Fairy Winner

Chapter 1999: problem

Of course, Li Chenyi understood Zhou Shu's thoughts, and quickly expressed his attitude without asking more questions.

"There is another senior."

Zhou Shu nodded and pointed to Yu Yixian behind him, "Mu Muli, this is the layman Yu Yixian, the elder of the Chongyang Palace, is one of the best in the Xuanhuang Realm. At this time, I am thinking about it. See a gift, that's it."


The two women were shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute Yixian, "I have met the senior layman."

Yu Yixian didn't move, he hadn't moved since the beginning.

It looks like a wandering thing, everything around is invisible, but in fact, the heart is like a tide.

These two women, who were supposed to be the things of his Yu family's promotion, have now become the elves and monsters. After tens of thousands of years of hard work, they have already seen it, but the mood is always a little ups and downs, simply Don't think about it.

After Mu saluted, he stood there and said, "Senior layman, mother and we are all very grateful to you. If there is any dispatch in the future, I will definitely comply."

Mu Li followed, "Yes, Senior Lay, just say what you want us to do, and my mother said that you gave us all our lives."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "It's enough if you have the heart, and the layman will not care about you."

"Senior great grace, our mother and daughter will remember it in our hearts."

Mu Muli saluted again and walked away slowly, but Yu Yixian seemed to move, but he didn't say anything.

Zhou Shu's voice came in his ear, "The layman doesn't need to think too much, there will be everything that should be there, I will give you, only more."

The surging heart wave gradually calmed down. Yes, even without Xianyi, the hope of ascending immortality was lost, but there was a place in the Tongtian Pagoda, and Xianyi only had 10% hope, while Tongtian Pagoda was 90% able to succeed.

Zhou Shu pointed to Xu Rong, "This is my disciple and my senior sister, Xu Rong, who is very nice. You can find her in the Heyin School in the future."

"Senior Xu...sister."

Mu Ling bowed, a little confused, "Is it a disciple or a senior sister? It's so hard to count seniority."

Xu Rong spread his hands, glanced at Zhou Shu, and smiled helplessly, "It's up to you, I don't know how to tell it anyway."

"That's really weird."

Mu Li blinked, looking at Zhou Shu for a while, and Xu Rong for a while, until he was reprimanded by Mu, he looked away.


Mu Li looked at Zhou Shu, frowning and said, "Sect Master, you have confused us all. You will introduce the seniors and teach us the tricks. We only listen to you, and we have forgotten what to do with you. ."

Zhou Shu said slightly, "Mu Yi, you said I am here at ease, did you come here to scold me?"

"Yes, that's it."

Mu Yi clenched his fists and said bitterly, "You said you are not angry, you let our sisters kill 10 million foreign races, so we work hard every day, but you sit here and don't care about anything."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Then you kill enough?"

Mu Li shook his head, "How can it be so fast."

Zhou Shu showed a little seriousness, "Then you shouldn't come to me."

Mu Li stared at Zhou Shu, "How easy is it to kill."

Mu stepped forward and said softly, "Sovereign, what we have been doing, we clean up alien races every day, and basically don’t rest. Now we have killed more than 30,000. We will definitely fulfill the requirements of the lord, but now we have encountered some Question, I want to ask the suzerain."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Go ahead."

"There are two problems."

Mu nodded, "First, the sect master has now announced the Tower of Heaven. In order to obtain a spot, the entire Xuanhuang Realm races are killing aliens. The Qinghai Mu Family we are in did not intend to come out to fight against aliens, but now they are all coming out. Yes, and fight against the alien race with us. Then the alien race that our sister and Mu family killed together, don’t know how to calculate?"

"It's annoying, Sovereign."

Mu Li added, "We killed more than 30,000 independently. In fact, there were many more later than 30,000, but they were all done with the Mu family. I said that even if they were there, my sister I just refused to say that other people's things are not counted, and it must be counted as one's own, but how can I tell them so clearly? My sister and I cannot dispute, so I can only come to you to judge."

Looking at the two women, Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously.

He had seen Mu's paranoia, and the reason why he let them kill 10 million alien races was to cure this paranoia, but it seemed to have no effect.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "The Mu Family's also count."

Mu Yi clapped his hands and rejoiced, "Sister, let me just say it, the lord must have the answer.

Mu hesitated, "But..."

Zhou Shuzheng said, "That ten million originally included the Mu family. It was because the Mu family did not come out, so the responsibility fell on your sisters. Now that the Mu family has all come out, it will naturally be counted together again. If you have enough, you can also get the qualification to climb the Tongtian Tower."

Mu Li looked excited, "Our sister is so powerful, she will definitely be able to go up!"

Mu lightly nodded, and said helplessly, "Sect Master said so, Mu can only obey the Sect Master's meaning, and one more thing is about the Demon Race."

"Guess it."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "The Demon Race is the nemesis of the Mu Family. The Mu Family was unwilling to come out because of the Demon Race."

Contaminated by devil blood or devil qi, the cultivator still has a way to solve it, but the wood demon can’t solve it~www.ltnovel.com~ basically can only watch the devil qi and devil blood invade the body, the cultivation is completely lost, yes, and Xiuxian The difference is that they will not become demon slaves.

"What can the Sect Master do?"

Mu showed some anxiety, "Although there are not many demons, there are signs of spreading. I am worried that the Mu family will suffer heavy losses."

Mu Li followed, "Don't worry about our sisters, we are not afraid."

Xianyi is a ninth-order spiritual creature, with the original blessing of the mysterious yellow world, and many special features of foreign races cannot affect them, such as the smell of the herring clan, etc., and the demon energy and blood cannot invade, Zhou Shu let them go There are also reasons for this.

Zhou Shu thought for a moment, "You wait a few days, I will think of a way."


Mu nodded, looking at Zhou Shu, a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Is there a solution in a few days?"

Mu Li was a little anxious, "You must figure out a way, otherwise we will go to kill the alien race alone, and the Mu family will run away when they see the demons."

"Don't worry, if the lord said so, there will be no problems."

Li Chenyi said, "You just wait."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I have some clues, don't worry too much. You stay here these days and ask your seniors for advice and advice. It is also good for you."

Mu lightly nodded and whispered, "I will be content if I can ask the sect master."

"I also have a lot of questions for you!"

Mu Li has already walked up with a look of expectation, "I have a lot of things that I don’t understand about Mu Yanshu, and Grandpa Zhu doesn’t understand either, but I think you must understand, because my sister said you know everything. What you can't, is the most powerful person in the world.") Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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