless high-ranking monks and had gained countless numbers.

It's the day.

The dojo has been closed, and only three or four people are sitting idle.

After a short while, Yu Yixian's eyes flashed, Huo Ran got up and bowed respectfully to Zhou Shu, "Thank you for your guidance."

Zhou Shu smiled and raised his hand, "Congratulations to the layman, who understands the Taoist tea ceremony, it is rare to realize the three Taoisms and the power of the three Taoisms in the Nineth Heaven."

Yu Yixian looked humble, "It's a boiled one, the old man is not very talented in the tea ceremony, if it is not for the enlightenment of the suzerain, it will never be successful."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "The layman did it himself, and it has nothing to do with me."

Yu Yixian enlightened the tea ceremony, and Zhou Shu himself was almost done, but he deliberately stopped on the threshold and did not go further.

Similar to the tea ceremony, there are kendo, talisman, calligraphy, painting, tool, and so on. There are no less than twenty kinds of Taoism. Zhou Shuquan has passed the stage of enlightenment. Standing on the edge of enlightenment, it is not difficult to cross the threshold. If he wants, in a short time It is not a problem to realize twenty or thirty kinds of Taoism.

But because of Shu Zhidao, he does not intend to enlighten other Taoism for the time being.

Li Chenyi stepped forward to congratulate, and said with emotion, "Speaking of which, in the past, the great powers can often enlighten several ways or even more than a dozen ways. Our younger generations are really far behind, and I don't know... …"

After saying a few words, Zhou Shu didn't respond. He looked up, but saw Zhou Shu lift his eyes and look into the distance, as if he saw something.

Li Chenyi also shut his mouth and followed Zhou Shu's gaze. After watching for a long time, he saw two figures flying over.

"These two should not be humans..."

Just after seeing it clearly, he was shocked again, "The original power on his body is so rich... the aura is so strong, I am afraid it is similar to the artifact, the origin is not simple, is it..."

A light flashed in his eyes, as if thinking of something.

Zhou Shu stared at the two, but said nothing.

Not long after they went to Penglai Island. They were two slender women. They looked up and down for a while, and immediately rushed over to Zhou Shu.

Xu Rong frowned and walked on the two trails, "I'm sorry, the two Taoists came late. The dojo will open in ten days. If you want to hear the Tao, you will come again."

"We are not here to hear the Tao!"

The purple-haired woman pointed at Zhou Shu and shouted, "Zhou Shu, let us work hard to kill the foreign race, but you are hiding here, so happy!"

The white-haired woman on the side quickly covered the purple-haired woman’s mouth, "Sister, don’t talk nonsense!"

Xu Rong frowned, and was about to speak. Li Chenyi had already walked up and said rather displeased, "The two Daoists of the Monster Race, it is very rude not to say anything when they trespassed on Penglai Island without speaking. , Quickly apologize to Sect Master Zhou, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude.”

These two are of course Mumu Li.

"Star Lord, don't worry."

Zhou Shu smiled and waved his hand, "Senior Sister, let them in."

Entering the dojo, Mu Yi looked at Zhou Shu with enthusiasm, and Mu Ze respectfully saluted, "Sect Master, my sister ran into the dojo without knowing how to do it, so please don't take offense."

"Mu Mu Li, you have made great progress."

Zhou Shu nodded, "But you need to be more restrained when casting the spell. The aura is too eye-catching, it is not hidden, and it is easy to be noticed by others and cause trouble."

Mu nonchalantly said, "Now no one dares to trouble us. I don't need to converge to make trouble, I am not afraid.

Mu seemed thoughtful, "It's okay on weekdays, but once we use more force, we don't know how to restrain our breath."

"I observed you for a while, and there is almost a way."

Zhou Shu took out a jade slip, quickly injected a few spiritual thoughts, and handed them to the two of them, "Look, this method should be suitable for you and can condense the original power in your body. You can learn it now. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

Mu took the Yu Jian and looked carefully, and soon his face showed joy.

They are transformed by immortals. Even if they become big monsters, they can easily expose the huge source of their bodies when using the exercises. If they are discovered by someone with a heart, they will be in a very dangerous situation. The family couldn't find a good solution, after all, Xianyi was the first time I saw a monster like a demon, and Mu was always worried about it.

The method Zhou Shu gave was not complicated, but extremely effective, and could almost completely solve this problem.

"Thank you suzerain."

Mu bowed and thanked him, and started practicing according to the method. After a short while, the huge original energy on his body has been reduced for most, and his face is more joyful. "Sister, take a look, you should learn faster."

"Don't watch, don't watch."

When he said he didn't look at it, he had already penetrated the divine sense into the jade slip and started to learn it carefully.

After running the exercises ~www.ltnovel.com~ for a few times, the aura became very weak, not to mention what the body was, even the identity of the monster clan was hard to see.

"Hey, it's really effective!"

Mu Li was very happy. He looked at Zhou Shu and said, "Sect Master Zhou, you are really amazing, much better than Grandpa Mu. He can't do it after decades of thinking."

Zhou Shu smiled without saying a word, while Li Chenyi beside him was stunned.

From seeing these two women to the present, it has only taken a quarter of an hour. In such a short time, Zhou Shu has created a technique that perfectly converges the breath of the two women, which is simply incredible.

Looking at Zhou Shu, his mind is more complicated.

During these hours, he has been on Penglai Island and saw Zhou Shu almost every day, but every time he saw him, he felt different. This person is really terrifying.

"You have to be careful when you are walking outside. Although the situation is different now, beware of accidents."

Zhou Shu looked at the two women and said warmly, "You are here at the right time, introduce a few seniors you know, this is Li Chenyi, the star lord of Emei, you may deal with each other in the future, it is better to meet earlier."

Mu Muli quickly nodded and saluted, "Mu Muli, I have seen Senior Star Master."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Star Lord, they are my juniors, you can take more care of them in the future and don't let anything happen to them."

Li Chenyi was shocked, and hurriedly responded, "The two girls are too polite. It is okay to take care of each other in the same way. I am a bit disrespectful when it comes to being a talent. Don't be surprised."

Zhou Shu didn’t know why the two women came, but he could tell that Li Chenyi seemed to have a covetous heart for the two women, so he said something. If they have something to do in the future, he will ask Li Chenyi to ask. Of course Li Chenyi didn't dare to do anything wrong, even if he guessed Mumu's identity, he didn't dare. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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