Fairy Winner

Chapter 2145: Realized

I don’t know if I have passed w..lā

Zhou Shuteng stood up and swept into the quiet room in a few steps.

Without talking, holding the Wuhen sword, three times, the piece of fairy material in front of him turned into a portrait.

Old Jian was surprised, "What are you doing?"

Zhou Shu put down his sword, stared at the portrait, and said with some confusion, "I don't know, I got up and did it."

After clearing the sea of ​​knowledge, he didn't feel any concerns, but he had an inexplicable urge to get him up and do such a thing. Now it is strange to think about it.


Old Jian was also at a loss, just staring at the portrait, nodding secretly, "Who is this person?"

He has seen Yang Mei and others, but the portrait is not any of them.

Zhou Shu glanced at it, but also shook his head, "I don't know either."

The woman presented in the portrait is extremely beautiful. It can be described as unique, but it is by no means any person Zhou Shu knows. It seems that there are many people's shadows in it, but when you look carefully, it has nothing to do with them. Singular.

Is it the perfect woman in Zhou Shu's heart?

"How did I make it..."

Zhou Shu touched his chin and looked at this inexplicable portrait, thinking that something was wrong with restarting the sea of ​​knowledge, and that the sea of ​​knowledge was mixed with other people's memories.

It's not surprising that this kind of thing happened. He swallowed many souls and merged the memories of several people. They were all cleaned up at the time, but there is no guarantee that there will be no problems.

"I'm also surprised, how did you make it?"

Old Jian followed, but his tone was completely different, "It’s no different from a real person when it comes to life, and you only use less than ten breaths. This is an immortal! When you did the treasure, you made a simple one. It takes more than half an hour to make a round shape. What's wrong with you now?"

He looked at the portrait, his face changed.

Zhou Shu shocked when he heard the sound, and also changed color.

Who are you still thinking about? This is not the point at all!

The point is how he made it.

The material in front of him is immortal material. Before he used the Wuhen sword to deal with this immortal material, he tried his best to cut out a trace. After he has a better understanding of the law of gold, he has to sculpt and change, and it takes a lot of money. But now, it only took less than ten breaths!

It was done inexplicably, and naturally I didn't feel anything at all.

The two looked at each other, and the confusion in their eyes gradually changed into excitement and excitement.

"You got it."

Old Jian seemed to sigh, and he seemed to congratulate him, "Zhou Shu, I finally didn't waste time."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly and said slowly, "Yes, I didn't expect it to be this way."

Old Jian stared at him, his eyes gleaming, "Zhou Shu, how did you do it?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, and said, "I want to say, but I can't tell the reason."

Being able to sculpt immortal materials easily and treat them like paper, the only possibility is that Zhou Shu has thoroughly understood the law of gold. In his eyes, the materials of gold are really like paper. You can do whatever you want and how you want to do it. Just do it, let alone cutting and carving, even if you integrate yourself into the material, it is not a difficult task to perform the method of escape from the fairy material.

It was the same as Old Jian said, but it was inexplicably transparent.

But what is certain is that it is absolutely important to clear the impurities of the sea of ​​consciousness and let the tree of souls rest completely. Only when there is no pressure and no goals, can we understand the essence of things and comprehend. The true meaning of the law.

"Sleeping for more than ten days may be really useful. The so-called harmony between man and nature, then I will try it."

Master Jian knew that Zhou Shu wouldn't lie to him, so he only clicked a sword and flew towards the spiritual field, lying horizontally in the field, and wanted to draw a gourd in the same way.

Zhou Shu didn't care about him, so he put away all the immortal materials, temporarily not using them, but when Zhou Shu's skills improve, these immortal materials can become immortal artifacts, there are three or five pieces.

The simplest goal is completed, the next one is the hardest.

Water law.

It was the most awake and motivated time, of course, he had to strike while the iron was hot. After that, Zhou Shu was not in a hurry.

The Wuhen Sword still needs great use, but with the experience of Jinxing, obviously, it is also imperative to find some suitable water-based materials. If possible, it is best to change to some water-based immortal materials.

Slowly walked to the outer hall.

Seeing Zhou Shu, Bai Kechen hurriedly came to salute and whispered, "Master Xuan."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Manager Bai, it's been good these days, is there anyone making trouble?"

Bai Kechen showed some respect, "Last time it was a few small thieves who didn't open their eyes. It's nothing. They gave me a severe lesson and they all went to the Heavenly Tribulation Pillar. Now, where else would anyone dare to come? Who doesn't know, Zhibao Xuan can't be offended, there is a big man behind him."

Bai Kechen was promoted to the general manager and was also the principal of Zhibaoxuan. Most people only knew General Manager Bai but did not know the Chief Zhou Xuan.

In Zhibaoxuan, when Bai Kechen called Zhou Shu, he deliberately did not let outsiders know that Zhou Shu was the master of Zhibaoxuan.

Zhou Shu tacitly agreed. After Chang Tian joined, he didn’t want to be involved. The less people knew, the better. He simply delegated power to Bai Kechen and asked him to show up as the manager. Bai Kechen’s status was elevated and he enjoyed it. It was also true to Zhou Shu. A bit more loyal. Of course, what he deserves more loyalty is his strength. It's Changtian~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu looked up. There were a lot of guests in the hall, and there were several familiar faces among them.

There are array screens to hide, they cannot see Zhou Shu behind, but Zhou Shu can see them.

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "Yes, with Manager Bai taking care of me, I don't have to worry about it at all."

"Where and where."

Bai Kechen just shook his head with a smile on his face, but he was very contented in his heart.

Zhou Shu seemed to say casually, "Manager, how many immortal stones do we have now?"

Bai Kechen paused, "After working together for nine months, there was basically no business in the first three months, and it got better later. In fact, the profit is not very much..."

Zhou Shu was slightly displeased, "How much do you have in your hand? Can you use it."

Seeing Zhou Shu’s look, Bai Kechen said hurriedly, “The only thing that can be used now is 370,000 immortal stones, which is our Zhibaoxuan’s profit over the past nine months. In fact, there is still a fortune of 400,000 yuan, but the Master of Supervision has to next The payment can only be settled by the month, and it has not yet arrived."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Did you deduct the prisoners and the rent of the shop?"

Bai Kechen said slowly, "It has been deducted, and the rent has also been removed."

Zhou Shu paused, "Give me 300,000 first."


Bai Kechen nodded, slandered in his heart, and went to the back room.

Zhou Shu ignored him, so I only took money, what's wrong.

I only secretly said in my heart that if you count this, there will be a profit of 5 million immortal stones in nine months, which is not much in a first-class store, but Zhibaoxuan has just started, and there are not many true immortals here yet. When the people from He came over, the profit would have to be doubled seven or eight times, that is, the business of 40-50 million immortal stones a year, no wonder Chang Tian must work hard at Zhibaoxuan. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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