Fairy Winner

Chapter 2144: Reboot

Most of the year soon w..lā

Zhibaoxuan is booming day by day, and there are many people coming and going every day, basically scattered immortals, and occasionally true immortals.

The business is getting bigger and bigger, but the reputation in the East District is not so good. Many businessmen say that Zhibaoxuan has stigmatized the reputation, just like the noisy vegetable market, where there is a little bit of nobleness of the first-class shops, which is simply ashamed. Ashamed to be with them, they all suggested that Zhibaoxuan should give up seats in first-class stores. Of course, this is impossible, and Wufangcheng would not care.

Zhou Shu didn't care, or didn't care at all.

He gave Bai Kechen the position of managing affairs, and gave it to Bai Kechen all matters related to trading, and he only cultivated in it.

In the quiet room, piles of semi-finished magic weapons.

They are all made of that golden fairy material.

The use of immortal materials can basically make immortal artifacts, but Zhou Shu can’t do it yet. His artifacts are not enough. He can only make such semi-finished products. There is no rune in the magic weapon, not to mention the materials and symbols. Natural fusion of patterns.

However, this process enabled him to better understand the gold industry and understand the rules of gold industry better.

It's just that Zhou Shu couldn't determine when he would be able to penetrate the law. It always seemed that something was missing and could not be reached.

This kind of feeling seems to be familiar, and it is often there when you are about to break through the realm. I know it is a layer of paper, but I can’t get through it and stay stuck in it. When it passes, I break through the realm and look back again, I only think how stupid it was at the beginning.

I thought it would happen, but I'm still stuck here.

After thinking about it for many days, I didn't realize it. On the contrary, I became more confused, confused and confused.

The best way at this time is to find someone who can pass similar laws and ask for advice, but it is almost impossible here.

First, with the exception of people in the fairy world, most practitioners are very secretive about the basic principles of their cultivation, and will never tell others easily. When using the power of the law, they also cover up and use various methods to cover up. Everyone knows. Once this point is seen through, it is easy for others to find ways to restrain it.

Second, if it is not for good friendship, or for masters and disciples, very few people will give pointers to others. Others become true immortals, and it is not good for them.

"Elder Jian, what can you teach me?"

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "The emperor had already understood the law, what should be done?"

Old Jian was just helpless, "The Emperor Xuanyuan knew from his birth that all laws and avenues, no matter how difficult, would be inexplicable. I don't know anything. If I knew, I wouldn't have no transparent laws yet. "

Zhou Shu was speechless, he and Old Jian were actually almost the same now, they were stuck on the last layer of paper.

No one can ask for help, only on their own.

He smiled and continued to meditate. After a while, he felt dizzy and confused, and the sea of ​​consciousness had an inexplicable feeling of exploding.

This feeling is unprecedented.

It shocked him.

His talent is an important reason to support him to the present, the soul and consciousness are the top priority, if something goes wrong, it will be a big trouble.

The sea of ​​knowledge nowadays is already a vast and boundless forest, and it is a forest of single trees.

The main trunk in the middle is still tall and straight, like a ten thousand mountains, the infinite branches surrounding it are also tough and smooth, and the billions of leaves on the branches are lush and full of vitality.

Could it be that the problem lies at the root.

After examining the past carefully, he was surprised.

The tens of thousands of roots buried deep in the ground were originally like ginseng, with distinct roots, performing their duties and not infecting each other, but now they are intertwined and intertwined. Many of them are twisted into a twist-like pattern. The color of withered yellow has mostly lost the power to draw "water",

It can be seen that Zhou Shu's Soul Tree is a bit tired after it has been running for more than half a year.

On the surface, you can continue to work, but the roots are slowly declining. If this situation continues, the consequences will be disastrous.

Zhou Shu sighed secretly, he was still too eager.

How could it not be tired?

In order to see through the law, Shenxun Consciousness Sea is performing calculations to the maximum extent every day. The data he calculates in one day exceeds the past several times, and he is surpassing the limit every day, walking on the blade. This situation has been going on for more than half a year. , If you consider the constant calculation of the sea of ​​consciousness as a practitioner, and quantify it specifically, it means that you have been practicing continuously for almost two thousand years.

He calculated and deduced a day in the sea of ​​knowledge, which is almost equivalent to a few years of hard work for ordinary practitioners, and after deliberately increasing the intensity, a day is equivalent to more than ten years.

This is the reason why Zhou Shu can practice all kinds of tactics quickly. Others need to practice tens of thousands of times. He can actually use them in a day or two. He can also find out the loopholes and make up for them. Make a facelift.

In the past, he had never felt that this was a problem that needed attention. He was only proud of his special talent, but he didn't know the heavy workload day and night. Even if he had the ability, he couldn't stand it. Now he is obviously tired.

In this case ~www.ltnovel.com~ still thinks about the law of transparency, how can it be possible.

The accumulated large amount of soul fluid sprinkled on the ground like heavy rain, and quickly penetrated.

The land is extremely fertile and greedy, but many of the thick roots underneath are still yellow, even if the surrounding rain is moist, they are indifferent. High-intensity calculations make them exhausted and they can’t eat anything that is delivered to the mouth. .

However, some of the small roots on the side are still working hard to absorb. With their efforts, the withered yellow gradually has a color, and the big roots slowly start to move.

Zhou Shu secretly sighed. Fortunately, there was a warning in advance. If he didn't know it, he would continue to think hard, maybe it would be hopeless.

Now I can't go to search for intestines and scratch my brains to break through.

Today, Zhou Shu’s knowledge of the sea is like a computer that has never stopped. All kinds of messy things are stuffed up, which slows down the calculation speed. Even listening to a song is stuck on and off, and can’t do anything. The efficiency is extremely low. All you have to do is restart.

To restart the calculator, just press a button, and to restart Zhihai, you need a complete rest.

Empty the sea of ​​consciousness, thinking about nothing, forget everything, and let the sea of ​​consciousness fully recover.

Zhou Shu stood up, walked slowly to the edge of the spiritual field, and lay down on his back.

Old Jian looked at Zhou Shu, he didn't say what he wanted to say, and continued to think hard.

In fact, he didn't need to worry about anything. His efficiency was only a few tenths of Zhou Shu's, and he couldn't get tired anymore.

The street is still noisy, people in Zhibaoxuan come and go, Bai Kechen is happily busy, and smiles from time to time on the corner of his mouth. Such days are exactly what he expects, and maybe soon he will be favored by the supervisor of the city and help him become a real fairy. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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